Why do you support whores who do this?

Why do you support whores who do this?

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ywnbaw kys

I used to be for abortion, then I had a son, all life is equal (not in the religious sense, I’m an atheist) but I wouldn’t even kill a bug if I didn’t have to, we all only get one life, and life is all there is, and a baby doesn’t have a say in this, you’re taking away this person’s life, if you don’t want your kid then give it up for adoption if you’re that cold, half of people are pro-life, and have of people who get an abortion regret it, so in reality — even more than half are pro-life, they just don’t know it yet. I saw some moron protestor with a sign that said “Don’t like abortion? Get a vasectomy!” No, retard, the people who are against abortion actually want kids, how about you get a vasectomy instead of killing babies because they inconvenience you. I hope people will see the light on this issue. 70% pf the women who do this are genuinely just worthless whores to begin with, they’re not good people, they’re usually party girl sluts, why do you support these people killing babies?

Doesn’t even make sense, only trannies support this

So edgy, says the 18 year old loser without a child

Why’d you delete your comment pussy?

I don’t

i don't support a dead baby on some white sheets, fkn completely useless to me

fuck yeah gets my dick hard

if it was a boy she did the world a favor

Because they fuck. That's why they're whores. Do you not want to fuck?

No, just get on birth control/wear a condom/ get a vasectomy, these whores will take 5 dicks in one night, get pregnant, then kill an innocent human because it inconveniences them, if they don’t want kids then use a contraceptive or give the baby up for adoption

This doesn't look like abortion to me. 99% of "abortions" in this state of development is medically induced labor to save to mother and hope the fetus can survive in an incubator

In other words, it doesn't make sense that this is an abortion. Why would a "whore" get fat, eat like shit, ruin her hormone levels and boobs, forced to puke all the time, ruin their blood vessels and tissue strength and basically ruin her life and body in every possible way when she could've gotten an abortion earlier? Why would they carry a baby for 6 months and more, suffer through all of this shit when the actual plan wasn't brining it to terms but some mediccal emergency happened?

Okay, and that’s in your state, and abortion is now up to the state so nothing in your state will change, so why do people have a problem with this?

some states and countries allow abortion up until the 24th week of pregnancy. the fetus in the picture seems like approx 20 weeks old.

I don't.

The laws don't make exceptions for medical emergencies, as you rightfully saw in the pic.

Why do people generally have a problem with murder? I don't know.

Better than another unwanted future criminal taking up precious resources.

i don't understand what you're trying to say. what i ment was, this picture could well be the result of an abortion

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I assume you're addressing the Supreme Court leak. The bad news is, it looks like we won't have sovereignty over our own bodies by the end of June. The good news is, that means they can line up the anti-vax crowd and jam health-juice into them whenever they want. Even those dimwitted MAGAt understands you can't logically argue for and against body sovereignty simultaneously.

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Because I don't want my taxes to support low income whore babies

yes, and as I said here , it isn't an abortion done just for the lulz. If there weren't plans bringing the baby to terms, they wouldn't wait that long.

the usa is lost..

You’re responding to a guy larping as me

Yes, the federal laws don’t, but the state laws still can, so why does it matter?

perhaps the father ran away or she didn't know she was pregnant in the first place, plenty or reasons for a woman to get an abortion, it doesn't automatically mean it is a medical reason.

But they are, they’re arguing for the body of the unborn baby that doesn’t have a say in the matter, you’re a childless dweeb who doesn’t understand the value of life, or how precious and innocent a baby is

This guy has a PhD in nuclear physics and kickstarted multiple companies in the energy sector. I think he's more qualified to run this place than anyone of his predecessors

Because more than 22 states already have laws waiting to prevent any kind of abortion, be it a medical emergency, rape or economic issues. Without federal laws, the women wouldve probably died right with her child so some escapists politicians would be happy

This looks like it's 6 months in. At that point, it should be very obvious, and if not, we will have to refine sex ed

Died with the child? Don't fuck if you die if you have a fucking child, dumbass.

Do you argue that the fetus is a separate individual, and not part of my body?

Meh, why do liberals even try to hide their thirst for blood anymore?
They're completely exposed as bigots, racists and baby killers now.

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They're arguing for a lump of cells because otherwise they have no real talking points and rather scare their new age hippie voters

What? People can get sick after conception, y'know...

You have to be joking. Jesus christ. Honestly just kill yourself.

America is a backward shithole

Of course

People only supposed to kill if they're hungry. It's okay if they eat this afterwards.

>arguments based in logic and reasoning

i have a PhD in electrical engineering, but i forgot most of it. i can start multiple companies, it doesn't necessarily mean they're going to be succesfull.

face it, he was brought on board because he's a total faggot wearing a dress.

It’s not a lump of cells, you’re clearly a childless dweeb pseudo-intellectual, just get a vasectomy if having babies bothers you so much.

This photo is from a protest in Poland, but okay...

>childless dweeb
You really need a larger vocabulary to argue effectively with your betters.

Why do incels care if abortions happen?

holy shit you sound jealous

How about you out-of-the-womb-adopt a few kids if you care so much about them?

No, it’s not, your first argument was for virtue signalling, there are tons of people more qualified and you know it, Biden’s government picks people based on their skin color or sexual orientation, not skill, just because they’re not completely incompetent doesn’t change this fact.

Abortion laws should be up to the states, but states rights doesn’t matter to you, nor does the constitution, nor do laws.

And arguing that women only get abortions for medical reasons is ridiculous and you clearly don’t know a lot of women.

You’re simply a moron. Hope thy cleared some things up.

Women having a choice == bad

My gf from about 10 years ago had an abortion, she was against it but I convinced her to go through with it. Greatest decision ever

Such low hanging fruit.

You who cannot argue about abortion?

Aborted babies.


They’re not my kids, but I’m very for them giving the babies they don’t want up for adoption, what a pathetic false equivalency argument, you seem like you’re starting to get mad because you’re wrong

>baby having a choice

It takes two people to create life in the first place, women are only vessels.

"Abortion doesn't hurt anyone"

Enjoy questioning your own choices as you age and become more wise and possibly find faith and connect with a higher power - until you die.

The key here is you're telling someone else what they can and can't do in terms of their medical choices. Is abortion egregious? I think so - but that's not my choice to make and it's not yours and it's not the Catholic church. It's a choice that the woman should have along with guidance from her medical provider.

Now, depending on where you live, you don't have that choice. This ruling as written has a lot of knock on effects that I don't think you'd really like - States would be able to pass laws that remove the religious exemption clause for vaccinations in schools and there's no federal protection in place to prevent it.

Well, if the fetus is a separate individual, and it's in my uterus without my permission, it's trespassing and my 2nd amendment rights apply, and I can kill it anyway>Greatest decision ever
. In my state, I can kill trespassers.

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And I bet she regretted it and it fucked her up.

You also killed your own baby, your own son, your own daughter, who could be playing with you right now, laughing and smiling and calling you their hero, instead you murdered them. That sucks, I truly feel sorry for you.

I'm arguing that women don't wait 6 months feeling like shit to get an abortion after the fetus starts developing. Abortions after unwanted pregnancies happen much earlier than 6 months

lmao who's talking

Quite frankly, you sound like an unhappy moralists who hates that people have fun and live a free and happy life

>"Abortion doesn't hurt anyone"
This, but without the sarcastic overtones

It's just a mishmash of cells that's not aware of its existence

>Greatest decision ever
Seriously. Just think, you'd only be halfway out of caring for some screaming, crying, lump of shit that would start hating you in 3 years or so. Good job.

"It's just a mishmash of cells that's not aware of its existence"
>Laughs in regret and shame

>And I bet she regretted it and it fucked her up.
Yeah but I don't care. Women are whores, she got knocked up by some random dude after me and kept it. Now she's a single mom kekeke

>You also killed your own baby, your own son, your own daughter, who could be playing with you right now, laughing and smiling and calling you their hero, instead you murdered them. That sucks, I truly feel sorry for you.
Why would I want to be playing kids games when I can troll on Yea Forums to my hearts content

Come on man get with the program

>infer infer infer

Your arguments are just laughable at this point, no point arguing when your points are this stupid, you can just shout and get mad because you lost instead.

Right doesn't mean good and moraly right.

You decided to fuck so it is your mistake. Not the mistake of the fetus.

Rape is something different but another solution is still possible

i feel sorry for you. you should get a girlfriend. you giant faggot.

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And keep in mind, the baby now has rights as well since we’re calling it a separate individual. I guess you were too dumb to notice this flaw in your pathetic argument.

>Quite frankly, you sound like an unhappy moralists who hates that people have fun and live a free and happy life

Free from guilt? Good luck with that, you murdered an innocent baby. There's no way back homie. LOL!

If it was about protecting unborn live, the pro-lifers would also promote law for paid parental leave and proper sex ed. You know, stuff that actually reduces unwanted pregnancies from the get go. But from how they react, it's pretty clear that those are uncomfortable with women having choices

Yeah, dismissing what you’ve done, and choosing to ignore it and make jokes about it instead is the logical option. My son is right here next to me, he just started taking his first steps, seeing someone look up to you and being their world is a feeling that can’t be described, only known, I’m sorry you won’t know that now, instead you betrayed them and had them killed, once again, I truly feel bad for you.

Yeh, your argument is mired in cognitive dissonance, and entirely free of logic. Seeth harder against the "childless dweebs" that live rent-free in your head.

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nah, they would probably be getting molested by this faggot now.

fetuses aren't babies. I would never kill a baby, and frankly, your miserable projecting and constant talk about dead babies makes me feel like you have something to hide

WHATTABOUT THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Go stomp a kitten, vamp

And I feel bad for your son. His future is going to be miserable, unless you're like a multi millionaire he's gonna have it really rough

the baby never chose to be there, it is there because of the choices you made, so you be big girl and suck it up, show some responsibility. after 9 months you can give it away.

You did kill a baby and no amount of trying to change the facts will make aging into wisdom any easier for you. It's not my problem, it's between you and God. Enjoy.

>My baby son is the reason why I want to remote control your uterus

Thank you for proving my point

>another solution is still possible
I already have a constitutionally protected remedy for trespassers in my state. I don't need another solution.

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turns out that baby is 22 weeks old, more than 5 months

Attached: 61695085-06a_abtreibung_foetus_22wochen_1720_0.jpg (477x665, 41.04K)

>Thank you for proving my point

Liberal Proof: That feeling of calling someone a racist while walking away.

still fetuses

>Why do you support whores who do this?
That's the neat thing, user. If she has an abortion, I don't have to support her. Or a kid. Think of the taxpayers before making a thread.

Attached: come here you little faggot, its her body her choice.webm (480x360, 1.01M)

Learn to pronounce
an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.

It’s not about women’s choice, that’s so annoying and tiring to hear, it’s about protecting the baby, it takes a MAN and a WOMAN to create life, not just a woman, a woman is a vessel for the baby, a baby that will grow up to be someone some day, half of people are against abortion, half of women who get an abortion regret it, and most people in favour of abortion have never even had a kid before, it’s not a religious issue, I’m an atheist, I just value life because it’s all we have, and you don’t get to take a life away because it inconveniences you, of course there should be exceptions, and that’ll be up to the states to decide, as is stated in the constitution, and no one is against proper sex ed and raising awareness, at least I’m not, you can’t lump everyone you don’t like into the same box.

You are also forcing life on a baby who didnt get a right to chose. Why is one ok and not the other?

You wouldn't know a logical flaw if it bit you in the ass. The fetus' right to personal safety ended when it decided to trespass on my property.

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>REEEEEEEEE [lunatic rambling]

This retarded logic showcases why you were dumb enough to kill your own kid.

post moar

They don’t want to give it up for adoption, because they know its wrong, instead they want to kill it altogether and forget about it, it’s really quite sad