Post music-related alignment charts

Post music-related alignment charts

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wow. that's very accurate

I tried to do this with NIN albums

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Indeed, surprisingly accurate

holy shit those are accurate

damn, it fits

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mostly good but you should change some of these around. like the whole point of rubber soul is that it wasn't lawful for its time.

switch c&c and quebec at it’s perfect

r8 mine

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olatunji as chaotic evil is perfect

could someone make a radiohead alignment chart? i feel like okc is lawful neutral and a moon shaped pool is lawful good but not really sure what else. maybe pablo honey is chaotic evil

yeah that was an obvious pick
not 100% sure about lawful neutral and evil tho

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holy fuck it was hard to find the bottom left corner of kanye

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is more accurate imo than

well yeezus is the obvious choice for chaotic evil
why do you think 808s is lawful evil though?

because it created the sad rap law that drake and tentacleaction pass along today


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Saturday Night Wrist is their underrated masterpiece

>anything but chaotic

nah it’s not. i would replace gang of four with Public image and vice versa lol

Nah youre a retard who needs to re listen to both records lol

Yellow Submarine and Sgt. Peppers should absolutely be swapped.

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agreed, didn’t realize those would fit better until shortly after I posted this

>no hemispheres, farewell to kings, or 2112
pick better albums next time

bitch please
You’re probably a Chad

it's not which ones are the best, it's which ones fit the best