he mad lol
He mad lol
says the guy who literally whines about every thing that is currently trendy to whine about
based Chris
Of course he is, it threatens his YouTube bux. It's the only thing this dude fucking cares about and it's beyond transparent.
I rate your filthy ape pussy a light 5!
>le ironic twitter name
how old is this guy again?
fuck hamturkey fagtardo
nuH ActUaLlY he REallY cArEs AbOUT SoCiAL issuEs HeS VERY aWaRe AnD eDuCaTEd
but he ARTICULATES!!! he DESCRIBES things using ADJECTIVES!!!!
It's funny because he comes here and reads most of it.
Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit
I bet fantano gets a hate boner reading these threads the dirty fuck
He low key acknowledged that there are faggots who base their music taste on his opinions
physically: 30-something years old
mentally: an autistic 14-year old high school freshman who had spent his entire childhood eating paint chips
and that’s good thing!
I think he stopped coming after the daughters review, got too salty about we trashing his taste
lol why wouldn't he?
by the looks of it, he probably gets off on the fact that he's (unfortunately) become this grand influence on the minds of impressionable zoomers & how they view/listen to music altogether
>#1 billie eilish fan acct
dont kill yourself user, kill whoever made the thread.
Make it your goal to hunt them down and kill them slowly and cruelly as an example to the others
it would be more productive
There is nothing wrong with finding music from critics. You will likely settle on the same things you like anyway.
Whining about whining about this is becoming more annoying than what you're whining a bout whining about whining about whining abvoutwhining about whini about whining about whining about whinngi about whining about whining about whining about whining about whining about whining about whining about
I mean, Fagtano isn't wrong here, it's almost universal that reaction towards something annoying becomes more annoying than the original thing. just look at Undertale; I can name on my hand the number of times I've encountered a rabid fan who made me cringe, but I've lost count of the number of times I've cringed at someone making some retarded "lol undertal is wors gam ever" thing, and the same goes for Fagtano and his drones. let them be, you're only acting like a bigger autist by getting triggered over their existence
its honestly not
i dont have a problem with fantano at all but his fucking drones are the worst, whatever he rates an album generally fucks with the score on RYM, its like dude come up with your opinions lol
He is a fucking loser. He spends literally all day on youtube and twitter. No wonder he is fat.
all of these are almost certainly him
so we can agree that everyone is retarded, just fagtano is publicly retarded (for our entertainment)
normally I'd disagree, but fantano is such a attention seeking fag I wouldn't be surprised
That's unironically true though. I see so much more whinging about Fantano and "the Fantano effect" on here and on RYM that people actually endorsing theneedledrop. Who the fuck cares, he's just some bald asshole with opinions
And pulling these stupid fucking rules and dogmas out of your ass is the most annoying thing of all.
>All these rules and dogmas
I only said one: reaction annoyance > action annoyance. you could try arguing against it, or you could imply that you can't by strawmanning me, but either way, whatever, you do you
kys for paying any kind of attention to rym comments, seriously what a waste of sperm.