If you demorats simply understood that a man's allowed to say whatever the fuck he wants, TO whoever the fuck he wants...

If you demorats simply understood that a man's allowed to say whatever the fuck he wants, TO whoever the fuck he wants... then we as a nation and its people would be almost infinitely-stronger as a result. Because that's what adversity - "a difficult or unpleasant situation" - builds.


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"allowing me to divide our country as much as possible would make us stronger" lol k, you keep thinking that the worlds problems are due to you personally not being able to yell "Nigger!" in Starbucks.

Boy you have nothing worth hearing.


Go play with your grandkids, boomer

Then why is DeSantis censoring schoolteachers, college professors and Disney?

>/pol/ is that way
sage and kys

>the way to solve our problems is to prevent anyone talking about them
It's about keeping upper class whites in charge, just like chinese in singapore.

because theyre just taps of liberal faggotry that pour it all over children and try to sink it into their minds make them obedient little dogs for liberal corporate sponsors, they are the past and must be destroyed humiliated and made examples of to bring about a better future

sounds like you’re defending censorship

I had no clue this was a stealth ylyl thread.

censorship is necessary to destroy enemies, people have forgotten what freedom is, power is the only goal

children should be allowed to view pornography

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When there isn't a basement child sex ring being run out of a pizza parlor basement, I don't want you talking about it. Cause then someone goes and shoots the owner.
If there isn't some massive conspiracy to steal an election, I don't want you talking about one like there is one, because then a bunch of retarded hillbillies fucj with democracy.

You're speaking from a place where you probably already believe a bunch of delusional bullshit thats incredibly destructive to discourse and democracy, band you've been told to shut the fuck up.

We're not talking about our nation's proglems. We're talking about Kool aid.

And who verifies these facts, the ministry of truth? God?

Maybe leftists can stop saying that transwomen are women, and that puberty blockers are harmless.

>noooo people are talking about something I don’t like! I am going insaaaaaaneeee!!!

If you learn the logical fallacies and biases you'd be shocked how much you can sniff out.

99.9% of them don't. This is all right wing propaganda. They know you hate trannies. So they want to make sure if you ever are turned on to any idea at all that may be left winged, someone's always there to say "you're not a tranny are you?"

>Maybe leftists can stop saying that transwomen are women
>transwomen are women

Look at you now, even.
Who was talking about that and how fast did you steer the dialog this way? Go to any thread and look how many arguments are 'but trannies' dude, that's engineered. That's seeded thinking.

God kills US soldiers because you watch football on Sunday.

Oh yea, America is doing muuuch better now with all the censorship. Things aren't divided more than ever with rampant censorship right?

Let’s not make this an anti-left circlejerk, but here’s my take:

When the left has a new idea about how things could be better, they don’t work to make it actually appealing. Instead they just shame anyone who points out its flaws or critiques it.
They’re half baked ideas at best and they use the power of social pressure to discourage reasonable discussion that would normally improve the idea or let it wash out due to flaws.
Build a new country first: ask questions later. Does it work? Maybe. Will people be happier? Shrug. Okay then why are we doing it? FUCKING NAZI. BURN IN HELL.

The right on the other hand already has things mostly the way they want it so they try to shut down discussion of changing it. Gerrymander voting districts to prevent power shifts, censor education because it contains non-traditional information (new, more accurate info), and use the power of family pressure to discourage their own from venturing out to question the world.

People in general need to be more open to ideas. Being open doesn’t mean gullible. It just means not ignorant enough to believe that they are right about everything.

Censorship is bad for both sides at all times.
The thing about the current moment in time is that this statement applies slightly more to the left than the right.
In all honestly, if free speech is allowed to flourish the truth always comes to the forefront.
But the powers that be don't want that. Because then they will have to pay for their crimes. And we can't have that. So truth must be suppressed.

As a side, the left/right labels can, and often do, switch their political sides all the time. Where left is today, right was 100 years ago, sort of thing.

Because it's current topic that everyone is voicing their opinions about, even the one's who oppose it. You're just want to silence them for some reason

If your country can be divided by words, then your unity is a fake one..

Deflect harder. Liberal politicians are literally trying to make HRT on kids a thing and most leftists are on board with it. Even if tiny minority don't, they still haven’t come vocal about it for some reason, maybe because they're non existent

>the way to truly unite our country is silence the other half, because some imaginary guy in my head is yelling slurs
Least delusional leftist


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I got fired for showing up dressed as a clown and making suggestive sex jokes at every opportunity

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Can't dispute something you don't like without hearing it first. It gets muddled when you just hear it second hand on CNN. Listen to the source.

More like for saying "trans woman aren't real woman". Get fired for telling the truth.

In europe, we have this system where your rights end, where the other one's rights are violated.

Like, you have the right to not be bodily harmed. So when someone exercises his right to do whatever the fuck he wants, it ends when he wants to harm you, right?

The same applies to free speech. You can say whatever the fuck you want, but once you start for example heavily insult someone (who is not a person of public interest), or if you claim lies about someone (slander) then this is where your right ends.

As far as I understand in the USA, even slander is protected by the 1st amendmend, right? I never understood that. If I go around and tell everyone that you killed someone, how is that free speech? That is a crime, obviously. It's slander.

But I do agree, everything else should be protected by free speech, and leftism dies without censorship.

What is it that you believe you are prevented from saying?

OP has accomplished nothing in life. Blames others for his inadequacies.

>If I go around and tell everyone that you killed someone, how is that free speech?
That's illegal. You know nothing about u.s law. You can take people to court for slander as well

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>almost infinitely

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All this image is complaining about is social media. You kids know we existed before MySpace, right?

Taking the position that you should be able to shout "fire" in a crowded theater is the most edgy thirteen year old shit that I can imagine

Nope, thats the only life these fat bastards live.


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Not all democrats are leftists.
>a man's allowed to say whatever the fuck he wants, TO whoever the fuck he wants
That's not freedom of speech, OP. There are common sense limits to what you can say without legal consequences in a democracy.
>we as a nation and its people
You leave in the United States of America. Trust me, you don't know what censorship means. You really don't know. In Russia, China and other parts of Asia, in many Muslim countries, in Latin America, or Africa you pay a heavy price for a different opinion and that doesn't mean that your video just gets "demonetized". You happen to live in an oasis and you tend to think that the whole desert is like that.
I agree with the point of picrel that all extreme ideologies and demagogues die without censorship, not only extreme left but also extreme right or centre. I hope you are brave enough to admit that because that might be applicable to your ideas as well.

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>As far as I understand in the USA, even slander is protected by the 1st amendmend, right?
Retarded Eurofag nigger.
BTW hurting your feelings is still legal. So i can call you a Eurofag nigger even if you are not a fag or a nigger.

>Extreme centre
Eurofag, how the fuck is there such a thing as extreme centrism.

talk is sooooo cheap coming from conservatives who pretend simultaneously to be proAmerican and also traitors to everything about America, freedom, liberty, equality, egalitarianism, or Christian Decency. Your brand is Donald Trump, wanting to speak to the manager, and Kid Rock wanting to make money from dipping their toe into politics. Oh and hate-speech. Without hypocritical shit talking, modern Rightwing politics has nothing else going on.

Anyone see Madison Cawthorn grab the journalists cock yet? Bet it's all the fault of the jew$ and Satan!

The middle of political compass. Even though a political compass is bs

>So my opinions are ignored by other boards/sites so I should post political shit on Yea Forums
kys politicsfag


You can have right wing and left wing beliefs simultaneously. For example, i think lgbt people should do whatever they want with consenting adult. But i think we shouldn't talk about sex in general to small children unless its absolutely necesary like for protecting them from possible sexual abuse and other things like that.

dumb ass rural red neck. you sound like a caveman you trog

keep seethn' stormfaggot

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Lol. You are a fucking child

Why do people automatically jump to this as their go-to argument. Almost sounds like leftists are the one who want to day it, and say it they will, and will constantly blame the right

Trump Lost
The South Lost
Chauvin Lost
The Vaccines work
Masks work
JFK Jr is not alive
Nothing is going to happen "in two weeks" ever

Cope, Seethe, Dilate, and most importantly, KYS.

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>nooooo I can argue with what he said and he only replied to my thread but Im not ok with it

False. The Rightwing bullshit narrative dies without ignorance, misinformation, criminal grifters and fake news.

Kill yourself, OP.



Go yell fire in a crowded theater. Or "Code Blue" in a hospital. Hell, go say "nigger" in Harlem and see what happens to you.

Freedom of speech isn't the right for subhumans like you to say whatever you want without consequences. It just means you're allowed to criticize the government without being put into the stocks, you fucking maggot.

"Grooming" in the sense you're using it is nothing but a right wing buzzword. It has no meaning whatsoever.

Isn't it the RIGHT that is trying to BAN BOOKS?

IGNORE the existence of some people?

Complaining and taking revenge on Disney for it's speech?????

based and reality pilled.

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Most democrats aren't leftist at all. There really isn't a "left" in the US outside of college groups.

Burn any good books lately, you retarded faggot?

>But i think we shouldn't talk about sex in general to small children
Wanting to protect your own child which you from any info does not put you on any side of a compass. That's just common sense. Your child belongs only to you, not to government. The LGBT aspect is Liberal thing, and has nothing to do with Left or Right.

1) which party is regularly banning books in schools because they include unflattering insight into the founding of our country or have a single gay reference? Answer: the right

2) being able to say anything doesn't mean there's no consequences. Free speech means secret police won't show up if I call trump a retarded ape-brain narcissist. It doesn't mean I won't get my ass sued for sexually harassing a woman

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