>be me >12 > verbally, physically, and sexually abused >by member of the church >continues for 3 years >hate religion >be forced to go to church with the fucker for 5 more years >send the bitch to jail >still never the same >hate myself to this day >9 suicides attempts >too much of a bitch to get it done >thousands of cutting scars
Burn the church down, show god you mean business This is real self destructive behavior, not like fucking making catchup stains on your arms
Thomas Sullivan
Ur a faggot for not liking cock in your ass at 12.
Easton Ward
You tried to kill yourself 9 times but them not even once? That IS fucked up.
Luis Bell
What should I do, break into the prison?
Jason Richardson
I knew a girl just like you a long time ago. Things didn't go down to well for her, but I can see her same struggle with you. I'm rooting for you kid. I don't know how you can heal this one, but hopefully knowing that there's people out there who really wish you well can make you feel a little better.