The album that changed your life.
The album that changed your life
When my friends started recommending me Pinkerton I realised they were all creepy nerds and started spending time with better people who actually had hobbies and careers. I can't recall any other occasions on which an album has significantly changed my life.
>listening to albums
>albums changing someones life
Yeah no. If a commericialized product pumped out by Jewish executives has ever remotely "changed you life," just an hero right now. Art is so fucking irrelevant and always has been.
This isn't a youtube comment section you faggot
using Yea Forums is a greater predictor of being a creepy nerd than listening to pinkerton
>Art is so fucking irrelevant and always has been.
So what brings you here then?
Unironically Appetite for Destruction
Tessio got me over my oneitis
Fragile by Yes made me stop listening to shitty metal and had me start listening to shitty dad rock
if you hate music then leave
first time i scouted an album rather than just listening to the shit on the charts at the time (aware of how predictable this is)
jesus i was going to post both of these. good taste anons.
First album that I actually went and listened to on my own (albeit through recommendation from a friend). Prior to this I listened to whatever the hell my parents put on, which was mostly Coldplay, RHCP, and some other mainstream pop rock bands (which is probably why I still have such a sweet spot for them today). Good ass album though, got me into my metal phase which made me realize that there was more to music than "oh hey theres a nice tune wow".
There's something about this one, it never gets old
This, but unironically.
Kill me now for my shit taste
Ah a fellow patrician
Cliche but yeah, it really did change my entire outlook on music.
That encore track that features Stardust is the greatest thing they ever did. 11/10
The first album I ever bought at 11 years old shaped my entire musical interests. You might not see the leap because they were mainstream radio rock but everything from the vocal effects to the bass playing to the whole idea of music not being a wholly pleasurable thing totally hooked me. As in having sections which can evoke a feeling of despair in your mind rather than just endless feel-good rhythms.
Eventually got me into doom, noise, jazz, classical and in general made me a crybaby little fag but at least my tastes in music are good now
back in 2009 I was a big fan of prog rock, art rock, experimental rock, etc etc. one day i stumbled upon this record called "My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky" by a band that was apparently legendary making a comeback. I became obsessed with the record, even bought it on CD, then I got curious who was Michael Gira talking about on the "Jim" track. JG Thirlwell aka Clint Ruin aka Foetus. It was a diferent story after this record, I've been a big no-wave/post-punk/industrial/psych rock fan ever since
I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me exponentially for like two years and now it's one of my favorite albums. I can relate to this shit more than any other album. Really helped me when I felt like I was alone.
Is what you still like or? You can't really help what got you into music. Not everyone has a cool dad or uncle that gets them started with a super cool album
Great friend of mine let me borrow this in middle school. Love the rawness of it. Certainly was a gateway into heavier music and other genres.
It was the first album that truly blew my mind. Completely changed my perspective on what music could be.