ITT, the state you live in and if you support abortion rights if roe vs wade is overturned

ITT, the state you live in and if you support abortion rights if roe vs wade is overturned.

me: michigan, pro-life - restrict abortion

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Who cares, abortion is the womens choice, not by law!

>pro-life - restrict abortion
enjoy your piss poor niggers

California: pro-life, abortion restricted to rape, immediate birth complications, and certain extremely debilitating diseases that I’d wish on no one

Not all of Michigan is Detroit retard

It's her choice to commit infanticide and go to jail

most abortions are by low income individuals…so he’s saying this new law will see a spike in Africa Americans because they tend to be on the lower scale of the income ladder

When the niggers start turbo spawning because they can no longer have abortions, it will be. It will be.

NJ: don't care

I think abortion should be mandatory for poor people and stupid people.
State of BASED

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Mississippi. Ideally I'd be pro-life, but realistically abortion is the most humane way to weed out drains on society since you can abort while it's a mindless clump of cells. The kind of parent that would abort the baby will otherwise raise a retarded drain on society and tax dollars, as do orphanages. Better to save resources for those who are already alive and born.

Here’s what I don’t understand about the whole “abortion is okay if it’s a rape baby”. What’s the difference between a rape baby and an oops baby? The rape baby didn’t rape the woman why does it have to die but the oops baby gets to live? I’m not trying to gotcha or anything I’m legit asking.

So that you don't have a baby that's genetically predispositioned to be a rapist.

CA, pro-choice up until 8-12 weeks. Life starts at conception, but the issue isn't life, it's human. An organism the size of a grain of rice is not a human.

>State of BASED


This user has a functioning brain.

MA pro choice. Idgaf about a fetus. It has no connections in this world. If the mother is able to make that very hard decision herself, it’s nobody’s business to stop her.

pro choice/whatever
i dont care who or what lives or dies i just want everyone to shut the fuck up

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I cant really fathom how abortion is a debate at all. Contraception exists, and if it fails you should have options. If there is an assault a woman should have options. If neither of these things apply, then that person is retarded and should be shamed for being retarded, but should have options.

No, it’s her choice to commit “infanticide” via drinking, self harm, a coat hanger, throwing herself down a flight of stairs, etc. etc. and feeling terrible knowing that she had to behave like an animal when proper medical care was available but the government decided her baby was important enough to be born, but then stops giving a fuck if it’s suffering the moment it exits the mother.

Part of the reason I’m pro life is because you were clearly better off in the dumpster of a planned parenthood.

Sc, mandatory abortions for all blacks and mexicans only.

Pro choice

Abortion gets rid of the Idiocracy that can't be bothered to use condoms and birth control. Also, it gets rid of people who never had any reproductive drive, only sex drive. That will reduce the number of abusive and neglectful parents who just wish they were back in their childfree life, and take their resentment out on their children.

Indiana. Open drive through abortion clinics on tax payer dollars.

>i just want everyone to shut the fuck up
y did i laff

I would agree with that as well, for Florida. Having the Idiocracy aborted is cheaper than having more of the Idiocracy farting out more idiots.

yeah both are wrong, the fact the woman was raped does not justify her killing the baby, we all know its just a leftist subversive argument

Rapists have trash DNA. They should have earned permission to reproduce, but couldn't. They stole it instead. By aborting, trash DNA is being aborted.

When you allow unborn children to be murdered, how can you expect to be taken seriously with any issue concerning morality. I am not sure what globo is up to, perhaps they are finally waking up to the reality that they have went too far but you can bet that Roe v Wade will not be over turned and this is likely nothing more than an effort to continue their endless provocation campaign.

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All of those are illegal too, there's no humane way of committing infanticide. There are more parents willing to adopt than kids up for adoption. If you think that killing your child with a coat hanger is better than putting them up for adoption, you deserve to rot in prison.

Go look in the US foster system if you think so. Plus, if they are black babies, they have it even worse.

>Eugenics is bad but only when the Nazi's do it

Thank god i don't live in muttland

Me too. Where are you from? Dane here.

Not sure how that justifies killing them

Because not existing is better than that kind of life. Benetar is awesome.

arizona - pro choice. dont restrict abortion

At least she got to choose to not have it. There are voluntary and involuntary eugenics. People who choose the childfree life because their DNA sucks, or they know they would be shitty parents commit it voluntarily.

Colorado - pro life, but also libertarian… so it shouldn’t be law at a federal level regardless.

Funny to me when i take a step back and see conservatives striving to take away freedom and libs disregard the most vulnerable lives possible.

>rape baby born
>foster shit
>grows up

Kids up for adoption in the US have it a lot better than kids in 3rd world countries. Just because they have it worse than you doesn't mean that you get to decide whether or not they live.

3rd world food aid was a mistake. It just keeps them shitting out more kids, rather than going infertile from hunger.

>have it alot better
so much so that they end up robbing their first bank at 14

the government has no logical or moral standing to actually criminalize abortions. anyone morally opposed to abortions can simply choose not to ever have one, and to suggest or convince others to not have them as well, but that's the limit of their due influence. to force the issue, especially from a conservative stance on the government's role in its citizens' lives, is to introduce an unfortunate inconsistency in your position. you're fine with the government limiting other peoples' rights, but only as long as they're rights you can't or wouldn't exercise yourself.

It's still incentivized. It's fucked that they market it as a form of "bodily autonomy" when the government doesn't care about that. Seems nihilistic to allow parents to have their kids killed in order to reduce their potential burden on the state.

ywnbaw kys

Arizona. Pro Choice. Life isn't a miracle. We know exactly what it is and how it works. If you aren't ready, you're just allowing another fucked up kid to be born into this fucked up world. Stop with the "but it's a life" bullshit. So is bacteria. So is a virus. So is a pedophile. You still flush, you still vaccinate, and you still execute. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

ywnbaw kys

anyone arguing against this is a tranny

viruses arent living things

ywnbaw kys immediately

>I won't be having kids anyway because I'm a suicidal tranny

>Overabundance of unwanted babies
>Adoption requirements loosened to deal with the glut of abandoned kids
>Guys like me can finally start our harems
I literally see no downside

Washington: Don't care. I've never even met someone who has had an abortion. It doesn't matter to/affect me.
This also makes sense.

i didnt say i disagreed, i just said viruses werent living organisms.

You fucktard turbo nigger gen z/millenial scum are fail

Someone else's sex life isn't your business


Nebraska, against. Roe v. Wade is used in defense of bodily autonomy, and weather or not you consent to have your DNA and medical identity used against you in the court of law. You wouldn't be respected the privacy of testing the hookers' condom against your match, given you haven't given them a reason to suspect you've killed her.

>hates niggers
>supports law that will make more poor niggers
magat logic

Women who get abortions need to fucking pay for them. Period. Anyone who disagrees with this needs to be fucking gassed.

Jesus Christ you are fucking retarded

Are you a poli sci student scraping together a last minute project?

Tbh I’ve used Yea Forums as a data collection vehicle but just fudged methods sections to omit the exact website


> It doesn't matter to/affect me.

The trouble with this attitude is that Roe V Wade is far less about abortion than you may think. The way it was successfully defended is on the grounds that, even though there's no officially passed legal framework that did the normal rounds a bill must to become law formally, that it is a matter of American cultural expectation to have access to this service.

See, the problem with just hamfistedly striking down Roe V Wade is that you're inherently striking down the PRECEDENT that it was defended under. And this one is shockingly broad. You would be surprised to learn how many "rights" you think you have that don't appear ANYWHERE in the constitution, but only exist as loose "defacto" courtprecedents based on said cultural expectations. These are referred to as unenumerated rights. Among others, they include your "right" to free travel, which is something we have always taken for granted but which is surprisingly rare throughout history.

If you don't care about abortion, or even if you're opposed to it, you should STILL be in favor of preserving Roe V Wade specifically because doing so preserves the single most influential court precedent outlining unenumerated rights in modern history. Without it, ANY wack-o ideologue, some of whom you will agree with, some you DEFINITELY won't, can remove a TON of your personal liberties. Defeat Roe V Wade in congress, with bills directly outlawing it. Don't support this nonsensical court decision to unilaterally open the door for a variety of judicial overstep literally never-before seen in this nation.

Today it may be YOUR pet belief, but tomorrow it WILL be someone else's, and it may target you specifically!

Simmer down, Stew

States rights vs federal, if there is at least an argument that a fetus is a human, states have the rights to defend the life of that fetus, insofar as the federal cant dent its humanity

>states have the rights to defend the life of that fetus,

False. No such right exists

Life liberty pursuit of property
Read the first word

>Someone else's sex life isn't your business
Then why do my tax dollars have to pay for their 'oopsie'?

That's the Declaration of Independence you fucking illiterate nigger.