Admit it, you don't really care about the right to life. You just want to 'win' against liberals.
Admit it, you don't really care about the right to life. You just want to 'win' against liberals
said it best my friend. also take it to pol faggot.
everybody wants to be a winner
Admit it, you don't really want to kill babies. You just want to 'win' against conservatives.
But.....I'm Liberal
I care about the rule of law, federalism, and not cucking our original values and principles. The truth is that the courts should have never acted as a super legislator.
Also, I'm pro-choice you rabid cunt. That doesn't mean I support Roe v. Wade after I read the entire thing and heard the legal arguments against it.
Why are republicans so universally retarded?
>I believe in minority rule and theocracy
fuck off. Douchebag theocrats like youare why the US was established in the first place.
Yeah, better these things are State level.
Since when did terms like
>freedom of speech
>right to live
Trigger leftists so bad?
How can you think think you're on the right side of history if your pro censorship, and pro murder?
Wow. That image is a real blast from the past. Morton Downey Jr had a TV talk show that you could say was the precursor to Maury or Jerry Springer.
The guy had a temper (on air). He'd yell and scream and get everyone upset with him. A real pioneer for "Trash TV", if you ask me.
He's been gone 20+ years now.
I'd love to know what made you choose that photo, OP, or did you just google a random photo of someone angry?
The history of republican crazy isn't obvious?
Everything should be legal that forest directly effect another individual (unless they consent to it)
So things like theft, assault, rape, and murder (therfore abortion) should be illegal, everything else is none of the governments buisness.
I hate this whole shitshow.
There is no winning side on this. If you let women whore themselves around and not face responsibility for their idiotic bullshit society will keep on going into shit.
And if you feel giving accountability to women it's too much to ask from them then we already failed to be a sensible and logical society to begin with.
Whether or not fetuses are sentient and a living organism is beyond the point. Abortion is the termination of such being. There will never be a consensus on whether or not it's murder.
I still haven't heard one real argument as to why the left wants to kill babies.
You can't admit that you don't want to kill babies?
Wow, very telling.
Alex jones taught me that they're doing very late term abortions and harvesting the babies, even after birth
You're a retard. I didn't say I believe in either of those. And no, that's not why the US was formed. Point of fact mob rule was a bigger consideration in the founding so that sheep morons like you couldn't fuck up the nation.
Great argument there.
Knowing all that I would really love killing some babies.
and legislators should never act as slave masters. natural rights are paramount.
Because it's not your womb?
Go burn some books or fondle an altar boy or whatever you religious types do.
Abortion isn't a natural right.
The first 10 ammendments cover natural rights.
fetuses aren't babies. That's by definition.
Agreed. Which is why the judiciary needs to make sure the legislature doesn't act like cunts. And that's it. That's the entire role of the judiciary. They are not tasked with legislating.
So? The baby is a separate human life, your argument would necessitate all murder be legal.
black women have a disproportionate amount of abortions compared to any other race. This will hasten the end of America being a white country.
I support it
>point of fact
>get ready for a republican lie
republican shills love their qualifying phrases with nothing to qualify
This old bullshit. No one's falling for it. Just because you don't call it a "baby" doesn't mean it's not one.
So then no abortions after the fetus becomes viable?
Around start if second trimester then, or are you one of those, kill them up till birth type people?
>I don't get this meme
>just repeat the same bullshit
samefag republican shill
Yeah, we should 100% take advice from the states with record teen pregancy, record STDs, record poverty AND least education. What can possibly go wrong?
Retard. You don't counter the point at all. Mob rule is dangerous and was a primary concern of the founders and should remain a primary cocnern today. Fuck you you antifa BLM loving nigger
It's not a baby yet. It's a fetus. You need a dictionary?
Lol idiot
Wrong. Dumb nigger
It's all PR guys. There trying to get you engaged for the primaries.
Stop being such suckers.
Lol die mad
A treasonous theocrat telling me the US is a theocracy.
That's was your argument, right?
It was never about not killing babies. It was always about incels holding thots accountable.
I genuinely laughed. Libs really do be like.
Not mad, I'm just pointing out that you're a fat loser, a nigger, who loves getting cucked in the basement
bullshit propaganda. everyone knows most STDs are contracted by homosexuals, which make up most of the blue, not red, states.
You're an idiot. Let me guess, you want to talk about January 6th, don't you? Because that's related to abortion, right?
Same goes when they point out the "hypocrisy" of the right using government power to achieve their goals. Lolbertarians who genuinely believe you shouldn't use the government to fight the left can tongue my anus.
You're wrong and it's very simple; it's evil to kill babies. As long as abortion is legal, America remains a twisted ziggurat to Moloch, built on ground soaked in the blood of children.
Arguing the US is a theocracy is literally against the founding of the US.
Just another way republicans are enemies of the US.
Oh yeah, let's all follow white trash religious fanatics from the least educated, poorest, most inbred states, what's the worst that can happen?
Why do you stupid assholes always LIE?
Because you are a dumb fucking redneck LOSER.
Actually, I want to lose this one.
I never understood why the right has this fixation with abortion. I want the libs killing their babies while we are having ours.
This argument feels like a remnant of the days when the fundamentalists actually moved the needle in voting numbers. They don't and the right should let this one go.
More dead black and single-mother babies is a win for us.
Bad bait is bad.
I said I am pro-choice smooth brain. No theocracy would stand for that, except the LGBTQIA+-!&$ theocrac. Kys you tranny nigger faggot
libs: you can't ban books! Books don't hurt people! FASCISM!
matt walsh: pic rel
Yes. How did you know?
Oh yeah, redneck
Abortion is fundamental to the current state of the Modern Woman. Without it, they must submit to biology, stop trying to compete with men, stop whoring around.
It’s a southern lovin’ voice
>I said I am pro-choice smooth brain
never stops being true
It's not bait. I'm 100% serious
I'm apolitical and I think abortion is wrong.
If you actually think about it, it's fucked up.
Where is anyone arguing for a theocracy? Typical Leftist retard both strawmanning and gas lighting the thread. Go tongue a nigger anus