90% cabbage with ham & sweetcorn.
What are you fat cunts having for dinner?
90% cabbage with ham & sweetcorn
thats the grossest vomit looking dog shit excuse for food i've ever seen you must stink like absolute shit
Nothing, I can only afford 1 meal a day.
raw oysters tonight.
Kek it's a great way to clean yourself. I loaded it with black pepper & chilli powder for extra detox
I love a stew
Roast chicken, roast potatoes, sweetcorn, broccoli, peas and gravy
nice. checked
Hmmmmmm. It even has corn innit.
Pasta with tomato sauce I made (fresh tomatoes, fresh basil, garlic, salt, black pepper, olive oil)
hehe stinky
that looks decent
I wouldn't serve that to a starving rat
That looks like a fat shit dude.
I had smoked split chicken breasts with cabbage, but I pressure cooked my cabbage with the fat I cit off the chicken. Shit was absolutely amazing.
Ok...so...what did you eat?
bro u gonna ferment some crystal meth?
Based and checked
Damn that looks pike diharrea
I'm having my everyday American lunch, pic related, then going out for pizza later
mild deer and pork sausage with sour (fermented) veggies and potatoes.
Disgusting. Must be a Europoor
ok go eat your cardboard mcburger, lard-ass.
im gonna make mince and potato casserole with onions and peppers later and there's nothing you can do about it.
Sheet pan dinner. Chopped veg and then some sausages on top.
Why are you touching your food with your big toe?
Pasta slop I prepped midweek, 93/7 ground beef with broccoli, garlic, onion, bell pepper, shaved carrot, fresh basil and parsley, and red lentil penne. Canned crushed tomato and bone broth as the sauce base.
im holding the container, you can clearly see there's almost an inch down from the edge to the food. go see an optician you blind nigger.
also because i have no arms, gotta say im pretty amazing to be an armless taxi driver.
This literally looks like vomit.
andy sixx made that for you didn't he?
i just easy cook any meal as stuffing. usually its just an egg blend with chips or something fast to fake a real food bowl, i dont really spend alot of time actually cooking anything. When I need the energy I have it ready to go it's lucky if I decide to throw in steak cubes or chicken stocks because i dont care as long as it can go down fast. I literally move my entire day around how I can cook resturant-knock off foods in a flash.
Yah Fibre is hard to contemplate as an amerifat. It's all based on having no teeth by your 50s from no dental and a diabetes based diet. Killing yourselves slowly, don't even have the guts to do it with a gun
What the fuck did you just fuckin' spew at me, you little shit? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cincinatti School for Creative and Performing Arts, and I've been involved in numerous scat videos on Pornhub, and I have over 666 confirmed clogs. I am trained in Glam Metal and I'm the top logger in the entire BVB Army. You are nothing to me but just another slidder. I will clog you the fuck up with logs the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, suck my fucking hole. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me from the moshpit? Think again, slidder. As we speak I am clogging my secret network of fangirls across Ohio and your ticket is being voided right now so you better prepare for the shit, asshole. The shit that chokes out the pathetic little thing you call your throat. You're fuckin' clogged, kid. I can log anywhere, anytime, and I can clog you in over Sixx hundred ways, and that's just with my fiber diet. Not only am I incredibly sexy on the cover of every album, but I have stocks to the entire laxative supply of the Johnson & Johnson Corporations and I will use them to their full extent to smear your miserable lips with the cream of my asshole, you little logposter. If only you could have known what steamy diarrhea your little "shitty" comment was about to unleash into your mouth, maybe you would have relaxed your fucking throat. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're slidding the log, you goddamn teen. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fuckin' clogged, sliddo.
kneck yourself loser
Hd claims americans are the fat fucks but has big toes for fingers.
you must be a smoky fart machine
awful. you eat that meal or stick it up your ass?
Similar. I always have a huge bag of chopped up onion and bell pepper in the freezer - two of the uncommon veggies that don’t need any preparation to be frozen. Plus they go together in about everything I make. Big help in my assembly-line thinking for quick quality eats
JFC. How fat are you? Post hand.
post your slop
how fat are you?
...Just drink water my friend.
cant you read? oh wait, i forgot you're a burger
shut the fuck up about salt lick, the fuck would you know about good food? fucking british cunt. all your food tastes like bland soup water or fucking sheep shit.
did you miss your poptart breakfast?
oh. you're the fat british fuck with the toe fingers that eats ground beef and veggies and think that makes him a fucking aristocrat. didn't realize i was responding to a faggot.
kek im not even british you sad projecting fatass, which was fucking obvious from the can if you had a brain and was at least bi-lingual.
Ketchup and McDonald chicken mcnugget sauce on a under meat. Hahahaha. What a faggot
What is that, mayonnaise on potatoes?
That looks delicious, although I’m an amerifat. I’m having pinto beans with ham hocks, and smoked pork shoulder with homemade bbq sauce.
>McNiggers that have only eaten nuggies and fries with ketchup showing their lack of food diversity
Thx, got half off a smoked pork should with short date today, threw it in the freezer for when i have time to do some BBQ. Gonna be good.
Need to make another batch of meat n veggie pasta sauce too some day, freezer full of frozen mince.
Beef stroganoff, made with sirloin steak. Brandy and tomato puree are a must. Sour cream, not creme fraiche.
>Wilted grocery store "salad"
>potatoes smothered in smegma
>overcooked steak with ketchup on it
>pre digested dijon mustard
pardon me if i think your taste in food is absolute fucking garbage.
>being legally blind
go see an optician and buy a new monitor that's not 'saved' from a garbage bin
enjoy eating your shit tier hog slop, you oversized european cunt.
Sounds delish, havent had stroganoff in ages.
I have some frozen cabbage soup in the freezer. Love it.
>noooooo im not too poor to buy glasses and a non-shit monitor so i can actually see the correct colors REEEEEEE
lmao you're fucking retarded and cant even see the difference betwen brown and pink, neck yourself you pathetic faggot.
I made Hambagu steak, mashed potatoes, roasted carrots, green beans and mushroom gravy