I have so much credit card debt I can never pay it back under current circumstances

I have so much credit card debt I can never pay it back under current circumstances

Can I tell them to freeze/close the account so I don't have to pay interests? I can't can I?

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You didn't talk to collections when they called, did you??

No one called yet but its pilling up and sooner or later I am fucked.

Make a budget, spend less than you earn, pay your CC debt using the difference, and consider other sources of income.

Or just rape your mom

just file bankruptcy Ivan, ezpz

fake your own death in a boat explosion
you will need a body that is at least in your proportions
you should probably know how to swim

Max out all your cards and then go buy a new SSN, fake your death.

Well, when they inevitably call you..... I don't know how you feel about this eceleb but you may want to follow his advice

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If you get into a call with credit debt collectors you say in a weird old guy voice "AW MAN DUDE I CANT DO 850........ etc" They say "Okay what CAN you do sir?" You say: "UH HOW ABOUT $3.50?"

The meter keeps running forever at 23.9% APR until you pay it off, or file for bankruptcy.
The mafia wasn't even this good at loansharking. $1k loans become $10k debts with the miracle of compounding interest.

>what is bankruptcy

Get a trustee and either get a consumer proposal or declare bankruptcy. The proposal locks your cards, but can often be a fraction of the debt owed. Bankruptcy is a bit more work, and will make it difficult to get credit for a while, but if you are in this state, mabee you shouldnt have credit cards to begin with.

You can stop being a huge faggot and living beyond your means. You're supposed to use credit to build a better credit rating. Not destroy it.
Life is automatically on easy mode, it only when you overstep your bounds that it gets hard. Stay in your lane next time, user. Hopefully you can recover and start acting like a grown up.

When I made the account I told them I have a job while I am actually jobless. Will this cause legal problems?

well on top of losing everything you'll probably do some prison time

Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes No. Yes No. Yes No.

If you're truly and completely fucked on CC debt then it's time to declare bankruptcy. Don't do this unless you're truly fucked because while the upshot of bankruptcy is that the debts are off your back the down shot is that you don't just go back to square 1. You go back to square -5 because your credit score is going straight into the shitter. Hope you weren't relying on getting a mortgage to get a house like the sweeping vast majority of people do.

On the other hand, you've got to reassess how you got into this shitshow in the first place. You shouldn't have any credit card debt. At all. It's a lose-lose situation because you're spending money you don't have and then when you do have the money it's instantly lost to pay the debt and it's not just that you're breaking even, you're also paying the premium via interest so you're actually paying more for the original thing you wanted in the first place.

It's one thing if you're trying to build credit. Living off credit is the absolute worst thing a person can do for their financial well being.

Kill yourself. It's over. There is no coming back.

Yep. I mean the legal problems are unavoidable unless you win the lotto or something.

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>Financial system is designed to be exploitative and needlessly complicated.
>Marketed as being reasonable and helpful to people.
>Blames consumers when they fall for it because of shameless business practices.
OP is a retard but so is the bank.

its a jew world - they gave you plastic money so you would do this - they will noy help you because this is how they get rich , kill the jews and maybe you can get past this without paying it back - hitler did a good job but he should have finished it and why the fuck do jews get to live like niggers and steal from us without paying themselves



Nah. If you fall for some stupid shit, then the problem is you. No one forced user to get a credit card, or to spend more than he could afford. No one put a gun to his head to do it. So why make excuses for bad decisions?

How did such a weak and powerless race get so powerful bros? It's not fucking fair! I will never have sex!

female detected

So if I was a pharmaceutical executive, would you be cool if I put out a faulty drug on the market?
Maybe killed you or one of you loved ones? But it's ok because brian dead consumer should know better?
Afterall, the class action settlement is less than the revenue from the drug.
Can I also poison your food too? Maybe make it more addicting than it should be. Afterall fat kids are gross and it's their own disgusting fault they look like that.
Am I right?

Your argument isn't even relatable to why user is in his situation. He spent more than he had, and now he cannot pay it back. It wasn't the bank that did that. The bank did nothing, but provide a service user chose all on his own.
Same as people who chose convenience and shit food over making it themselves. These are choices made by consumers, and bad ones at that. It's not McDonalds fault you chose to eat their substandard crap food. There are many options, and one of those is to avoid those situations all together. You sound like someone who doesn't like to tale personal responsibility for the shit you do

No I'm just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of blaming people in a system that is designed to exploit them.
They're responsible for themselves but it's still reprehensible to do that to other humans and make it look like virtue.

Who says its virtue? It's a fucking optional pay service? Credit card companies and banks arent doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. Are you actually retarded?

>banks arent doing this out of the goodness of their hearts.
That's my point.
>Are you actually retarded?
No you just don't read.
Why have your service be inherently exploitative instead of helpful?
Why not incorporate building credit from the start instead of letting consumers dig themselves into a massive hole?
I'll tell you why. It's more profitable. Like selling candy to fat kids or cigarettes to addicts.

I can stop eating McDonalds. I can''t stop Credit Card debt pilling up.

100 turn to 120, 144, 172,3 etc

It just gets bigger exponentially

Your last resort is to leave the country.

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It's an optional service user. You're blaming a business for its service and wanting to make money off you? Dont go to them. Its wholly optional. Why do you act like they have an obligation to do anything but make money via their fairly transparent business model? It's like getting mad that you got what you ordered at a restaurant because the meal was too expensive.
Yeah you can. Stay within your means, and spend what you can afford. No one forced anyone to open a credit card. That's why they have debit cards, so you spend what you have and not beyond.

>selling candy to fat kids or cigarettes to addicts
They sell candy to anyone. If you fuck up and be a glutton, and get fat, that's on you. Own your fuck ups, dont redirect the blame and play the victim. Anyone who does that deserves what they get. Life is about choices. Make shitty ones, win shitty prizes.

Cut up the cards right now. Get a debt consolidation loan. Lots of community assistance groups can help or you can go to your bank or LendingTree.com to start the process. Your creditors would rather have you refinance the debt than to have you go bankrupt.

What's optional? Exploiting people?
>At Multicorp International, we know the importance of building your credit. That's why we invented the Better Buy™ credit system. No money? No problem. At better buy we always put you first. Our points system can let you earn while you learn as a college student. Looking to buy a home? We got you covered. Because when you spend with us, you always save.
Why defend corporations user? They don't defend your rights.

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I agree solidarity for your fellow man is bad.
You should be consuming right now actually.

How many bridges have you bought user? Are defending idiots who can't resist marketing? Fuck corporations, I dont give a fuck about them. But I'm not going to feel bad for people who get gritted and can't conceive of the concept of basic fiscal responsibility. Dumb people get what they deserve.

Not really, most countries have hefty requirements for citizenship. They aren't going to accept some NEET who dropped out of college and has massive debt lmao

The option is getting a credit card as opposed to spending they money you have. Why are you so dense user. Do you think you need a credit card? There are no humans out there that either dont have one or actually spend within their means?
Weird, because I pay off my credit card every month, and never actually spend more than I have on it.
The only debt I have in on my home, and even with that I'm paying off my 30 year in 15, and I have 3 to go.

>Dumb people get what they deserve.
I disagree. Taking advantage of others for any reason is wrong.
I don't push kids on wheelchairs down flights of stairs just because I can.

Why the fuck did you take a credit card.
Take a debit card linked to your bank account. Do not spend what you cant afford.

You can set up your bank to alow a certain amount of minus balance, but those are only allowed if by your next paycheck you are atleast in the positive for 3 days on end or so, mostly more.

Stop fucking wth money that you dont have, and if you have to for whatever reason, put a maximum amount of debt you can have to your bank, that you can ALWAYS pay back on your next months salary.

You're dense because I'm pointing out the issue as being inherent to the system not people only.
>The only debt I have in on my home, and even with that I'm paying off my 30 year in 15, and I have 3 to go.
So it makes you feel better that other people have less than you? That they suffer more?
Talk about crabs in a bucket.

Every single person who is wealthy got where they are from spending money they don't have

and here i was thinking, why hasn't /pol weighed in this topic yet?

Your analogies are so retarded. How does pushing a kid in a wheelchair down some stairs correlate to choosing to spend more money than you have? Plus kids in wheelchairs know they can use stairs so they avoid them... like user should have done with his credit cards.

I dont feel anything for people who shoot themselves in the foot. That's on you and your choices. I make my own life decisions and I'm proud that I make good choices that lead to positive outcomes. Should I feel bad about my own successes because others fail?

Yep, wheelchair kid has to use the elevator (debt) because he can't use the stairs. Now you're starting to get it!

Having your parents pay for everything in your life isn't a choice, you're either born into privilege or you're not.

It just means you struggle to think in abstractions which is ok.
I'm saying that using people's weaknesses is wrong. Profiting off of poor people via debt is shameless.

No one is asking you to feel bad. Just to be more considerate of other people's lot in life.
We all don't have the same priveledges and aptitude. And that's ok. Everyone has a right to exist and treated humanely.

What did you spend all that "money" on? Do you really need that stuff? Are you one of those people with no carpets in the apartment but you have a gucci tracksuit and a subaru?

If you knew about how capitalism works youd realise most business ventures arent even supposed to succeed.
Its a class pyramid and if too many people enter the capitalist class it will crash down. Too many competitors is an endemic problem to capitalism as a whole.

If you take a layer out of a pyramid it collapses.

lmao just dont pay

that is correct

But if you don't pay, they'll take it away

Well initially I wanted to use it like a debit card because certain services just accepted credit card but then it just got convenient to use the credit card at the end of the month when my money run out and I told myself next month I will cut back my spending, but it just repeated every month...


No the elevator is the wheelchair kids own fiscal well being. The stairs are crippling debt. The bank is offering to carry the kid down the stairs (for a small fee), instead of using the elevator. It's his choice which way to go.

Assume more. Some people just work 2 jobs and forgo even minor luxury in the short term, so they can live easier in the long term.

>I'm saying that using people's weaknesses is wrong. Profiting off of poor people via debt is shameless.
Yeah, its shitty for sure. So what? Again, no one is forcing anyone to use a credit card. No bank is sticking a gun in your mouth and making you rack up debt. Personal responsibility for your choices is a thing, and more people should take that instead of playing the victim card. Its much easier to blame someone else, like the banks, than to look at yourself an admit your own faults, especially when it comes to personal spending.


Retard, stop spending so much money that isn't yours.

You mean the banks didnt force you into this? They didn't hold your feet over hot coals and say "spend more, we know you dont have it, but do it anyway, its okay"
Huh, its almost like you got yourself into this mess by making poor choices in spending. Weird.

>Some people just work 2 jobs and forgo even minor luxury in the short term, so they can live easier in the long term.
That's hilarious. Found the boomer who gets all of his news from Fox and Facebook.

You mean when you opened the account? They do warn you it's perjury to lie on the application so if you get some pissed off bill collector, they may just hand you over to the feds and send you to the pokey

So you blame rape victims for being raped?
Where does that logic stop?

I agree with this sentiment. However I think the true responsibility lies with improper financial education. They really should teach shit like this in school rather than learning about Indian reservations or force feeding critical race theory for the 100th time since elementary school. We get it, slavery is bad.