You have to be a low iq nigger to enjoy this music.
>comparing classical music to jazz
as opposed to NSBM and Oi!, which are bastions for intellectualism in contemporary music..
Isn't /pol/'s favorite band Sabaton?
Fuck outta here, you're only treating Jazz as "degenerate garbage" because it's an invention of black culture.
>taking /pol/ seriously on anything
they know less about art than they do about politics
Hating jazz is cultural marxism though. Haven't you heard what Adorno said?
Fuck off
t.amerimutt jazzniggers
/pol/ discussing music is the embarrassing thing on Yea Forums.
>uhh I quote everybody in thread and call them niggers, that way I don't have to face the reality of me being a fucking loser! xD
Go back to /pol/
Honestly any board where music is discussed makes me cringe for some reason. But for some reason /pol/ is the worst. /pol/ and Yea Forums.
>not one person in this thread is able to refute what /pol/ is saying
u can't make this shit up lmao
jazz will be forgotten like all modern music.
Remember that jazzfags.
The points were already refuted in the thread.
>still not able to refute the points
amazing lol
>The points were already refuted in the thread.
What point? OP's image is an opinion. There's nothing to refute. This is a troll thread created to piss people off. There's nothing to discuss.
not an argument, libtard
all modern music is garbage. only classical music stands the time.
american niggers will never understand this.
>not one person is refuting the bait
KYS /pol/nigger
>the music is always at a beginning, never going anywhere
Just because you can't find subtle changes in the structure of the piece doesn't mean it's not structured. Also, why does music have to have a beginning, middle, and end? Does life? Not really, unless you think of it like being born=beginning, death=end. Music does not have to have a plot like the anime OSTs that guy so certainly listens to, and I'm sure if you asked him to name his favorite classical piece he would say "that one by Mozart."
>the meandering, go, nowhere sound
>so much emphasis on tonal harmony
This is someone stuck a century and a half in the past
/pol/ and Yea Forums dont like your degenerate music.
jazz will never be as good as classical.
fuck off, you don't speak for Yea Forums
keep defending your soulless anti-beauty music.
and no Yea Forums doesnt like jazz.
That's an embarrassing post
Yea Forums isn't one person you dumb /pol/lack. Go jerk off to some classical music
What about jazz is soulless and anti-beauty. Don't let your lack of knowledge about harmony mislead you.
That this guy can even keep making this thread every day shows you how shit Yea Forums has become.
It's schizophrenic music, loud for loudness sake. Compare any piece to a Bach composition and it's like two different worlds of art.
jazz is only intellectually questioned because black people were primarily involved with it
furthermore, 'classical' music is not one genre, just as 'jazz' is not one genre. the stupidity of the /pol/tard causes him to go blank in the tiny brain that he has when you mention the differences between classical genres like baroque and romantic. don't even get started on the differences between jazz genres like bebop and funk, you might kill him. its also worth noting that jazz has only existed for ~110+ years, while classical has existed as for over 400
On that particular topic (jazz being a tool of 'castration'), Adorno was right. People misunderstand him, though. What he's saying is that mass-culture in general had become a tool of capitalist "technocratic rationality" or "technical rationality" in which the "culture industry" created a simulation of art which was specifically designed to serve the goals of the power system by replacing "real" art with carefully-managed products that kept consumers docile.
However, to appear credible as "art," the culture industry had to make it appear individualized, when in fact, it was very mechanistically patterned. Adorno called this "pseudo-individuation."
He saw jazz as being very much psuedo-individuated. Although its form and content was quite regimented, jazz insisted that its own basis was one of "improvisation." Adorno felt that this was a huge lie.
He said that jazz held out the promise of rebellion and hedonism to its listeners, but in fact, these dangerous impulses were neutered - "castrated," as he sometimes said - by the culture industry's system of technocratic management. If "rebellion" becomes "jazz" rather than something more substantive, the entrenched powers within the economic order are better-able to protect their positions.
He wrote hundreds of pages about this stuff and went into all kinds of weird digressions, but that was his basic premise a lot of the time.