Be me

>be me
> verbally, physically, and sexually abused
>by member of the church
>continues for 3 years
>hate religion
>be forced to go to church with the fucker for 5 more years
>send the bitch to jail
>still never the same
>hate myself to this day
>9 suicides attempts
>too much of a bitch to get it done
>thousands of cutting scars

Im a degenerate Yea Forums

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Burn the church down, show god you mean business
This is real self destructive behavior, not like fucking making catchup stains on your arms

Ur a faggot for not liking cock in your ass at 12.

You tried to kill yourself 9 times but them not even once? That IS fucked up.

What should I do, break into the prison?

I knew a girl just like you a long time ago. Things didn't go down to well for her, but I can see her same struggle with you. I'm rooting for you kid. I don't know how you can heal this one, but hopefully knowing that there's people out there who really wish you well can make you feel a little better.

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user what you do with every day is in your control. Sorry you got diddled for a sick fuck but dont let that define your life

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He could toughen the fuck up the little faggot

I honestly wish I could, user. I really do

Then why don't you faggot? Is the priest cock still in your ass now?