Twice thread!

Twice thread!

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Other urls found in this thread:가슴유방

It seems that in 10 out of 10 cases, those Twice threads are the Comfy threads which are also the Nice threads!

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I love Jihyo

Attached: [4K]181105 트와이스 TWICE 쇼케이스 지효 JIHYO BDZ 직캠 Fancam.webm (990x1762, 1.62M)

i think I hate Saturdays now

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Salutations, my frens!
I hope you're all doing most excellent there today at this mid-point of the weekend for many a fren!
Hopefully some truly cozy as heck partakings have been dabbled in there today!

> But I heard Satrudays were the bee's knees, my fren?!

Greetings to you, my frens!
I pray that the weekend cozy times are in full-swing and that you've been up to some BLESSED undertakings to keep it cozy there!
Anything EPIC going on today?!

Attached: Mina12.webm (268x380, 1.07M)

> For our first Jimmy-Jam of this Twice thread, I give the frens that one new BOP of a Dreamyfu KJimmy-Jam that's taken the world by storm apparently and I could see why!

Attached: JimmyJamsYoohyeon1.jpg (1141x750, 212.14K)

> Did you know that Elon is not content with just obtaining Twitter but he's even trying to buy out that one Duelmonsters card game thingy there so he can make his own SPAAAACE cards?! For any interested frens, post THREE numbers [1-515, 1-538, 1-385] and receive THREE videos in the form of a Jimmy-Jam, SmartBoi video, AND a Meme!

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Happy Saturday Night my Twiggers!

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> Yet again we stumble onto another RARE card here tonight!

And this one RARE card is of course a NEW card that could prove to be quite useful in the Decks of those dueling frens out there as well!

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I am a lazy no-gooder. I don't think I got anything done. That porch light doesnt work right. It still stay son when the sun is out. It was just a cheap garbage light so I didn't even change the back porch.
The I went into the garage to maybe clean up stuf. throw away or put in the shed but I looked at it and nope'd out. So my garage is still a mess.
I was going to put in a remote control module in the ceiling fan but I didn't feel like doing that either.
I got nothing done today and now I am bummed out.
I shit posted on four chan today and there were a bunch of elon musk threads so I posted a funny meme post of grimes twitter account being banned and I got replies "who is that?" I know they were trolling me but I kind of kek'd.

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Saturdays are for the chads

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Attached: Jihyo tennis.webm (640x864, 748.6K)

I suppose that this weekend is just all about the cozy partakings and the like, my fren!
> No harm in having a lazy few days here so you can rejuvenate yourself for some week-day workies and obligations and all there!

I wouldn't feel bummed at all there, my fren!
Heck, there's even still tomorrow to partake in some thingies there as well, my fren!
> So I wouldn't fret not!

> and I got replies "who is that?"
Heck, they might not be even trolling you there, my fren!
It is Yea Forums after all!

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> And Twice threads are for that BLESSED ChadFren as well!

Greetings to you there, my Blessed and ChadlyFren!

I hope all is going most cozily today for you and you've been up to some EPIC weekend partakings there!
> Anything EPIC going on today, ym fren?!

Attached: MinaDubu2.jpg (870x870, 59.73K)

> The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: A bit of an ol' FUNKY BOP of a Jimmy-Jam from the MUSE-ical band that seems to keep putting out a few cozy ones like this every now and then even today!

Attached: DubuJimmyJams12.jpg (236x354, 13.66K)

is that the vietnamese jihyo
I'm the virgin Saturday
At least I changed that light and I know that the light doesnt work so it is progress. and I guess I also fixed the flickering screw-inLEDs in the bathroom by replacing them all with higher quality newer LED screw-ins
as long as I can get that ceiling fan remote installed tomorrow it might not be a total loss
> they might not be even trolling you there
I just assume everyone is trolling because in this one other thread this one guy was flying off the handle at every comment and there is no way he could have been serious because if he was he might be a certified incel or something.

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No, that's Jihyo.

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No, it's Momo.

Attached: Momo tree halo.webm (1036x642, 1.27M)

See, then you did do some work there and all, my fren!
> You just now know what DOES and DOESN'T work for some stuff there so that's not the worst at all!
It gives you something to work off of tomorrow perhaps!

Also, for me, it'd have to just be a ceiling fan with no fancy remote, just a little pull-string because I'm old school like that I guess! kek

> and there is no way he could have been serious because if he was he might be a certified incel or something.
I mean... Yea Forums!
I heard this was THE PLACE for those sorts of folks to be fair, like it was some incel training camp or something!

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Nothing much going on here pal, just some jams and some pureposting for me!
How about yourself?

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Asian women are neo-Nazi white supremacists

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> Jimmy-Jams and PurePosting is often considered as being one of the COZIEST activities a fren can get up to, actually!
So I commend you on some truly LEGENDARY partakings there, my ChadlyFren!

For me, it's more of the same really!
And those aforementioned activities up there, too!
I guess besides that, there was some YouTubbies and the ol' Pokevidya for me before which was something to be sure!

Greetings to you there, my supremacist fren!
I pray that all is going excellent for you as of late!

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hope you're well

>Asian women are neo-Nazi white supremacists
That's why we love them so much.

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It's Korean for big boobies.

Attached: Jihyo chest.webm (640x360, 1.12M)

> Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: That one NEW Germanic band Jimmy-Jam that we learned actually had a music video the other day which was something and it's quite a POWERFUL BOP after listening to it there!

I am indeed, my fren!
Just some cozy times with the frens is all and some Interwebs partaking and what not with a bit of vidya on the side!
> It's a simple existence but it works for me!
Hopefully you too have been up to some cozy as heck times there as well, my fren!

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I was actually almost going to do free work earlier this after noon by logging into my computer at work to install this addon that I got to evaluate to see if I wanted it
but, I didn't because it is non-critical and I wasn't that bored
>just a little pull-string
the pull string is broke. it works erratically and I suspect because it is a worn mechanism. I can change the pull string and I have the parts BUT, or, AND, or something. I want to change the light kit from the three small screw-in base to the FOUR A19 base which is the large screw in.
So as long as I am touching it I could touch it even more

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Just the usual then. Sounds pretty comfy to me
No, that would be 큰 가슴

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But you could do that during the workies times and even get paid for it, my fren!
Heck... that doesn't seem like the coziest way to partake in a comfy weekend to me!

> I can change the pull string and I have the parts BUT, or, AND, or something. I want to change the light kit from the three small screw-in base to the FOUR A19 base which is the large screw in.
At this point, I feel like most folks would just go and get a whole new fan or something to be fair!
I probably would... I guess I lucked out once more since my fan is ancient and still works just fine!

I'd rate it as particularly comfy there, my fren!
> I mean, as comfy as some vidya partaking and YouTubbies can be that is!
Which is seemingly quite cozy!

But what about the fren there?
Have you found any truly BLESSED Jimmy-Jams in your searches today, my fren?!
I know you can dig quite deep with those BOPS sometimes!

Attached: Mina36.webm (854x480, 1.26M)

Actually, it'd be 큰 유방.
한국어를 위한 구글 번역을 정말 써야 되지 않잖아

Attached: Jihyo black pants.webm (640x892, 1.03M)

hello hello FRENS
how art thou?

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>At this point, I feel like most folks would just go and get a whole new fan or something to be fair!
ok. MAYBE. and I thought about it. I would get a new one with a dimmable LED bowl with no screw-ins and it would have the built in remote already in it. so I could and I plan on doing that to the Master bed room and the fan in question is at the posting station in the spare room
I actually like what I do I just don't like who I have to do it with.

Greetings to you there, my Blessed FRENSFren!
I pray that the cozy times of the weekend are in full-swing there for you today and that you've been up to som EPIC partakings of the film variety or perhaps even some outdoor adventures I heard you were thinking about (with the weather not being a dingus that is)!
> Any of those cozy as all heck partakings you've been up to, my fren?!

For me, it's been a CHONKY bit of snoozies and a little bit of YouTubbies and that ol' Pokevidya that got started back up on the side so it's something!

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oh no
where the picture

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I haven't had to look far today! Sticking with the heavier jams today
It can be both가슴유방

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I just reckon it might be easier to work with there, you just install a new fan and BLAMO I guess!
> For the other fan, I'd be hecked... I'd say you could replace one or something with the other but if it still doesn't work that negates the point!

> I just don't like who I have to do it with.
But I thought you LOVED chatting with Mr. Reddit!
I guess we were all mistaken!

Some HEAVY BOPS you say?
I heard we might have a few of those on the pipeline tonight at some point!
> At least the ones in my noggin!

Maybe not as HEAVY as some of the Jimmy-Jams you're partaking in but it'll be something!

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> The next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: A bit of a cozy Jimmy-Jam here for the frens right from the ol' Billy Guy who likes his piano a fair bit it seems!

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Attached: dubuAAAAAAAA.webm (480x480, 1.94M)

I woke up almost at 1 pm lel, not too party mode but I was about going out in some minutes to eat something

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True but 가슴 is less literal and better translates to heart in most situations. A common expression is ~ 가습에 들다 which literally means enters into my heart used to mean that you like something. Talking about physical boobies, you'll usually use 유방.

Attached: Jihyo Alcohol Free jiggle.webm (650x900, 1.88M)

>now this is what you won't learn in school
That makes a lot of sense actually, thanks

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> And here I was expecting something HEAVIER than that one there, my fren!
I guess my fren is just slipping as he's getting older and partaking in some cozier Jimmy-Jams!
No shame in that!

Heck... a relatable feeling to be sure there, my fren!
I just partook in ALL of the CHONKY snoozies as well there and then instantly starting running around partaking in thingies and stuff right after so it's been a non-stop day to be sure!

> Also, foods you say?!
Is it some sort of FANCY foods we've never had before, my fren?!
This seems like quite the occurrence to me!

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>But I thought you LOVED chatting with Mr. Reddit!
he is alright but there are they other peoples in the office. and other peoples outside the office like the clients.
>but there are good clients too.

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I feel like most of the client folks there are just folks who want a thingy done and mostly leave you to it though, right?
> Outside of a couple smol detours they cause for you, not like the CURSED ones that keep you in the workies late on Thursday or something!

Those seemed like the RARE type of heckeries from what I understand!
> Also, I know a fren who LOVES that one KJimmy-Jam like you LOVE to chat to Mr. Reddit!

Attached: Nayeon45.jpg (1000x910, 113.58K)

Mind you, 가슴 is still used to physically refer to a chest, but 유방 is unambiguous.
이 차가 가슴에 들네요 -> I really like this car
이 차가 유방에 들네요 -> This car is physically in my breasts

Attached: Jiggly Jihyo 2.webm (720x1200, 584.7K)

I can enjoy different layers of HEAVIness tho
however it needs to be balanced out with actual good songwriting, like the above link
Being HEAVY for the sake of heavy is boring
As for going soft, here's an album I've been enjoying lately

Attached: dahyunnod.gif (404x440, 1.46M)

just some beers and hot dogs, but fancy hot dogs

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>This car is physically in my breasts
That sounds painful
I appreciate the feedback though, still learning as I go

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> however it needs to be balanced out with actual good songwriting, like the above link
I... agree, my fren!
> *looks up lyrics on the ol' Interwebs*

Also, the fren is actually partaking in some quite cozy BOPS as well there?!
Heck... how does he manage to switch between such POWERFUL and comfy BOPS like this so easily!
> I feel like I get stuck in one or another for a HOT minute myself!

Holy heck... go on, my fren!
Are these made with the FINEST ingredients and what not?
Perhaps a picture or two to commemorate this BLESSED meal is on order at some point so all the frens can get quite jelly as the kiddos say these days!

Attached: Mina141.jpg (650x650, 92.51K)

Word choice is important in any language. How long have you been studying for?
마음 (mind/heart) can also be used in place of 가슴 in that same expression: 음식 마음에 든 거 같아 -> I thought the food was pretty good.

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they put them caramelized onions n shiet, and the meat comes for farm animals in at least 50% of the hot dogs!

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>I feel like most of the client folks there are just folks who want a thingy done and mostly leave you to it though, right?
not really
there are clients that can manage their projects good and give me a reasonable amount of time to complete said project. and they are able to make decisions and handle THEIR clients
and then there are the ones who let their clients make things difficult and they don't know how to manage their own projects and they give me no time at all to do anything. they give me one day to do something that should take a two or three days. and then they second guess things and just make it difficult for me
it is hard to explain but there are good clients and bad clients
it kind of goes with the projects too
like manufacturing and municipal (like city buildings) are easier to work with because ironically with the city building even though it is government they at least have to have certain procedures that they follow and they can't screw around much.
and manufacturing guys are just more practical.
but then you get into community projects like high schools or senior centers and it is all chaos. you got everyone trying to get their opinion in and one person will tell you one thing and another will come along and contradict the other and you just have to do whatever the last person told you and have a reason and say look these two said two different things. what do you want? it sucks

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>*looks up lyrics on the ol' Interwebs*
>not knowing brutalspeak
Believe it or not I was strictly rock/metal or bust for quite a while in my youth, but gradually as I matured I grew to like more outsider stuff
And then in 2012 PSY dropped his MAJOR bop and it was all downhill from there
>How long have you been studying for?
Not very long, little less than a year. Its also been difficult to find time/motivation sometimes to study cause of outside life stuff, so probably not at the level I should be personally.

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> 50% isn't bad at all, my fren!
Hopefully the rest comes from that pink slime that may or may not be used in the creation of McNuggies and what not, my fren!
Perhaps you'll luck out and get one of those hot doggos!

> Also, caramelized onions seems like a decision to be sure!
It's not what I'd think to put on a hot doggo, but you did say they were quite fancy to be fair!
Maybe they're like... French hot doggos or something!

> but then you get into community projects like high schools or senior centers and it is all chaos.
That's what I'd imagine to be fair... at least the other folks have to follow certain thingies that keeps them from being like "BUT WHAT ABOUT INSTALLING 50 LIGHTS ON THE STAIRS? THAT'D BE COOL!" last minute or something!

I would imagine most of those folks in the community projects just have no idea how any of the workies you do there actually works and thinks it's like a few hours to change something up even when it's a MASSIVE to-do!

It makes sense though with the different types of folks, but I still imagine there's some CURSED folks in each and BLESSED folks as well to deal with of course!

Attached: Mina149.jpg (562x750, 139.18K)

> And then in 2012 PSY dropped his MAJOR bop and it was all downhill from there
Another relatable feeling there as well, my fren... I was all over the place with my Jimmy-Jamming back in the day there!
> I do seem to recall partaking in ALL of the 60s Jimmy-Jams and all though prior to the Psy-ening and what not!

Then the Oasis phase and Pink Floyd phase and what not... it's been a CURSED Jimmy-Jam adventure with me!
Even getting into the KJimmy-Jams late as well there in the late 2010s as well!

Attached: Mina106.webm (530x640, 368.43K)

If you have any questions, let me know.

Attached: Dahyun yeoboseyo.png (400x400, 267.36K)

> Our next Jimmy-Jam on the YouTube Jimmy-Jam rabbit hole is this: One of those POWERFUL BOPS I was talking about there that I think our fren MIGHT enjoy, even if it's not SUPER HEAVY!

Attached: JimmyJamsNayeon1.webm (570x480, 609.59K)

once I bought a brand of relatively cheap sausages and when I boiled them the water was a little pink, if it has coloring, who knows what the original color is...

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