19 years old

>19 years old
>have done nothing with my life
>have no friends, alone, shit social skills

If I haven't figured out what I want to do with my life or still am alone by the time I'm 21 I'm joining the military. I literally have no aspirations in life right, I have literally nothing else to lose. Will I regret it? Probably, but oh well.

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Waste water treatment operator look into it as it would be an easy gig to land without going into much debt. You could and probably should since it doesn't sound like you have a lot of experience the sacramento online course. You could lookup the requirements in your state and start planning, pay is pretty good and it's typically a government job so benefits are great.

Not OP but I looked it up and there is too many requirements to even be considered. Also very difficult to get into. God damn trades complain about wanting folk yet make it incredibly difficult or lengthy to get into

You american? I'm pretty confident a degree isn't even needed.

Dude, they need so many things. They need you to have a drivers license, be 25, have 10 years expeirence, they dont want to train.

I'm not sure on the license thing but the rest you're full of shit. I literally just typed it into indeed and the job description literally said training on site for one the openings I saw.

Must not be where I am at. I so fucking would, if they gave the average joe a chance. They expect you to come right out of the womb with experience.

Have you been to a waste water facility? The off gassing will have you with copd and sinisitus before you are close to retirement.

Hes an idiot. They want college education and 4 years experience. I turned them down when they offered me the job because 16 bucks an hour at my qualification is an insult, especially when coat of living is 1200 a month for a one bedroom.

Where the fuck are they picking folks off the street to work for them? Cause they want all this. And yeah. I went on indeed, you think I havent already?

Attached: Screenshot_20220428-193744_Indeed Job Search.jpg (720x1600, 357.7K)

Did you just look at the first opening and give up? I really fucking doubt where you're at is as bleak as you make it for these positions. You might have to move to a different city but it's an old man's industry so they are desperate for people, another reason they're willing to train.

I dont know if youre trolling or being sarcastic, all I am saying is that they need people everywhere, but do they train? Do they expect you to have all this experience? What are they paying?

I dont have money for rent, let alone moving. If they assist id move across the country to bumfuck nowhere.

You expect to walk into a position that requires 3 years experience?

Charleston water systems. I'm not kidding.

I already told you, you stupid fuck. Read.

Lineman. It’s 12-15k for the school and you can pay that back your first year. 80-100k per year starting as an apprentice. 200k+ after a couple years if your willing to travel. Zero experience needed.

Who do you live with?

Bullshit. Apprentice makes way less than that and it takes 5 years to even move up, if they let you.

What state you live in user?

How's the market though? Same could be said about a lot of trades earnings decent checks. The biggest hurdle is getting someone to train you and get your hours. I know people who tried becoming electricians but it was nearly impossible to get an apprenticeship

On the official website
Fuck this liberal shithole with all these liberal blue state fuck wads

Attached: Screenshot_20220428-194612_Free Adblocker Browser.jpg (720x1600, 520.95K)

Its a fucking Bullshit crap shoot.

All to huff chloronated solvents and putrid waste all day. You realize that shit destroys your body, right?

Live near fairfield?

Based out of the north east. Cousin is a literal retard and was leading his own crew in under 2 years. He’s making 150k and staying within a 100 mile radius. Storm chasers make 300k but live out of motels and shit. If I was 10 years younger and didn’t have a family I would do it myself.

who the fuck did anything at 19

You realize my parents should have used a condom cause they were poor and I am on b using Yea Forums cause I am a retard? I need the money user
No, why? Unless your idea of close is hundred of miles away, minimum 6 hour ride to get there then no.

Was going to give you a heads up on a sweet job but you live too far away.

See what I mean? Jobs are either too far away, dont want to train, expect you to have a masters degree, expect you to have 10 years experience and all this shit. I understand getting compensated for your degree/experience in the form of more pay but they say theyre hiring but they dont want to hire just about anyone.

ivy league kids (or people that want good jobs after they graduate)

That's why you just lie.

>want good job
>local economy is dogshit
There goes your hopes and dreams if you cant afford to move out

the secret is you just gotta find one job to give you one or two years of experience, and then you're golden. Switch jobs every 2 years after that and you'll be making bank in no time. The most important skills to learn are interviewing and writing a good resume/cover letter

I am not a good liar. I dont know how to pull it off. They'll want you to verify it all. I can't so why even bother trying in the first place?

i thought that you said you were american? nigger i have friends that moved from cali to nyc to bus tables just for the fun of it while they were broke, I assure you that you can move

years old
>>have done nothing with my life
lmao you're a kid for fucks sake. You're not grown like you think you are. I'd give my left nut to go back to 19.

Can't find a job willing to give me a chance. Can't even get a call back from a shitty dishwashing position, let alone a fucking solid career that'll pay 50k+ at the very least

I'm not social or a woman. They want women to bus tables because tits rake in the tips. I am more a of back of house guy/personality

I don't understand, I'm not trying to push my suggestion really hard but if you need money waste water is not a bad gig. After this thread closes maybe look a little more into your City for positions.

go to community college, you're not going to get a job without a degree

Youre not pushing anything. I want it. I want to do it. Hearing the potential to make good money to a broke retard like me is worth killing for. I can taste it and envision it, but then those requirements kill that idea

Have you tried getting help from your local unemployment center? Mine had contacts and offered a somewhat subsidy for the person employed to help those get a job. Cheaper the employee the higher the chance of getting hired.

Havent. Have had experience with them. The most they'll offer is a job at carls jr. Not exaggerating, they dont give a fuck.

What requirements man, it's not much. Would they like a degree? Of course everyone does but it's not necessary dude. Not lying I literally checked indeed because of how confident I was and was right, on the job training offered.

I checked charlestons official website, I posted the screenshot.
I tried apprenticeships, still waiting back. Tried getting jobs at shitty security gigs and dishwashing, nothing. They dont want to train. Tried a hotel job, they didn't flat out reject me but no luck there. They would rather a woman, because women subconsciously are comforting.
They dont want to train man. They expect you to have all those things. Id shovel shit for a living. Id go down to sewers or work with suicide corpses, they all want you to have drivers license, 5 years training, a certs in 5 degrees. They dont want to give an average joe a chance

Give me a sec

you have plenty of time to sort things out, dummy
make sure you're not shut-in 24/7 at this stage, it's 1000x better to be a physically active depresso than a bedridden depresso

Look into a becoming a train conductor in the meantime. It's another gig that allows you to be trained on the job and the earnings are decent for zero experience. You'll be on the road a lot and working a ton of hours but you could save it too. Another gig is trying to find a gig at a nine, it's something I was looking to do while I was in school. They also offer training you and once again you can save money, in this case because you'll be living on site. You're going to have to borrow money from someone man to move for some of these opportunities.

The money does become pretty good for the train conductor gig after you no longer need training. It's not uncommon to make 6 figures doing this but you'll be working quite a bit (same could be said for any job though). These are options for you to make some money while you maybe try and figure out another career or you could stick to them user.

>train conductor
Already looked into that. Same issue man. Amtrak, bsnf, same story. The issue isnt me not wanting to do them, it is companies saying they are desperate for work but when a guy comes along who actually wants to do the work, they put up all these barriers. I need the job right now, no not 8 years from now once you decide to give me a call back, right the fuck now.

Read Industrial Society and Its Future don't throw your life away completely do somthing useful with it start learning skills

What about the mining I suggested? It's not going to be fun but you could start off making ok/decent money and have a roof over your head.

My body isnt what it used to be, had an accident that really made things difficult post accident.

I don't know then man I tried, I really did. These were to me the most realistic low entry jobs you could make a career out of with decent money.

Its not your fault user. I tried too. This thread will 404 and back to the shit that is this existence. I tried and tried only to find nothing

I don't get it, I know life's not fair but you seem pretty smart. Would you mind telling me what happened? I guess a little run down of your life story?

Im not going to give you a whole rundown. Essentially when youre a man you only have yourself to rely on. You got problems? Suck it up. Emotions? Stop being a faggot. Low self esteem and self doubt? Only faggot homos have that. Self doubt, low self esteem, and self loathing meant that for every step I took forward, I would take 3 steps back.

I definitely hear where your coming from, I had similar thoughts growing up and still do ribs degree. I guess I'm lucky I have some people in my life who accept my "faults" but I just see it as being human. I don't want to dig up old shit or whatever things you would rather forget but what about your family?

At 19 years old, you can still completely change your life. Joining the military is a very good way to provide structure so you don’t just rot away. Great time to join right now because Based Biden just ended the war and its unlikely one will start again

Maybe asking you for your backstory is too personal user, sorry about that. This is not meant to be taken as me being an asshole pls don't take it that way. Just given your situation and how extreme it seems maybe you could sell your blood plasma for a little bit of money. Again I'm not trying to be a dick or make fun of your situation, just trying to help by providing options.

Military sucks, but if you get fucked up enough they might pay your way on the outside. Get your dd214 and get the fuck out, go the school, smoke good weed, drink the best of bourbon whiskey as they'd say.

Fucking kek. You think your life sucks now? Oh, you’re gonna love getting fucked in the ass by the military.

>65 years old
>have done nothing with my life
>have no friends, alone, shit social skills
Yeah, right, buddy.

If you have experience, would you mind sharing the division he should join if he were to pursue it?