What's the longest amount of time you've stayed awake for, Yea Forums?

What's the longest amount of time you've stayed awake for, Yea Forums?

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I stayed up for 18 hours once

43 hours

2 days one time. Doctors will tell ya you don't want to stay up past 3, because there's a chance it could cause brain damage.

idk, it just depends on if im interested in something or not. if i am i can go 36+ hours more motivated than tired

3 days straight

60+ hours and this happened when I was in HS. I believe I did so because I needed to work on a final project I had procrastinated all year on and I stayed up an entire night to work on it. I didn't really feel tired the next day so I pulled another all nighter. By day 3 I recall going with my somewhere and that's when my sense of reality definitely felt altered, I felt like I was having a few dream for the most part. When I got home around 5 or 6 I knocked out until past noon the next day

72 hours

72 hours, i think a little more but basically

About 5 days.
After day 3 you will get minor hallucinations. Day 4 and 5 you'll get very desperate to get sleep and it was absolute bliss when the insomnia finally let go of me and I crashed. Slept about 16 hours waking up just long enough to chug water.

4weeks, not a minut of sleep

you make a claim like that and you gotta explain more

its possible as long as you remember to drink water

What was it that stopped you from getting to sleep, and what was it that helped you eventually get to sleep?

3 hours

3nights, 4 days.

i was awake and then when i fell a sleep the sleep helped me sleep. it was awesome

77 hours.
Trying to juggle a 3rd shift 12hour shift job, college, and dating.
The secret? Copenhagen Wintergreen.

65 hours or so, would not recommend

36 hours on vyvanse, I slept after cumming

5 days

close to 48 hours when my grandfather was in the hospital

>20+ grandkids and i was the only one who bothered

3 and a half days, used to take amphetamine and would frequently go on 3 day long bouts of no sleep.


Really don't know
As "certain" events unfold in Tasmania in the future and the wokeness prevails more and more, many will go with little or even no sleep at all. Records will be broken to be sure.

61 hours in my first hear of high school, I was home pretending to be sick and couldn't bother to sleep so I just spent two nights gaming.

At the third midnight I collapsed and slept for almost 12 hours. Never tried that stunt again and always made sure to stop after the first all njghter

Dunno about brain damage but you will start to hallucinate. Never been awake more then 3 days but i have started kinda hallucinating before from lack of sleep. It's kinda strange and not at all enjoyable.

5 day 5 nights. had bad nose bleed docs shoved large balloon into nose pressure so fucking bad i felt like head was gonna explode so no sleep that week till ent took it out

60 hours, I crashed immediately after fapping


At the 2-3 day mark, hallucinations are very real. Using any kind of caffeine beyond the first 24 hours just makes the hell more real.

After 2 days of no sleep, I hallucinated that a chair in my room got up and started walking, I also kept hearing people shouting my name.

36 hours. Drinking and smoking weed. Fucked three women in the first 12 hours.

any advice on staying awake?

I tried the 5 day experiment when I was young. There was a week off of school and a few friends of mine were talking about the russian sleep experiment. I stayed up all night playing vidya and most of the day my friends would keep me awake. Didn't get any hallucinations. Just slept like a brick on the 6th day

never longer than a whole day


25 hours

38 hours. While working at an old water plant alone. I was convinced I was the last person alive on earth.

36 hrs.
Engineering deadline.
Finished about 34, hours in, but wanted to make it to 36...

Roughly 36 hours

About a week. Once when I was a kid, once as an adult. When I was a kid I had too damn much energy and just didn't feel tired. Watched softcore on the fuzzy channels and played video games. As an adult it ended up being one of the most amazing feelings I've ever had. Was like all the bad just dropped away and I was happy. Not just a little happy, but like a legit state of nirvana. I have never been that relaxed in my life before or since and the sleep that night was amazing.

4 days and some hours. Felt like and was pretty sure I was going to die. Started hallucinating and seeing blocks in a variety of shapes and colors floating around me.

I'm awake for 30 hours right now

There is a guy who set a record back in the 70s I think. Later in life he developed bad insomnia.

I think it was 5 days straight? maybe I caught 10-15 min sleep in all that time I can't remember, military training.

Its ppssible as long as you kys nigger troon fuck off

iono, but i'd foreel fart down that niggers throte

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Somewhere between day 2 and 3 on an Everquest binge, I started to see myself in the 3rd person from ceiling height in a very scary and not enjoyable kind of way. Went to sleep immediately.


72ish hours. But now I just do free running sleep, i.e., sleep when need arises, not before. It makes productivity is easier since you just work until you fall asleep not giving a fuck about getting to bed early. Not an option for wagecucks since it only works if you sleep for as long as it takes to wake up naturally.

Lol that happened to me too. Watching myself third person from up the ceiling made me snap out of it and getting some sleep

From 7a.m. one day to 1p.m. two days after. All those hours working in front of a computer drying me eyes.

60+ hours when I was 17. (Don't remember the exact number)
I've been awake for around 48 hrs many times, over 20 times.
I've been awake for over 24 hrs more times than I can remember, I do it almost once or twice a month.

My sleep schedule is garbage and my psychologist says staying up so much is bad for me, but I just can't sleep like a normal person.

I don't suffer from insomnia either... Sometimes I pass out at 12 hrs awake which is lower than the average for most people.

I don't what it is... It's not related to food or energy either, I've already tried those things.

4 nights playing WoW. Winter of 2009. I posted here that night right at the new year. Made a thread that told an adventure story. Was out of my mind.

9 days.
then hospital.
that was a pretty dark time.

>world record: 17-year-old Gardner stayed awake for 11 days and 25 minutes

5? days. yes, there was drugs involved.

3 days

6 days when I was taking amphetamines


For some bizarre reason, if you're in ketosis and you take modafinil, the modafinil lasts way longer. I was awake about 20 hours already, and had an exam coming up in about 4 hours (9am) and really couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a modafinil, it was the only stimulant I had.

But dumbfuck me took two because I basically was daydreaming during the first and wasn't thinking and took another about 15 mins later.
Braindead during the exam, and after it, lied in bed for a solid 8 hours staring at the ceiling. Then this weird adrenaline jittery energy came in, started to feel very antisocial and a bit dark, ended up playing games and attempting to sleep every 2 hours or so. Lie down, nothing happens for 15 mins, get up play more games. Try again. Repeat until eventually fall asleep at the ~48 hr mark.

Pussy shit. Two days in and I don't even get the shadow people anymore

7 straight days.

Had severe nerve pain in my spine/lower left leg that absolutely would not abate even with lots of over the counter pain meds (I didn't have insurance). It started on a Monday and ended on a Sunday when I finally went to the emergency room to get a steroid shot, which in itself still too a couple of days to resolve, but I finally managed to sleep that Sunday night. I couldn't focus, I couldn't think, I couldn't sleep, period. It sucked

theoretically you can stay awake for years

53 hours with one 20 minutes nap on day 2.
I used to work night shifts and had to move in 3 days.
So I was packing stuff and carrying furniture during the day between apartments.
Do not recommend.
I slept for 17 hours straight after that. I almost fall asleep twice, once driving my car on the en of the last night shift, the other returning the moving van to its owner.
But I was able to pull it off