What is the best US state?

what is the best US state?

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The red ones



They all suck.

This. Low cost of living, and plus people need to move there to vote out the Republiturds.



Alaska, bitches

Probably before the Brits turned up. Was in a good state then and went downhill ever since.

Sure if you like poverty I guess?

you can't go outdoors during the summer tho
or the winter

Just stay away from the coasts and big cities. Otherwise the only thing you gotta look out for is state tax, gas tax, and gun rights those are the only real things that change from state to state.

>Stay away from the coast and big cities
why, dumbshit?

Florida, by far.

New York



This user gets it

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Based. Best healthcare, and public colleges in the U.S.

your shit is going to get voted out the more people move there hahahaha


red rural cali keeping the cancer cities from spreading.

>proud that deep blue states cause white flight to spread the cancer...

Really depends on what you are looking for.
>For cheap real estate probably most red states
>Job opportunities probably most blue states
>If you want to live in a place that is not entirely a shithole like Florida and where you can enjoy conservative values then Texas
>If you love nature and the outdoors then definitely California, Oregon, or Washington state

Pic related, Oregon

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Because the cost of living is high and you will have to rent your life away never accumulating any money or assets. That on top of crime being rampant, traffic being suicide educing, and the overall feel of tenseness and anger that stews in everyone you pass.

you have to obey the state's liberal laws tho trumper



sounds like you can't get a good job cletus

Texas or Florida, and that is coming from someone living in Georgia.


Texas >>> Florida

This is coming from someone that has lived in both states

Texas has no decent beaches tho

South Padre Island is where it's at my boy

Sure. People fleeing blue states are going to vote more dems in...

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Imagine actually defending democratic policies, the policies that have turned just about every major democrat run city into the worlds biggest gaping dripping diseased shithole you've ever seen. Every single one of those responsible for the condition of those cities should be put in jail for undermining the country and endangering public health.

With the exception of San Franciso it's actually not that bad

You don't have a good enough job to afford it either.
>t. Oceanside

Lived in LA county for 22 years unable to produce nothing with my life because there was no jobs, college was too expensive, and I was splitting a 3,400 monthly rent with 4 other people. Then joined the military and moved into the midwest after. Got my nursing degree and now am a physical therapist because fuck actually being a nurse. Own 40 acres of prime hunting land next to a wildlife management area and a house that sits on it. Big cities are a cancer that only trolls will praise.

nobody's "fleeing blue states" trump bitch

you have to live with disgusting shitbag junkies shitting all over the streets and living on the sidewalks with their garbage and used needles all over the place overdosing everywhere. Remember how venice beach used to be nice? its a complete shithole now. Enjoy.

imagine sitting in your mommy's basement making pronouncements about "democrat cities"



Go back.

then how am I here
inb4 mommies basement

Dude fucking everyone is fleeing blue states. I'm glad you're staying in the shithole city that you helped create.

more like you couldn't figure it out
and your 40 acres is probably open range
big whoop

This is the goofiest shit in the world

>red state is great
>let’s flood it with blue voters
>leaving a blue state
>to being in blue state politics
>to a great red state


Enjoy stepping over disgusting piss soaked bums daily and having your stores looted cuck.

homeless people exist because shitty red states keep vetoing legislation that would improve this country socially and economically

but I'm triggering you hard here
why should I stop



no they aren't republiturd

blue runs most population centers, but red has full control of the cow pastures. obviously these governing philosophies are not going to be interchangeable, but i do defer to red wisdom on livestock topics and manure management.

I'm glad you can share your fetishes here with us user
is your cock in hand?

Any red state is good. The blue ones are dogshit.

Post office?

the united states are the best. america is the best

Not the guy you’re trying to troll

You sound like a teenager, quit while you’re ahead

Bait and actual liberal beliefs, are indistinguishable.

no they don't dumbass
the state passes laws everyone has to follow, including gun laws

>I'm not the other guy I swear
sure you aren't



>nobody's "fleeing blue states"
yes they are

>nobody's "fleeing blue states"
yes they are. you know youre not considered human to the rest of the world, right?

didn't state any beliefs
lies and made up shit are distinguishable right wing characteristics

I am so so so so sorry but we are going to have to love, cherish, and accept you my friend.

no they aren't
people are moving here bitch
because it's a beautiful area and our crazies aren't in charge

>you know you're not considered human to my small penis

ok christfag

What an unusual hill to die on, particularly when any internet search would prove you wrong

you have to be trolling
youre either trolling or are very emotional right now, and/or are defending something without knowing why for. you are worse than the other side
its not just the "right wing" that hates you. the world would be better if you people gave up YOUR rights and left everyone else the fuck alone (because you do want to give up your rights and be a little slave bitch NPC good boi)

not dead yet trumper
and for everyone who leaves, people show up

sorry facts are emotional to you

i think that its someone who jumped on when i replied to the original user first and hes too hopped up on corn syrup to not hit the "made for BBC" button

you don't speak for "the world" dumbass



I think you're both faggots