Suck it libtards! Guess you won't be allowed to go around murdering babies anymore. Too bad so sad!

Suck it libtards! Guess you won't be allowed to go around murdering babies anymore. Too bad so sad!

The day Roe v Wade is overturned is a day for celebration across America. No more babies will needlessly lose their lives for no good reason.

God bless America for finally doing the right thing about abortion

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My man, if you're actually american, I want you to remember this moment, in about 30 years if crime spikes and you're upset about costs of property and goods. I want you to remember the price you're paying just to "own the libz"

Fucking idiots, earth is at max capacity, this world is going to shit and you hillbillies want more kids, for what? When they grow up they will resent you and will take you to a care facility and forget about you

>earth is at max capacity
Overpopulation is a Jewish hoax to keep white birth rates down.

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Thats why we have to start to ethnically cleanse these pajeets and niggers from Africa, they breed like rabbits

>Indian women has 7-8 children
>Ignored by the media
>White woman has 2-3 children
>Overpopulation! You are killing this planet and hurting nature!!!

It won't make it illegal. It just gives the power back to the states to decide. Like it was always ment to be.


there isnt a single state in america with more than 30% support for banning abortion yet the so called conservatives who cry all day about the government being hands off and muh freedoms are actually pretending to support this

Why does it seem that the people with the lowest IQ are the ones that have the most children?

Cuntaervatives cheer as they throw fuel onto a burning world

Most states are going to outlaw abortion and punish those seeking abortion in "safe" states. It effectively will be illegal in the USA as it should be.

Then we take back the house, senate, and WH and make it illegal across the entire USA no matter what.

Democrats will not be able to murder babies much longer. It will be completely banned

i wAnT fReEdOm fReDOm FrEdOm oh but don’t make a choice about your own body. “Conservatives” are so fucking stupid. Quit being extremists and actually do something for once you plebs

You dont have the freedom to murder another human dipshit

Since Roe was handed down 49 years ago, "pro-lifers" in the US have committed:
-11 murders
-26 attempted murders
-4 kidnappings
-42 bombings
-667 bomb threats
-100 butyric acid attacks
-189 arsons
-663 Anthrax /bioterrorism threats


Can it exist on its own outside of a host? No? Okay it’s not a baby. It’s a parasitic embryo. Say something when your non existent wife doesn’t want to have your kids so she shoves a fucking vacuum up her nasty ass pussy and kills herself in the process of trying to rid herself of any evidence she ever fornicated with such a disgusting homunculus lmfao take this to /pol you fucking faggots

This Alito draft opinion on abortion is the biggest, most reckless *expansion of government power* America has seen in generations. It puts the government in control of human bodies in a dystopic way self-described small-government conservatives should find odious and terrifying.

This might be where the US stops developing and stagnates, they had a good run but everything is kinda starting to be pushed to it's limits now, and this is a step that will set the US decades back.

Some decades from now we'll look back at these years as where things all went south.

This. True conservatives should be appalled by the “slippery slope” against healthcare freedom. This is every bit as bad as Obamacare.

all they care about is "owning the libtards" and making them "seethe" they have no real policy even when it goes against their own interests


It already ended a long time ago

>>Indian women has 7-8 children
>>Ignored by the media
>>White woman has 2-3 children
>>Overpopulation! You are killing this planet and hurting nature!!!
indian reproduction rate is 2.2
russian 1.8
israeli 3


So great. think of all the black and brown babies decades from now. The white race is FUCKED.

Murder isn't healthcare moron

India is a fucking shit hole what are you talking about? Everyone wants to leave India not move there because it’s disgustingly overpopulated.

>won't be allowed to go around murdering babies anymore

Nigger babies. This is bad for everyone. The one good thing liberals were doing was killing black and poor babies by the millions. I want them to keep doing that.

Low tier reading comprehension
I never said anyone wants to move to India.

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Oh shit lol we gonna have to bring back segregation if they dont behave themselves

>Suck it

Oh, Penny-a-Post, what a shit job you have, posting incite and disinfo for pennies.

You must cry yourself to sleep every night, clutching the pennies you earned that day, knowing you can't handle a job a real man might have.

You really suck at this too.

>You dont have the freedom to murder another human dipshit

Fetus' aren't yet human, they're just a potential container for a human to develop in.

Fuck you and your bible bullshit.

You are so wrong.
How do you define human? What makes one human? When is the point a fetus becomes a human?

Without religion or any thought of soul you would see that you actually only have 2-3 weeks to abort a fetus. After that no chance.
Problem is you will not know that the girl is pregnant before 3 weeks

OP, we know this doesn't affect you. You'd have to have sex first for it to become relevant.

For topic, this is just the beginning as the nut-job right starts stripping last 100 years of general progress. Where progress consists of general individual equality.

OP if you want a shit country to live in, oppressed rights, go elsewhere. America doesn't need your brand of fascism, nor want it save a bunch of Dominionist X-tians.


This. The day W was elected we signed this country's death warrant.

We had a good run of it Americabros

I couldn't care less about murdering babies
I'm just thrilled women have one less right now.

At least all incels have a chance to have a child now. Rape a poor bitch that can’t leave the state and birth your offspring

God the liberal tears SUSTAIN me. MORE CRYING.

i see.

so its all about keeping the poors down- not about "womens rights"

FINALLY a lefty telling the truth.

thank you!

none of this will happen.

it will be legal in most states- severely limited in some- illegal in some.

a nationwide ban would guarantee a dem landslide the following election- even the republicans are not that stupid.

I fucked your god in his eye socket, biblefag

you retards are too stupid as to even why they are considering a repeal- it is because the whole thing was based on overreach by the Blackmun court - making new law out of whole cloth. a gross abuse of power of the judicary.

even Ginsburg thought Roe v wade was an embarrassment and should be repealed- it has nothing to do whether you believe abortion should be legal or not.

FUCK you people are dim.

Enjoy burning for all eternity. I shall pray for you

Sanctimonious cunt

Why are you pro-abortion? Have you ever even touched a woman?

1st abortion ban signed into law in Michigan!!

>It puts the government in control of human bodies in a dystopic way self-described small-government conservatives should find odious and terrifying.

the constitution clearly does not grant ownership of your kidney. That corporation needs it more than you.

>even Ginsburg thought Roe v wade
lol i just make stuff up too because im like really smart and stuff

A punch to the stomach is still an option :)

you dont even care about the constitution. you just want to say you own the libtards cause your parents indoctrinated you into the cult that believes a dude lives in the sky and watches over you lmao

My understanding is that individual states can decide to ban or legalize abortion once the Supreme court over turns Roe vs Wade. The states with the demographic who commit disproportionate levels of violent crime typically vote Democrat and since the Dems are pro choice not much will change.

a simple internet search is your friend moron.

she stated on more than one occasion publicly it was a poorly constructed and was bad law.

but keep living with your head in the sand.

you are correct.

Now do those numbers for niggers on a three day holiday

Mexico, where Sally Field had hers when she was a teen.

Gonna get me a good ol' plantation run'n again.

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>dissolving centralized power
>kicking decision making down to states


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I wouldn’t call an embryo parasitic, but calling it a human being is fucking insane


the pearl clutching by these retards is really a sight to see.

The reason for this is easy. This is all a republican thing. Republican voters are mostly low income, low education etc. In other words lowest IQ. Who gets most kids? People at the bottom.

Lefties are the ones who basically run america. Highly educated by far compared to republicans. Lefties get far less kids than republicans. So the more dummies that are born, the more votes republicans will get in long term.

You’ll find the occasional leftist who is upfront about their desire to have power consolidated and centralized, they were particularly close to piercing the veil during their “electoral college needs to be abolished” phase.

Every step away from one central authority is anathema to their totalitarian, authoritarian, fascist aims.

I'm pro-abortion because I remember my ex, in the summer of 1999, young and we were completely head over heels in love, pregnant, as kidney failure started to hit her, and the choice was abortion or death.
She lived, the foetus didn't.

I remember a decade later, my partner and I worrying after a broken condom and a late period turned into no period, as we weighed up the economic cost for us of raising a kid and concluding we couldn't give them the quality of life we'd expect for a child. that's called responsibility just as much as not aborting a foetus.

you go on about "pro abortion". The problem is, you're not "anti-abortion". you're Pro Forced Birth. Grow up in Poverty? not your problem. Quality of life? fuck that. Education? don't let them get that. You want women to be forced to give birth, to be denied the right of freedom of choice, and nothing more than that.

This -- Blue states will still have laws to allow medical abortions, Red states won't. Enjoy your wasteland of spic, nigger, and white trash felons!