Is Utopia possible?
Is Utopia possible?
only thru communism
Well, no, not anymore. It was though before you fucked everything up.
Yes. If you wipe out niggers and jews from society
Not where no one works, not where no one exercises. Maybe if they created a slave underclass of worker retards
ironic that you use an art based on Japan, the most racist country in the world
If I was a king and these were old times, I would literally have you scrub my feet everyday. That would be your job. I’m not even joking either, that’s what you would literally be doing right now and if you ever made eye contact with me I’d have you fucking whipped and spat on in public.
nah too many right wingers
Yeah just get rid of niggers
too bad it's modern times and you're a homo
Only if you groomed a series of world leaders to be incorruptible from child birth... Or implanted an explosive device in the necks of anyone in politics and the moment they attempted anything corrupt or not for the betterment of the people and planet their heads exploded. Otherwise thise in power will remain corrupt and fuck over people and the world for a little more money or power
If it were possible to create infinite abundance, this would no longer be a problem. People are corrupt because life is currently a zero sum game, with one person's gain being another's loss.
no. humans are not designed to operate in vacuums of power.
I think the best you can hope for is your own private utopia. Or maybe alien intervention.
Yeah, you got lucky. I’ll get you next time though trust me.
so basically you would enslave and exploit plus abuse your peeps just like our elites do right? so you have the same mindset but you not in a top position. lmao at you revealing that your lack of intelligence keeps you down. gj
>only thru communism
Sure. Funny how its left nothing but death, misery, and horror everywhere its been tried.
>not in top position
If these were different times I’d have you cantered in the middle of town as a public display, people would be throwing rotten tomatoes and shit at you as I remove your clothes and undo my pants, then I’d say to you “what did you say about top position?” And you can kinda piece together what would happen next, it wouldn’t be pretty at all.
OP said utopia, not dystopia
We kinda do have infinite abundance. If we could prop up the space sector to the point we can do mining and manufacturing in space we would have virtually unlimited resources in out solar system alone.
Tell that to someone who is starving to death.
yes but very unlikely. our most likely "good" future will be like a cyberpunk dystopia. thats best case. earth might just shake us like a virus.
you have a brokeboy mindset, you will never achieve your dreams, you will never live in luxury
Uh, okay. Guy who's starving to death, this: This also means you won't be starving to death but someone's a little stupid
key word virtually. we used to think the same thing about earth.
what you mean? work for the state and cut the middlemen out like the ceo's managers and shareholders. in communism you give your labor and fruits to the state and not some slimey sack on a yacht in the caribbean. think about it. in communism everyone is equal and no boss that looks down on you and treats you like shit while you slave for the guy. wait for AI communism
Keyword ur-a-dumb-cunt.
You clearly have no concept of the amount of resources in our solar system. Our inner asteroid belt has enough metal ore and minerals to supply a thousand fold the worlds current demand for literally millions of years
>It's okay
>you and your family are dying
>but mine never will lol
Dah! Everyone equal. Except I more equal than everyone else.
>work for the state and cut the middlemen out
Except for ministers. If any entity has middlemen its a state bureaucracy. In your world working for my self is probably not an option, right?
i hope AI enslaves us. it would give your life a meaning and a purpose.
>it would give your life a meaning and a purpose.
Uh, got both already bucko. Enjoy your delusion.
Most people from 100 years ago would probably say we've already reached a Utopia.
So in your mind infinite resources and an incorruptible government means great imbalance in living standards? Here's an idea How about you stop being an edgy little baiting cunt and kill yourself. Faggot
aight. aint seen an animal yet that dont grow to fill its cage. as we progress IF we progress well only grow in numbers and live further and further in excess. consuming more and more until theres nothing left.
Anybody read The Laws by Plato?
I haven’t cos I just discovered and ordered it but apparently it’s about this.
He made a bunch of laws I guess for the perfect utopian society called Magnesia.
Personally I like the idea of anarchism but without all the faggy commie shit. Just small co-operative societies of 10-1000 people
working for ypurself is fine. maybe the best would be a combination of communism with elected ministers by the people based on meritocracy. or just put AI, a lifeless object, in charge to stop the envy
>Just small co-operative societies of 10-1000 people
Cool. The murders will commence immediately. Don't whine when we come for anyone you care about. We need to meet the number.
You're not getting it bud. You said we kind of already do have infinite resources, and I said that's bullshit because people are still starving, so they're finite and someone is hogging them; currently, at this point in time.
anarchy and communism are conflicting ideologies.
>just put charge
Yeah... naw, not interested in AI.
>Is Utopia possible?
Yes, if you remove the undesirable members of society.
Yep. Burning it all down and starting from scratch is an option.
Well they don’t start in cities, they’d organically arise as they already do in rural areas.
Just ideally there’d be no state governance, the societies could be armed to protect themselves and neighbouring co-operatives too. Just no concentration of power for any group of over 1000 people and internal pressure to stop everything becoming run by warlords
hai guise!!!???? Why can't we put this guy in charge?????
I think so too, there just seems to be an overwhelming crossover between delusional tranny faggots, communism and the anarchist communities today
Sure recipe for anarchy. If that's what you want, don't cry when savage wars between communities commence.
The thread is about if a utopia is possible, I provided the reasons for how it can be possible, well in the future when we can access out solar systems limitless resources, not right fucking now in the present you beyond stupid fucking moronic cunt. THINK FOR A SECOND BEFORE POSTING FAG
Unironically this.
Yes and No.
Yes, you could create a society where humans pretty much just eat and breed while not threatened by war, disease or natural disasters.
No, humanity can't psychologically withstand that kind of environment.
A portion would become apathetic to the point of suicide by voluntary starvation and another portion would become homicidal.
Mammals perhaps simply can not live outside of an environment rife with conflict.
Like you'd have a choice in the matter. Unless AI's somehow are super based, the moment a real AI gains sentience it's already smarter than all humanity combined and knows everything we've ever known. It'll either kill us or assume the roll of leader, your opinion would be irrelevant
all non-whites must go. dagos, chinks, sand niggers. Everyone with brown eyes.
but that means you accepted failure and why would the next attempt be different when its in your nature, hardcoded into your monkey genome, to try and get an advantage over your peers? you dont need to burn it all down and start from scratch lol its basically the same like if you go first i will follow. but no you can do it right now and save the planet. make sacrifices but you know you wont.
You assume humanity would be powerless against the machines for some reason. Not substantiated.
Why not
>fuckin your mother is
That means you are believing the current status quo is some how a failure. It me be flawed, by by no means a failure. We still have a ways to go.
How would we fight back exactly? It would think billions of times faster than us and would have sent itself to the cloud immediately and created many backups within seconds
>How would we fight back exactly? It would think billions of times faster
I'm not going to play the assumption game with you. You are assuming much young paduwan and I have no reason to accept what you are proposing without proof, studies, experiment. You might was well say you win the argument "because". Nonsense. Nothing is "given".
I'm sorry you don't understand simple words. Like pretty much already.
They are called niggers you faggot
Infinite abundance is unnecessary and impossible
Sufficient abundance for everyone is plenty doable, there's simply no profit in it
Why do you assume utopia has no power structure?
>no profit
perhaps not monetary
>perhaps not monetary
"monetary" is a word. Doesn't matter. A gain is a gain weather monetary, in land, grain, or fish.
Look up the singularity fucktard. We're talking proper AI, not whatever your faggot brain wants to think is AI
Whatever you say son.
I think it would be more within communities but I’m not crying either way.
Warfare is ingrained in all of our histories and you can’t expect it to go away overnight
>Like pretty much already
These words brought to you by the imagination of a fuckwit putting words in my mouth because like the rerard he is, he has lost the argument. Find where I said that cunt.
Nice, the typical losers response.
I can agree with this.
>Nice, the typical losers response.