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Niggers are incapable of human reason and emotion. Around blacks never relax.
living the dream
Clean i up wagies and dont forget to apologize to the young african americans for ruining their fun
the fuck did he expect was gonna happen
niggers can't even steal the right way
I live where the convenience stores don't have bulletproof glass around the cashiers
My hometown never had them, but does now
Them poor niggers probably went home and jerked off to some white woman
fuck wagies
lmao landlords
Say you're Jewish without actually saying you're Jewish.
Maybe... infrastructure workers?
I will agree that the jobs on the right are basically pretend Fischer Price work
people raging about land ownership is the most beta cuck thing
seethe more poor people
Awwww lil whiteboi with piddly lil pecker detected.
>t. has to argue with his mom over allowance every week
>actual labor
>long hours
>produces goods and value for society
lmao this dude recording said something like "alright that's enough" when the woman started losing the fight lol fuck niggers.
Do people think this unironically?
Nigger privilege
Everytime a nigger dies, I cry laughing
I can't understand how they are so happy being always be treated like a protected species, as some kind of deformed gorilla that can't stop killing each other and need to be incarcirated so they don't have access to pointy rocks they could use to stab fellow monkeys.
Yes, you must suspect enough, we are not treating you like we would someone of a different race, any other race. We think you are dangerous and less intelligent, and even knowing we can find dumb savage people anywhere, it's you that have that set as the default characteristic.
Cope with it burning shit and getting more violent, it won't change how the world sees you, there are not enough movies you can swap characters with another black actress who sucked the director's cock, we don't really like you.
Yeah some people have sex with you, paraphiles are everywhere.
The blackpill is You're angry because they are having more fun than you.
Yeah they act tribal, but they do it with a smile on their face. They party and chimp out and us whiteoids have to clean it like genetical jannies. We are the NPCs in their game of gta
That's true, ignorance is bliss and niggers are the most ignorant species
Died doing what he loved.
Lending land is not work
Don’t think so newfag
Until they get drive-by'd or killed by a cop, or end up homeless at 50
Niggers can't see further than today
kappa indeed.
Full story ??
It's a bait thread
A trailer isn’t a home good buddy.
My guy was helping himself to some free dollars and ching chong Charlie pew pew’d him.
Dont take your anger out on people just because you suffered a loss. Acceptance is the final stage of grief and I know this is a much less destructive means of going through anger but if you hold onto it it will consume you.
>also youre a faggot
>and fuck your mother
Nigger fucked around and found out. /story
When I'm President all niggers will be removed from the country.
Buck status = ventilated
lol your rent's almost due, wagies
Nobody is raging, it's just not working class. Sounds like your tenants aren't leaving
So wait, you're against people working? What kind of lazy piece of shit are you lol
Name literally one thing of value that landlords produce for society
Obnoxious thread for obnoxious people.
Buying houses with bank's money and paying the loans with rent money is still not real work
Someplace for losers like you to live and cry about.
I hope you'll be able to afford better than a trailer then
So landlords are landlords out of spite and hubris, got it
You sound mad because you can't do it.
You act like a tranny when being told there's only two genders
Just accept the objective truth that landlords don't do any work and move on
Accept the fact that you are a retarded loser and a drain on society and don't move on.
No they are landlords because they had the resources and decided to provide a service, like anyone who starts a business.
You honestly believe that people should only be allowed to purchase homes or be homeless?
Niggers gonna nig yo
Seethe, leech
Their having so much fun is why every civilized society on earth was built by other races.
All these landless rentoids can seethe
The value landlords provide is creating affordable housing because most people living in a home can't afford a mortgage so you would be stuck living on a plot of land in the dessert with no electricity or water and having only mcdonalds or a gas station as employment opportunities.
Even if housing prices went down by 10x most wagies still wouldn't be able to afford it (if they even had savings)
Realistically most of your would have to live in the midwest to even buy anything outright.
My dad has been doing real estate for 30 years and constantly researches this shit.
There will be a crash within a year once all covid and war shit blows over.
Housing on average will drop 30% and up to 70% in shithole areas
So you rentoids have a chance to contribute to society with property taxes
My grandfather is a farmer and a landlord. Most people that rent property in rural places are scuznuts who out of jealous ire love to spite their landlord when the landlord dgaf and just wants to be paid on time and takes care of virtually every issue that a tenet has
Cool, landlords still don't do any real work