Celebrity deaths that actually upset you

Celebrity deaths that actually upset you.
Something about Robin Williams death, the way he died really hit me hard for some reason.

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he died doing what he loved

he lived for a long time and went out on his terms, in a manner and time of his choosing. i am happy for anyone that can do that.


I was pretty bummed when John Wayne died.
He was a hero to us kids.
Was also bummed when Robin Williams died. He seemed like a good soul.
>t. boomer, yes.

not a fan of different strokes, but still a rough way to go

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Karen Carpenter. Her husband was a piece of shit, she had a beautiful voice, was married for little time in her late 20s, people don't really mention other relationships she had. Died because she had anorexia.
She was so young too, it's not fair and her last moments in life were devoid of true love even if she sang about it so much.

Lemmy. It felt like losing some kind of great uncle.

Winning? I guess so

RIP to this comedic genius

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RIP in piece Steve Irwin

These two, plus Gilbert Gottfried, Sean Lock, Norm McDonald, are probably the ones that i was most sad when I heard it happened.
On the other hand I was also sad when I found out about Benny Hill post mortem, I was really into his shit when I was young and I had no idea he'd already died by that time

Stuart Scott got me for some reason

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I've never really got over it :(

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Jack Webb

Television went all hippie without him

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Chadwick Boseman and Jessica Walter

That's Alan Rickman you asshat

Brian 0 Connor

Rest in Power

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Brittany Murphy made me really sad.

This hurt because people just saw him alive and well just a few hours ago.
Everyone said moonshine was involved and he accidentally blew himself up. Turn out the railing of the balcony was too small for his lankey ass and he fell and broke his neck. Just like that dead. It's scary that it could happen any moment

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My grandpa used to say the Duke was a queer. Is this true?

none you retarded loser


Holy shit

Robin is probably the only one. Potentially Tom Cruise.

Chris cornell. He was hunting pedophiles, and there was no way he would commit suicide.

Why? He said fuck-it I’m out. 100% his choice. He might have stuck around longer if assisted suicide was legal.

When a Leftist Celeb takes their dirt nap, I could not care less. that's one less authoritarian telling me how to vote or what's right or wrong.
Enjoy your day in hell Leftists.

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Blast from the past.

Speaking of comedians it sucked when mitch hedberg ODed too

Shit I forgot about him


100% some daemons you just can’t escape.


Why do you think “they” called him the Duke?

>Random Capitalization
How's the war going?

Same. The way he articulated himself. He was so cool... like the other side of the pillow.

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actual boomer detected

That guy was one of a very small handful of celebrities I actually wanted to meet.


My buddy and I had just mail ordered for Zeppelin tickets in Chicago the day before. Next day we were bummed.

Ya dadi

I didn't know Dennis Rodman died!

I'm still screaming

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These people live lives of wealth and luxury you and I can't imagine, and they don't consider the rest of us to even be human beings.

Stop worshiping them and acting as if they're you're friends.

RIP boss man

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Weirdly enough he just twitted something about Robin Williams 50 minutes ago. Is he...one of us??

I'm sad every day because of this legendary man and his inability to not accidentally kill himself

Chris Cornell killing himself was a hard one for me, big fan for a long time, seemed to have it all

just when they started making more content. I was checking their twitch and youtube nearly every day. This really hurt.


Bob Saget and Gilbert Gottfried recorded a podcast less than a year ago and neither one had any idea they would both be dead in less than a year.

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John Wayne wasn't a queer. That's a fag fantasy.
He knew lots of queers because he worked in Hollywood, but The Duke liked pussy - usually Mexican pussy.
Cannot say I blame him. I like Mexican pussy too.