How to learn guitar and acoustic as a bloody newbie. Help would be appreciated. Thank you

How to learn guitar and acoustic as a bloody newbie. Help would be appreciated. Thank you

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get a teacher. if you try learning from online shit you're going to get overwhelmed very quickly. find a local teacher and ask for lessons. trust me

Watch youtube cideos


Keep playing songs, fuck notes

Have someone who knows how to play show you how to strum properly. From there maybe try learning some scales and tabs to get used to playing. From there, try learning notes etc. Practice a lot.

learn chords
learn your basic pentatonic, blues scales
learn modes if you really want to
learn basic music theory (how to form different chords, suspended, minor, sus9 etc, how keys work and which types of music use certain chords and scales)
Play a fucking shit load

Learn some easy 4 chord songs. Folk is usually a good source of those. You can look up most popular songs online.

Once you can do easy open chords and switch between them quickly, learn power chords. With those, you can play all kinds of easy punk and metal.

Then learn barre chords. They're a pain in the ass for beginners, but once you get the hang of them, you can play ANY simple maj/min 7 chord.

Then start learning to recognize intervals on the guitar between the different strings. In fact, maybe start doing this even sooner.

Then try to learn fingerpicking. My advice there is to designate each string to a finger for that particular song. You may not realize it, but playing the same string with different fingers in a picking pattern will fuck up your muscle memory.

If you're a sadboy, Crywank is a guitarist who started putting out albums the year he picked up a guitar, so his first album is all braindead simple stuff. His third and most popular album - Tomorrow is Nearly Yesterday and Everyday is Stupid is a goldmine of fingerpicking stuff written by a guy who had just figured out fingerpicking. Good for learning the ropes IMO.

Last bit of advice, and this goes for all instruments, and really all eye hand coordination things, do it as slow as you need to so as to not fuck up the hardest part. Don't speed up on the easy parts and slow down on the hard parts, and don't try to do the hard parts quickly but wrong. You won't build muscle memory by playing something wrong.

Good luck guitarfag.

Also this is stellar advice.

Nirvana and nmh are Yea Forumscore with extremely easy to play songs

Practice every day. Be consistent. Practice everyday.

Guitar is stupid
Get a MIDI controller and a DAW and learn something relevant

As a begginer, is it a good idea to play power chords using drop d?

stop that thinking
Drop D as a beginner is a crutch
A power chord in standard isnt hard

It's a lot of fun.

no, learn standard stuff first and get your bearings with that then venture out with different tunings

You're the fucking faggot. I'm not a faggot, I'm a realist. Go suck some penises you fucking faggot.

1. Acquire guitar
2. Practice
3. ????

+ emphasis on practicing. You gotta put the time in. It'll feel like you aren't getting better at all, but you are. Practice a little bit every day and hang in there.
>t. guitar newfriend

>Know song you want to learn
>Look up the chords to that song
>Look up those chords
>Play those chords
I learned with that and a basic knowledge of piano and music theory.

btw, rocksmith is pretty fun if you have an electric guitar. It has pros and cons for teaching you how to play, but some of the technique games are actually good fundamental practice. There are tons of free custom songs too.

Every day I thank god I learned how to play at like 8. Girls don't dig it if you look like shrek though, so that's a downside.

Thank you for the quick response