Black people
Black people
Lucky guy... If he was a victim of slavery he would be a rapper, US president, drive by shooter or something like that.
>one wipe with a shitty bit of fur and it's clean enough for some oral action
Fucking disgusting
Why tf is that even legal. Whoever did it should be behind bars and the nigger should be executed.
built for the BIC
who is she
Plenty of white people have sex with animals- what’s your point? Or is this just your fetish?
Your typical white girl enjoying his BIG INDIAN COCK
cock ring
I think I hate Indians more than any other race. Give me a choice between an Indian and a nigger and I'll take the nigger every time.
Embrace your cuckold urges like your brothers, white boy. Don't feel threatened, for God intended white women to solely provide pleasure to the indian man.
I would rather watch an actual gorilla fuck a woman than a disgusting greasy Indian.
Seriously I make nigger jokes cuz they're funny but my distaste for actual black people is fairly low. Indians are awful on a whole different level, they're like far east Asians and towel head middle easterners had a baby and that baby was a retarded fuckboi covered in slime.
Even 1/10 goblin dalits can get a white girl. Biden should castrate all white boys and emigrate all american white women to India, so that they can finally serve their purpose in life.
This is a white dude with a tattooed cock
Curry niggers want white girls because their own women are fucking disgusting and have already been stretched out by every man in their family by the age of 12.
Hilariously transparent coping strategy on display
But we wuz kangz
>that tiny dick
how dare you include berber lands into the niggerdom.
3rd world niggers like their poo.
Literal shitskin people
He isn't. The niggerlands are the green bit
Yea Forums is fun because it’s like watching Hoarders. You’re all so detached from reality, it’s difficult to imagine what that is like. I feel like a tourist gawking at you all.
dog fucker detected
There it is
What if *you're* the one actually in the "cage" as it were and we're all the tourists gawking at you?
>how bizarre and backwards of them to be perplexed by niggers performing anilingus on a shitting cow
built for BBC
that's a spic.
>African castle
Whites are holding back the niggers, they're being oppressed by them
Once the world was a place where Europe was 100% full of Europeans, Africa 100% of Africans, Asia 100% Asian etc.
The white man wasn't fine with it. Now we live in this globalised multicultural society, thanks to the white man! And what does the white man do? Blame everyone else except himself.
"Whites" aren't capable of understanding irony, user. Or percentages. Or punctuation. Your post is mean.
Erm, no! Niggers enslaved niggers and the Jews saw the opportunity to sell these niggers to other countries. The Jews capatilsed on the slavery of niggers yet no one blames them... Now the white man has to deal with the shit the Jews caused!
hol up, this whiteboi got the point
That fucking nigger is smoking crack!