Does leftism draw stupid people to it, or does leftism take normal people and turn them stupid? If the former, is leftism stupid because it’s supported by already stupid people, and then the stupidity is reinforced as it stupidizes formerly normal people?
Couldn’t tell you. Is that a dinner table issue for them?
Brody Martin
Anybody who thinks Trump is just fine wouldn't be able to tell the athletes from the officials at the special olympics without a program guide.
Logan Peterson
Interesting defense of leftism >tds, en garde!
Henry White
You mean Jeffrey Frank Kent? Yeah, he lives just down the street from me. Why?
Connor Myers
>Rightoid projecting this hard
Colton Foster
Why was Engels Marx’s paypiggy though
Jayden Collins
I've seen both sides. The far left and far right are both retarded but in different ways. People with the best critical thinking skills are near the center, but most intelligent are left of center because they just value education more than right of center.
Alexander Martin
Dominic Watson
Not even close The left and far left is openly and obviously destroying this country, anyone who supports them is ignorant So you can be “smart” and support them, but you’re still ignorant, and ignorance is a type of stupidity.
Jackson Adams
Correct me if I’m wrong, but my perception of your stance is that the glut of educational attainment exists to the left of center, and from that vertex, critical thinking skills improve as you move right?
Gabriel Richardson
Sure let's do this.
What metric do you want to use to compare stupid? AOC vs Greene or Boebert?
How about Pelosi vs Mitch McConnell
How about average protesters for BLM vs QANON?
I'm sorry to say in any of those arguments the left takes the intelligence argument. The closest being Mitch. While a scumbag his IQ isn't single digits.
How about we look at the average education level of the voters of the party. Or how more educated people skew left.
I'm sorry dude but at the end of the day. The right just isn't as smart.
Grayson Davis
How do you define intelligent, though? Is educational attainment as a generalized concept a significant predictor of intelligence? Are there any agreed upon metrics by which to say “this major generally draws more raw intelligence than this other major”?
If that’s not the case, are psychiatrists asking for proof of voter registration on pre-IQ test intake packets?
Luis Lopez
Interesting, they kept telling me that BLM isn’t a political organization, let alone a leftist one; that it was just a simple mantra.
Uh oh
Lucas Ward
>bout we look at the average education level of the voters of the party. Or how more educated people skew left. >I'm sorry dude but at the end of the day. The right just isn't as smart.
You are extrapolating data that isn't in the statement. It's not that critical thinking skills take you right its that they keep you center.
BLM is absolutely a political movement today. It wasn't when it started but equal rights shouldn't have ever needed to be a partisan issue. Also nice deflection.
Michael Wright
ideologies are for stupid people that cant think for themselves, no matter left or right, so its both, made by stupid people and drawing stupid people in
Brody Gonzalez
Yep, I screwed that one up.
Luis Wright
It turns smart people stupid. People who are prone to universalizing are vulnerable to it. That's why conspiratorial thinking is so common on the left (rich people, white people, men, republicans, "the right".) Basically the basic foundation of leftist thought is that there is a group of people who are preventing our society from being perfect. How do you identify these people? It is anyone who opposes our ideology.
Jace Miller
>Does leftism draw stupid people to it, or does leftism take normal people and turn them stupid?
It's both. Honestly, you have to be kind of stupid to be on the far edge of either side. Anyone who approaches societal and political issues with a truly open mind and bothers to think usually ends up somewhere near the middle.
Benjamin Ward
So leftism is the search for a state utopia in which all undesirables are considered enemies of progress?
>is so common on the left >all of academia and the media are conspired against the truth of my conservative worldview
Luke Ramirez
Are you seriously trying to say that the left's issues with white men in power for decades trying to keep anyone that doesn't look them from getting power has anything on the right's multitude of conspiracy theories? the steal, the emails, jfk, Pizzagate?
Juan Perez
Trump supporter here. Dissertation defense within the next year, not applying for any postdoc and, based on departmental conversations, will likely end up shuffled back in as an associate professor.
Intend to give lower grades to left-leaning students who do not conform to my worldview.
Michael Flores
Generally speaking. The left has more collage educated people then the right. Also, studies have shown that the general IQ of registered democrats is higher.
Now "smart" is a nebulous term. So it depends on how you judge it.
Luke Clark
The left is arguing to try and make things better and the right is arguing the left are bad people. I have never heard the left say let's hang Mike Pence, but you sure as shit heard that the moment he decided to have half a spine.
Luis Sullivan
I honestly doubt you are any of these things. More then likely you are a kid that just graduated high school going INTO collage.
Good larp however.
Henry Harris
I've met plenty of retarded teachers in college.
Ethan Bell
Do you need me to explain the terms I used
Nicholas Ward
Yeah, that's kind of shitty but it's more or less in line with what I would expect of a Trump supporter.
Hunter Perez
>retarded >teachers >college
Finish high school, son
Austin Morgan
Yes, that's why they use such vague groups as the enemy. Allows them to believe there is always an enemy. First off, I never said that there wasn't any conspiratorial thinking on the right. Secondly, the type of conspiratorial thinking on either side is very different. The right can always name the people, because they're doing it in the reverse order. They see people say shady things and assume malice, while the left sees that the utopia is not realized and assume there is a conspiracy preventing that. What the fuck are you talking about retard. Nothing wrong with white men you raging racist.
Kevin King
Your reading comprehension is pretty bad for a grad tbh. It's not that he doesn't understand the big words you used. He just doesn't believe you. It's totally out of character for Trump supporters to lie though...
Nolan Fisher
To make these statements, you first have to prove that there is a correlation between leftism and stupidity. But you know that cause you are so much smarter than everyone else right? Good luck with that btw. All metrics show leftism goes hand in hand with intelligence.
Grayson James
Kinda like believing the election was stolen and trying to take over the capital?
Daniel Morgan
You think in extremely simple terms, if that makes your "noggin joggin" I feel sorry for you.
Asher Reed
You’d think by now people would be posting graphs and shit with the paragraphs they’re typing
Charles Perez
what do you mean by 'leftism'
that even aint a word
you mean an ideology like "all men are created equal"?
Feel like ragepiggies would be chainsmoking and pacing and aiming for the jugular with knockout studies on both nigger dick size and IQ as stratified by political ideology
William Evans
>the right can always name the people the (((cultural marxists))) >there is a conspiracy preventing that some. if you're blanketing leftism with communism, then conceptually it's not malice necessarily either, but how the physics of capitalism act on their own inertia. I'm not a socialist or communist, so I don't agree with that, but I can certainly see a consistent, coherent argument for it. The key divide in today's culture is the inability to agree on reality, and it is chiefly the right's position that is contrary to most academic authority.
Eli Perez
Go too far left and you’ll find retards, and if you go too far right you’ll find retards. I’m not very clever, nor do I know shit about politics, but that seems to be an accurate view in my eyes.
Xavier Sullivan
Tim Pool has entered the arena
Cooper Peterson
Isn’t the primary tenet of leftism that men are inherently created differently and that the purpose of the state is to leverage mass labor for a uniform equality of outcome?
Brandon Sanchez
The right has given up moving goalposts and now just moves to a different field
Noah Kelly
Cultural Marxism is an ideology not a group of people. Also, there is no internal logic, it's just made up bullshit to justify having a boogeyman. What is a capitalist? It's the people who own the means of production. What is the means of production? Capital. What is capital? It's what the capitalists own. What is a capitalist?
Jack Hall
The far left doesn't exist in America, moron. Or there would be a large push for abolishing all private businesses. The modern GOP is a delusional cult that has been propagandized beyond reality for literal decades, which has spent those decades labelling anything left of center-right as communism/socialism. You're literally as intelligent as a dildo.
Samuel Thompson
Imagine thinking that as Biden is currently pushing for race based programs for the sake of equality lol lmao
>haha I said stupid a bunch of times that makes it true
Elijah Ross
>What is a capitalist? It's the people who own the means of production. What is the means of production? Capital. What is capital? It's what the capitalists own. What is a capitalist? maybe you were going somewhere with this screed, but the hundredth grade school dictionary dictionary debate isn't interesting to me. It's almost always a right winger that can't or refuses to engage on concepts let alone understand them.