YLYL 2: Son of YLYL

YLYL 2: Son of YLYL

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go back

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/pol/cel circlejerk ≠ YLYL
Kill yourself.

sure but you first

Good attempt but we need the sound version. Tranny mods won't let us on Yea Forums

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To be fair, if you spend all day bitching about the blacks and their faggy friends only to realize you have no power in the real world since you only speak in pol. Then when someone finally understands what you're saying and realize it's "kill all niggers" so they chase you back to your browsers homepage you'd probably go kick down whatever nearby sandcastles you could find too.

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blow it out your ass

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>comply or get shot
>land of the free

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Is this a leftist meme ?

no, it's a rightist, retard

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Kid had a gun and was driving a stolen car. Nothing of value was lost.

>don't steal shit and don't get shot
>land of only whites

I want all those images XD

> the scraps my master gives me are a whole lot!
> I sure hate thieves!

You people crack me up. You're so fucking stupid and cucked. It's unimaginable (to idiots like you).

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ah, yes. our kind needs more representation user

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>white people don't steal shit
cool story bro

Trump is a meme, but he is not leftist.

>I deserve a portion of the profits
>no, I don't want to contribute to costs or liability

imagine being american and justifying taxes.
Your taxes goes to servicing the interest on your debt. Local taxes pay for roads, schools, etc.

And frankly, we both know that money isnt being used for the right things either (crumbling roads etc).

Ameribarf leftoids, when will you learn ..... The state will not solve your problems.

Attached: don't talk to me or my son ever again.webm (520x480, 1.52M)

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Adding water puts up the weight / vegetables are sold be weight

Yet another reason to remember when your towel is

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never mattered anyway

"kill me and kill yourself for killing me"

That's also the reason why words in titles have capital letters, so that's very clearly readable, no need for quotes.

"Some whore sings dumb song" who cares

The Social Contract.

Now fuck off back to civics class you pathetic LOLbertarian loser.

worst fucking thread ever

Niggers like you should be killed

>I'm a cringey retard

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Retarded meme. You do know what profit is don’t you? And wouldnt said cost be offset by, you know, actual fucking work and Labor done to generate the profit in the first place?
Disingenuous faggot

what is that? a dildo? a lollipop?

>Yet another reason to remember when your towel is
Also if you want to buy dehydrated dry veggies, then be my guest.

Please just post funnies, I'm sick of people talking fucking politics here.

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lost already holy fuck

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Didn't he beat her up later that day so that she was in a 2 week coma?

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