Are all Kubrick movies worth watching?

Are all Kubrick movies worth watching?
Fear and Desire is probably average, but some others before Dr Strangelove probably are good too. And what about Eyes Wide Shut?
Yea Forums is shit and only watches TV series, so I wanted to ask on a more sophisticated board. Post movies and match albums to them if you want. Music for this feel?

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paths of glory is great

that's pique male performance right there

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I could watch 2001 over and over and over again. I've watched it with Beach House's 7 playing (move on mute, subbed) and at some point Lift Your Skinny Fists, too.

>Yea Forums

they're extremely accessible films. just watch them and decide which ones you liked. if you absolutely refuse to do anything but get spoonfed, Strangelove, 2001, and Eyes Wide Shut are his best ones. but they're all worth watching

Yeah I love 2001 too. But I actually love all Kubrick's movies so far, that's why I'm asking.

>Music for this feel?
Classic, mods are stupefied

just watch them and decide whether or not you like them you retartd

he was redpilled but unfortunately not a very good director

how was he not a good director? he literally only made classic movies in his life
and camera work was very unique, and objective, presenting scenes as they are, patiently, without suggesting that something is good or bad

Yea Forums is sophisticated for this website- people here can kind of read

Go watch Full Metal Jacket

he's got great vision and his films are all good, but i can kinda see what that user is saying. there's some dud acting performances in his films, and step one of being a great director is pulling out great performances, even if it's like milking a stone. he was established enough to get generation-defining actors like Sellers and Nicholson to pilot his films for him. as a personal gripe, i'd say that as his career went on he spent a lot more time tinkering with autismo I Spy details than really communicating uniquely cinematic information with his films, which spawned reddit style of "film analysis" and shit directors like Christopher Nolan, which was a net negative for society.

still one of the few truly based American directors, tho

being a classic doesnt make something good. theres a reason Yea Forums doesnt look like a classic rock radio station discussing garbage like rush and iron butterfly 24/7. just because you got pleb filtered off Yea Forums doesnt mean your opinions are any less stupid here. kubrick would have made a good cinematographer but his films were pretentious drivel. 2001 is probably the best example of this.

>Yea Forums is sophisticated
>recommends the frat boy Kubrick


you just don't have an attention span. it's really not that challenging of a film. it's like popcorn arthouse. you shouldn't accuse OP of being pleb filtered when you clearly have been

>it's like popcorn arthouse.

thats exactly what made it bad you retard. i dont have a problem with art house shit, i have a problem with hamfisted attempts at mixing it with normie flicks

overrated desu

Yes of course they're worth watching for the cinematography and actors alone. You've seen The Shining, right? Just fucking watch them jesus

Anyway it's funny you made this thread because Yea Forums is so shit I've slowly been browsing Yea Forums more myself. This s the worst board. You won't get anything better here

but The Dark Knight and Inception are modern classics

please never post on Yea Forums again you tasteless retard

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scorsese is 2x better m8

What do you have against Canadian rock bands?

Only Kubrick films I really like are Eyes Wide Shut and Paths of Glory. All his other stuff just seems too cold and sterile to me.

you can say that for all of kubrick's classics

>Yea Forums is shit
>so i'm gonna go make Yea Forums even worse by being the latest plebbit nolanfag

all canadians hate canadian dadrock shit. we have mandatory minimum 30% canadian content on the radio so we have to sit through listening to the same 10 barenaked ladies, arcade fire, and awful dadrock songs literally thousands of times any time a radio is playing

man as a burger, it bums me out that canadians can't enjoy lighthearted harmless BNL because it's forced down their throats.

See Sheley Duvall in The Shining. Fucking dreadful performance. Compare it to Nicholson. Even the fucking kid was a better actor than that cunt.

His best movie is Barry Lyndon.

this is the only post in this thread that demonstrates Yea Forums is a sophisticated board

im not a nolanfag all i meant was that those two films are pretty good compared to what we have nowadays. they're far from perfect i know, but a lot of movies are shit today anyways