What do cheaters listen to?

What do cheaters listen to?

Attached: MV5BZjJhMDY0NGItNmFhYi00YTc4LTliZDgtNzFlYzMwZjU4MzgyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjg3MTUzMzY@._V1_UY268_CR43,0,18 (182x268, 7K)

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Who would have ever throught fuckin Jared of all people would have some big scandal? He plays it so straight laced, even his humor is pretty subdued.
Fucking hilarious.

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He's next

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it's usually always those types of guys who turn out to be the weirdos

my childhood has already taken enough of a beating. i don't need any more pain

*zooms behind you*
like comment subscribe, kid

If this happens Ill actually be a little upset and I think his content is shittier

The people with the perfect image are always the worst abusers. They can get away with a lot of shit because nobody believes they did it. Or they think that they are above others and the other people deserve it.


>male feminist turns out to be a cheating asshole

This guy fucking sucks. I don't understand why people like his shit

firsthand experience

wha happen? i remember his guy on hard news back in 2011 and though he was actually likeable stoped following video game news back in 2013.

Post that cosplay pic

i'll be sad when that happens. i loved his vids when i was younger.

he cheated on his wife and also sent nudes to underage fans

Cheated on his wife with his good friend's fiance and solicited nudes from minors

this dude could be a chad if he dropped the justin bieber haircut and shaved that horrid beard


When’d he say he was a feminist?

He makes childrens content desu and a lot of up people grew up watching him. Yeah its shit now but if he turned out to be an abuser that would hit pretty hard

we really should have seen this coming

the dude definitely cheated, its just the pedo shit thats alleged

like zoinks scoob

I know I didn't allegedly see Jared's fucked up dick


then why the fuck aren't we witch hunting the bitch too?

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has a body positive image board. Poopoo’d jontron when he said some barely right of center things

still a based song