Boring/average girls thread

boring/average girls thread
may 1st edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Anyone want me to strip off her clothes?

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I have vids of both if anyone cares.

just keep the thread alive for me to wake in the morning and I'll post or reply quick

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I'm interested in this one!

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More of this one? She's actually kinda hot.

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Post the rest of the set, I know there are a few more

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Below average Stacy M

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She gets points for her nipples and her eyebrows.


in the place without mothers

would you say she's one?

From the back. Lol

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bitch knows her angles GODDAMN did not expect the girth

wouldn't mind smashing that honestly

Here's one she tried to take too

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You guys like these ones of her?

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post bro


check the other vids uploaded


I fucked her sister

Yeah? How was she? Ever do anything with her?

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If there's nudes I want them

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Oof. Hell yes.

This is not even average.

Yeah that’s fucking gross look at her belly button and where it is and how short her torso is, wtf

Glad you like her!

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She's got a cute face and it looks like a great body

I want to fuck her face and make her gag and drool everywhere

More and more plox

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She does have a great little body on her!

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Good ol Dani D

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She has some great nipples


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I hope she's down for anal

Fingerblasts only

I would be completely obsessed with her.

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Do you have Kik or Discord?

The perfect example of yea I guess I’d smash if I was horny otherwise na

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That would be cool honestly

I have kik. Drop yours if you want

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I see what you mean but I'm honestly kinda into her! Have any more?

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Serious question, is this kind of fat line caused by wearing tight pants and loose shirts 365 days a year?

nah. that's just how her fat sits on her hips.