what the fuck is she waiting for to drop an album jesus christ
What the fuck is she waiting for to drop an album jesus christ
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there are already threads faggot, lrn2catalog
You can't rush perfection.
fuck off
have sex
almost ready, user
>hurr, i cannot figure out how to use an imageboard, and im pissy about it
it's going to suck isn't it
No, it's going to be AOTY. Grimes never disappoints.
yes, she actually does
Halafaxa already exists I don't need another one
It's going to get bad reviews because
A: it expects an ability to play with ideas that most pop critics have never possessed
B: Elon
They'll make out that doing an album from the point of view of climate change as an anthropomorphic villain is no longer open to her because fucking Elon Musk makes her an actual villain. Then when she releases the second album she's been working on at the same time, they'll imply that somehow she's been saved by their dire warnings. Especially if she breaks up with Musk.
You love it so much you misspelled its title. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM
its going to get bad reviews because
a- she peaked on visions, its pretty much over
b- see a
she too busy takin that good musk cock
Never happened to me, I enjoy all her songs. Listening to WAP, Pretty Dark and пpинцecca every day.
It's going to be the worst record in recent memory, desu. She is surrounded by nothing but enablers and she is absolutely loaded on K out of her fucking skull 99% of the time. Plus the recent photos with track-marks don't bode well. Rarely is there an artist who is so narcissistic, and also has the means to tell everyone to totally fuck off. She has the opportunity to sink to lows we have not seen recently, and she will and then will blame everyone around her. There will be an amazing Grimes tell-all book one day.
how can you be so sure she peaked with visions? also why do you imply an artist can't release good music after a peak? what about multiple peaks (grimes' 4 albums)?
>she's useless
>there will be a book about her one day
seriously though she’s been teasing this album for like what, 3 years?
you're just hating her because she doesn't do what you expected. the joke's on you, hater. mark my words: her new album will not get a metascore rating under 80.
Where did I say she is useless? There are hundreds of music books about absolutely coked out and insane musicians, that's literally the best way to get a book written about you.
It's tragic that you're still posting this kind of thing seven years after she ditched your crummy hobby label, dude. Move on with your life.
he's just a dumb troll. even him can't make up his mind about grimes.
That's not significant. There is no music criticism anymore as every publication only aims to sell advertising, and as soon as you turn someone away, you stop getting the clicks that give them their internet bux. Critical scores mean shit. Most music is bad. Fact.
she'll never have enough interest around her to warrant a book, but that's just what i think
She's been working on it, and keeping her fans posted on her progress. That's how things are in the age of Twitter.
I'm not a troll and I don't run some label she was on as claims. I liked Visions and Art Angels was pretty good for being a total coke record. But we hit peak Grimes. Of course, I doubt any of you care since Claire is your waifu or whatever. Oh I'm sorry, was I supposed to indulge and call her c? my bad.
>edgy opinions
you just don't like the critics. it doesn't mean your opinion is relevant. like it or not, people still care about an album's critical status.
that's a crap opinion. you can't prove your points at all, especially
>we hit peak Grimes
t.does not understand the word 'peak'
>Art Angels was pretty good for being a total coke record
You see, it's this kind of thing that gives you away. You know that Visions was far more of a speed record than AA was a coke record, but only AA gets slammed by association with drugs. Why? Because your label had a piece of Visions. You're the loser of all time, dude, give it up.
whatever you say, seb cowan
blame that on 4ad aka shit label
not an argument. there could be multiple peaks.
I actually do like critics, but most big name pubs do not have critics any longer, they have reviewers at best, and the editors are not allowed to let ad revenue go out the door. Hence you get some so risque as Pitchfork going in on Greta Van Fleet, as if anyone who read Pitchfork was ever going to like GVF. Total pose and safe bet. Let me know when they call Bradford Cox, or Will Toledo, or any other two-bit indie hack what they really are.
>most big name pubs do not have critics any longer
They never did. Have you only just noticed that all rock criticism is advertising copy? Fuck's sake
she peaked. Singular. One Peak
everything since then does not live up. Peak, and near a peak is a cliff.
Said the disgruntled shitty label owner.
wrong. she peaked with visions, then with art angels and maybe with the new one. you just don't like her music post-visions.
thats teh other user that you have accused of that
are you trying to say we all look the same to you?
why do you think he owns a label lmao
>you just don't like her music post-visions.
that took you how many posts to suss?
bet dude
>There will be an amazing Grimes tell-all book one day.
It'll be pretty slim though, as you haven't had dealings with her since 2012. When you put her on a touring schedule that required high speed use to even meet, because you were an incompetent out of your depth when suddenly and unexpectedly dealing with an artist whose music people really wanted to hear. Love how every drug except speed is to blame, according to you. Kill yourself.
its like fatboy calling everyone monty. when you run out of arguments, start name-calling.
Because he's coming out with pseudo-insider shit, and thinks only the albums he has a piece of are any good.
>pseudo-insider shit
i did? where?
I'm not who you think I am. and I don't even follow Grimes closely enough to understand whoever you're referencing. Who are you talking about? I don't know anything about her career pre-visions really.
But you're sure she's on K most of the time?
thats three separate anons you have accused of owning a label.
>I someone else
Make up your mind how much you know about her, passing stranger.
I just know what I hear from talking with writers. I don't know any label people. Sorry.
More than one of us is saying that.
Also, whether she is on K or not is irrelevant, I do think she sucks despite having two pretty good records, so I'm just going to slander her instead, it's more fun.
more than one of you is flailing pathetically
part of her dom/sub play with elon is him not letting her release the album until he gets another 15 minutes of buzz again
Don't talk fucking nonsense, we know who you are you creep.
Like I'm going to fucking narc on gossip to some fucking schizo who accused 4 different user's of being some former label owner or some shit? Are you out of your fucking mind?
you dont seem to know anything. just flailing ..
We know who you are.
We know who you are.
wtf is that ableton 8
>4 different user's
How did you know how many people...
... you were pretending to be?
everyone has a different 'voice'
if you werent a retard you would be able to tell....
just flailing
just stfu
>tee hee, if I make arbitrary punctuation errors it will look like I'm someone else
Those of us who post on Yea Forums regularly figured this one out long ago. You think it's a new idea because you only come here to spit venom when Grimes has a new release out.
whatever you need to tell yourself
We also worked out the "use different machines and IPs" thing many years ago.
It will probably be a good album, but it's ruined because she is not a good person. I saw the cringe texts between her and azelia banks, and I'm done with her as a person. She is lady gaga 2.0 , and just as washed up and done.
whatever you need to tell yourself
those are fake texts, fool
and you can prove that?
>he actually believed this was real
omg, omg, i didnt think this would actually happen, i am so excited to publicly mock and ridicule you for hours now lmao omg this is too good to be true
These are hilariously fake, but who the fuck is Paul?
Grimes is spoiled neo-liberal scum live action role playing as an art hoe. Azealia said spending time at musk's house was like the movie Get Out, and i don't doubt it for a moment.
Who is Paul?
oh is this what you were talking about
okay, okay, i took a second and caught my breath, laughing irl so hard lmao
were you dropped on your head you absolute mongoloid? you byproduct of a broken condom should've been flushed from the womb
hahaha oh wow, and i bet he STILL thinks this was real, what an embarrassment!
>Azealia said spending time at musk's house was like the movie Get Out, and i don't doubt it for a moment.
Why is that a bad thing?
Oh also,
>spoiled neo-liberal scum live action role playing as an art hoe
Name me some working class, Communist "art hoes". "Bourgeois girl gone haywire" IS the persona, has been ever since Kate Bush invented it. Ironically, her parents were pretty Bohemian compared to those who followed her, but she never pretended to be proletarian, and nor have the rest of them.
still hasnt been proven false
Why is it so hard for you to accept your waifu sucks?
I used to like her too, but she is toast. Next!
This is another fake one, classic.
obviously elon and grimes will deny it....they have a vested interest in lying. Azealia doesn't...she is just in it for the lulz.
i was asking waifufag to prove the texts are fake
Only one of the screenshots in this thread is real.
>your waifu sucks?
I don't even like Grimes, the mayo bitch, but at least I'm not the absolute mental failure parading around a bunch of lazy fakes
[citation needed]
which one? i knew just about all of these are but i dont recognize which one is real
you can't prove their fake by any other measure than "muh feelings" and "muh waifu wudent lie."
not that user, but why don't you prove they're real? surely someone has corroborated that they're real
>you can't prove their fake
shouldn't there be proof they're real instead? we all know anybody with access to a computer could whip up an image claiming to be a text exchange between two people, that's entirely within the realm of possibility, but doesn't anything verify their legitimacy?
Why is Grimes so controversial here?
same reason why lauren southern is controversial on /pol/
why are you defending this cunt? The exchange seems plausible enough to me, and in line with both of their personalities. it's not a huge leap to assume they are authentic. You just don't like it because it puts your waifu in a bad light. Go spend your time and energy defending something better.
grimes would never make fun of fat people
this verifies that grimes invited banks to elons house.she posted a bunch of stuff to her instagram and then had to take them down over legal threats from elon
>“They paid an attorney off to take my phone and delete evidence,” she wrote. “I just want me phone back with all of my quality nudes on it, and I want to go [bleeping] home.”
you got anything disproving them yet?
idk, anorexic people can be really fat phobic when they have body dysmorphia. She probably thinks anyone over BMI 18 is fat, because that is as heavy as she will let herself get. However, that's not hard to archive when you do amphetamine salts regularly..
>I used to like her too, but she is toast. Next!
Not a big loss for fanbase. You were never a real fan anyway.
>You never liked me anyway. (c) Grimes
like she wouldnt say bad things about transexuals?
no one knew sophie was a transexual at that time
This one
The big clue is that it sounds like a real convo between two women, and not an insult contest between two male chantards.
I liked her music fine, and she is decently talented. Her next album will probably be fine.
I just accept she has a trash personality.
that was a pretty intolerant assumption that grimes made
How does have a trash personality? All she's done is fuck a guy who has more money than you, you idiot. Unless you're counting "uses drugs" as a trash personality, in which case every creative person ever has had a trash personality except the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
mormons are pretty trash user
proof they're fake?
cope harder incel waifufaggot
SOPHIE was very mysterious, and people had been burned by the art prank aspects of PC Music. It was a very painful coming-out, and nobody can be blamed for not having understood what was happening.
She is a cringy rich white girl trying to to tokenize Azeala Banks, and got called out on it.
Didn't say they weren't, I was just going with user's apparent criteria.
claiming ignorance is an excuse now?
grimes made assumptions and said something shitty based on incorrect assumptions. its documented
>she is not a good person
she is anti-trump, so she is good
>I saw the cringe texts between her and azelia banks
personal texts are not meant for public eyes
if you saw leaked text messages of your favourite artist chatting with azealia banks you would cringe too
shut up, she's a real musician and a geek alright?
but probably wouldn't sperg claiming them to be false and refuse to back up the claim
>proof they're fake?
they're coming from azealia banks
She was trying to save a pariah from being on the rubbish heap. She failed, because Banks's will to be the black Roseanne Barr is stronger than anyone's patience. Because she thought Grimes was being tokenistic, she's now the Candace Owens of hip hop. Great job *slow clap*
Grimes and musk are bigger liars than azealia ever was.
Don't meme about this, it's interesting how the SOPHIE thing developed. SOPHIE looked like a male ventriloquizing female voices, like PC Music. It wasn't obviously a trans situation.
The typeface is totally wrong on most of them.
[citation needed]
Roseanne Barr? She is more like an even less likable Kanye West. She hates on everyone and everything, and has a humongous ego.
/our girl/
>“The one thing I’ll say is just don’t believe everything you read. Just because people wrote about it does not mean it’s fucking true.”
Azealia Banks is hot, and a very proud black woman. I hope Elon cheats on Grimes with her. That would be funny.
Yeah, I didn’t believe that when I read it. Sounded too much like a permanent excuse for saying stupid shit
I’m not memeing, whatever Sophie was up too, Grimes was obviously intolerant of
Weirdly, that was what Azealia seemed to be trying to arrange, after calling Elon a weird racist and mocking his low tolerance for drugs. Which is the proof she's a crazy, really. "You fucking suck, you seem retarded, you creepy bitch, hit me up sugar".
Actual proof
No... nobody knew what was happening. That's the point. This was at a time when trans people were simply coming out as trans. SOPHIE didn't.
You would be surprised, doing that sometimes works.
either trolling or paid shill (i won't be surprised if AB has really paid for that)
>I hope Elon cheats on Grimes with her.
Never in his fucking life.
She should start PUA classes for women.
The thing is, wasn't it after posting this that she seemed to be trying to hook up with him?
she's not wrong.
yes she is a bipolar whore
So it would be ok for grimes to say a transvestite is “fucked up”?
The point is that grimes shot her mouth off without knowing anything,
More than that she is a professional troll...
She is not stupid, she knows what she is doing, and she only does things that are funny/fun for her.
SOPHIE hadn't done any in-person appearances, videos etc. yet.
This is what's sad, she was given a career opportunity and turned into the drunk who decides to wake all your neighbors up in revenge for having been ejected from your house.
Would it be ok for grimes to say a transvestite is “fucked up”
But she isn’t wrong
She did nothing remotely analogous to that. This is pointless.
lol ur dumb
She said Sophie was fucked up
Does it matter what specifically Sophie was up to? Grimey didn’t care what Sophie was doing, she just shot her mouth off
>“It’s really fucked up to call yourself SOPHIE and pretend you’re a girl when you’re a male producer [and] there are so few female producers…I think it’s really good music. I probably shouldn’t have said that.”
lrn2google dumbass
Why bother doing this? Everyone knows it was an innocent mistake, caused in part by SOPHIE's difficulty in coming out.