Is anyone else incapable of holding onto a friendship? What usually goes wrong for you?

Is anyone else incapable of holding onto a friendship? What usually goes wrong for you?

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I don't have many friends because I'm rash and just fed up with the bullshit most people put out. But when I get into a friendship it's for life. I just don't aim for it overall and it sort of happens. Work on yourself.

Since you created this thread it probably means you have this issue OP. Mind sharing what goes wrong?

my problem is myself. i don't like making people be around me because i am negative and dont want to ruin their moods. i used to have a lot of friends but pushed them all away because i just simply couldn't do it anymore. i was trying to be somebody i wasn't

I just up and leave. Have no interest in forming one so I block it from happening. On purpose.

typically make really good friends with people and i think i just get bored of hanging out with the same people so we just slowly drift apart.

My bond with my core group of friends is pretty strong, but it's basically impossible for me to branch out from that. Tried being friends with some other people my age some years ago. We got along really well and had lots of fun hanging out. I fell out with them likely due to diverging political views (them progressive vs me conservative). I was willing to put those differences aside but they weren't. Or maybe it was the fact that men just can't really be friends with women.

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I'm a jobless loser with no car and not great social skills.

Meeting with friends means having to spend money or being good at something. All my friends but one are successful or working or in school. And I feel like shit due to this. And so slowly I start to isolate and distance myself. Not on purpose, but it happens.

And I've slowly lost most my friends. And ended up back on this waste of a site... I truly am here forever.

I honestly think it's more just social circles existing. Once one is established you don't really want to mess with the mojo as dumb as that may sound. Everyone is already pretty comfortable with how it's working and doesn't really want to adjust much to the new person, even if they are pretty cool.

I’m asking the questions here, Juden.

Drunk texting/messaging usually suffocates my friends

What gets me is the fact that one of the girls in particular (she was a gay chick btw) was, at the time, more of a best friend than my actual best friend. I'm talking had she not been a lesbo, we would've been soulmates. We got along super well for about 6 months and then after that something just snapped.

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Don't have many but the ones I do I'm very close with. We've gone our separate ways but make time to chat online a few times a week. There's one I worry about who started isolating himself. I think he feels like a failure in comparison but I wish he wouldn't.

Autism methinks
Can't into relationships
Can barely verbally communicate with humans, so...

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Who's Juden?

Most people, are associates, not friends, and I see through that. Becoming close friends with someone is always weird too, it’s like a non sexual relationship.

Why is a non sexual relationship weird lmao.

With a guy, it sketches me out. It’s the point where you think it’s not gay, but it’s starting to feel gay. It’s the point of seeing their flaws, emotional instability, traits etc. it’s that point that makes me feel uncomfortable, it feels like this is getting gay I need to bail on you

Closet case

Please leave the thread nigger.

Not even trying to be an asshole here, please don't take it that way. I think there is something wrong with you, at least your perception of make friendships user.

*Male not make

I'm the same way. I have 3 real true friends that I enjoy being around. I don't see the point of seeking out new friends just for the sake of having them. Plus I would rather spend time with my kid.

It took my wife years to finally get it and stop trying to get me to socialize.

Are your wife's friendships as deep as yours?

This. Only exception, in my experience, is when you get into a relationship where the other person introduces you into their social circle. However, even this often feels like an "additional social layer" and sometimes you can just feel that you are the new one.

A few, yes. She is very sociable and enjoys meeting people even if it doesn't go any farther than that. She says herself that she has a few friends but a lot of acquaintances.

All my friends are faggots in their late 20s still wanting to go out and drink every weekend and pawn their kids off on their parents or babysitter. I prefer to stay home with my family. I offer my friends to bring their kids over and us grill out and let them play while we drink a few. That sounds better to me than going out to some trashy bar or restaurant.

Thats why i don’t hangout with anyone

Myself, and my two best friends I grew up with are in our 40s now with kids and do this every few weeks or so. I would 100% rather chill out and let the kids have fun than go to a bar or club now. We got those days out of our system in our 20s.

I had been online stalking a girl I had a crush on for 3 years. I never met her irl, but she lived near me and had a public insta and twitter that she would constantly post on, so I started cataloging information on her. I knew literally all her likes, dislikes, where she hung out, who she hung out with, what she looks for in a guy. After 3 years of stalking I finally went to a bar I knew she was gonna be at and "randomly" started talking to her. I knew exactly what to say to make her interested in me and asked her out. We started dating and she thought I was the perfect guy, she would tell me how I just understood her. We dated for a year and moved in together for the last 6 months, it was by far the best 6 months of my life; waking up everyday with a woman you love is inexplainable happiness. I was planning to propose to her but one day I left my google drive open and she found the folder where I kept all my information about her; it had every picture she had every posted on social media going back 8 years. I tried to tell her it was part of a surprise collage I was making for her proposal, but she had also seen the notes I had kept on her which were going back since before we started dating. She broke off all contact with me, deleted all of her socials, and threatened to put a restraining order on me if I ever contact her again. It's been 7 months since I last saw her,
I feel so empty

This is a weird copy pasta.

I'm a failure and I'm really ashamed of being a neet also because I'm bat shit insane I have a tulpa and multiple personalities people get weirded out with me and disgusted

real shit

i know what i you mean despite the people saying you're weird. especially when guys start talking about their trials and tribulations and shit. most people end up complaining about their life at some point in a long term friendship. ive come to just never speak of most problems, especially serious ones. That only ever got me in trouble, no matter who I spoke to really.

i had to burn a lot of bridges with worthless people, the kind you come home feeling worse after having hung out with them. mostly people taking their problems out on their friends, so many people just dig for ways to power trip b/c they have no power over their own lives. i keep burning bridges these days by denying the holocaust and shit, but id rather speak the truth. most people cant stand that. idc. most people are literally retarded and worthless. you need a handful of people in your life. not enough time in life to really KNOW more than a handful of people

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Exactly, my friends just haven’t got that same mentality as us i guess. Nonetheless i am married to the mother of my children most all my friends have kids with women they aren’t with.

maybe it's because you're an abrasive asshole

I usually can't make friendships to begin with desu. I have the autism™, so talking with people doesn't make any sense

>i keep burning bridges these days by denying the holocaust

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I was the first to have kids and my friends group shrunk immensely when that happened. Only a handful stuck around and now there are only three true ones left. Most every time we hang out it's the whole families. One friend moved away and stayed single and we still see each other just not often. I'm good with this.

fundamental difference between people who reflect mob opinion and those with actual convictions. the former are worthless, weed em out, even if its painful.

Yep, thats family life. I’d rather be with my family than be anywhere else though. Could care less if anyone wants to hangout but yeah its nice every now and then for a boys night grilling and shit ya know

We just stop talking anymore for some reason.

Yes, just like that.

Always get ghosted.

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I'd say I feel sorry for you because of how alone you've made yourself but I don't.

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Truth. I'm choosing staying at home grilling and drinking in my back yard over any club or bar. Thats the young single life and I'm neither anymore.

I'm good at opening conversation.
But when it comes to talk about ourselves Im the one silent.
That's bc I dont like to talk about myself; I have a shitty life.
So people ended up tearing apart from me.
They think I dont care, but I care lot.
I hate myself

I dont like to do anything and people usually want to do things. This is a conflict of interest.

I'll tell you what goes on.
I attract selfish cunts who don't understand what boundaries are, and as a result they make unrealistic demands on my time while demanding that I sacrifice more for the sake of their comfort. Stupid bitch Kristen. Talking every day, hanging out every weekend, going to the store together for fucks sake wasn't enough for you!? I mean goddamnit my own family was saying I spend more time with you than I've ever spent with another human being that I wasn't fucking. Stupid bitch.

dont see it that way kike

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Just out of curiosity, how did you become hopelessly radicalized? Because I've been on here since I was a young teen and had no problem not becoming a retard.

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Why do you hate yourself?

My complete hatred of people and desire to be alone, generally speaking

wasnt until the past couple years but I was never foreign to the fact that the bolsheviki were primarily kikes despite being as few in Russia as they are in the current US.

funny you post pic rel, I have fucked a nigger, was ok. did you ever get anything in return for shilling you thoughtless retard? i know you get off on being a part of a the big group that blindly believes an unevidenced guilt parade that pales in comparison to the genocides the jews themselves committed. dont underestimate how many people hate kikes but cant speak out from "hate speech laws", consider the entire eastern hemisphere aside from poopskin india

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All my friends turned out to be cowards, liars, cheats, and back stabbers. I don't think people really know what friendship means or what integrity is. They all spread like leaves in the wind when the troubles come.

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What did you do?

Kek out loud

Do I have friends? Yes, few and far between, and I've pushed almost all of them away over the past few years.

Like a stereotypical group of friends? No. I remember yearning for friends so badly as a child but my parents refused to let me hang out with anyone. My dad is an alcoholic recluse that kept me away from all people and my mother is an insane person. So I don't think I ever learned how to get along with a big group and I'm 30 now and probably couldn't learn if I tried. Plus everyone my age is past all that now anyway.

real shit

Other males have a problem with misunderstanding boundaries and Im not a forgiving person because one example of malevolence is enough to drop your ass like the dead weight you are.

Oh and also males arent even a desired form of friendship in the first place. But women are retarded because they think a friendship is something that requires no input. I need some pussy if Ima have to hear about your problems, especially if its about your guy problems. You can talk with your mouth full.

I'm going to sound dumb but you are close to my age (a little older) I use to be jealous of the kids from the weekenders growing up. Always getting together every weekend with a group to hangout and enjoy the town.

I've had various friends over the years. Even though I'm pretty awkward and somewhat anti-social, I tend to be decent at making friends when the circumstances are appropriate, like being forced to communicate.
Only have two people I consider my friends now, though.

When I was very young, any friend I made moved away too quickly.
>preschool, got bullied and just wanted to play with legos and had no friends
>kindergarten, made friends with some girl first week, by second week she transfers to another school. no more friends that year
>1st grade best friends with kid on my block and in my class, play nintendo and shit every day. end of year he moved to japan
>2nd grade, make friends with random kid first week, within 2 weeks he transfers to another school
>basically stopped trying at that point
>3rd grade parents set up friend dates to try and get me friends. new 'friend' recruits me to help steal shit from other classmates and that is the extent of the 'friendship'
>4th grade get 'friended' up with rich troublemaker kid and within a day get a detention (i was the faggiest rule abiding kid ever and thought i was going to prison and life was over...)
>5th grade get removed from rest of 5th graders and put into weird 4/5 split with only me, french kids that speak no english, and 1 other normal kid
>befriend normal kid. month later asked to make presentation on best friends.
>choose my new friend
>he chooses his real friend who chooses him so i look retarded
>2nd half of 5th grade new kid moves in house behind me, make friends
>he moves away at end of year
It just gets worse from there, but I learned early on that anyone i invested time in would leave me every single time.

Would have been nice. I'm just glad this shit isn't forever. I'm almost halfway through. Death will be a relief... I will sigh a sigh of relief upon my last breath, come heaven or hell.