How do you justify this to yourself?

How do you justify this to yourself?

Deuteronomy 14:8

>The pig is also unclean; although it has a divided hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.

Quran 2:173

>He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah

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>abrahamic faggotry

these commandments were written by other people, and they may be wrong?

>sandniggers belief
Pork is indeed the food of the civilized


Why should I give a fuck what the religion of terrorism says?

>tastes good
That's enough for me

Old superstitions continue to influence the behavior of people, but have no inherent relevance or authority.

i hate pigs but i guess some didn't deserve it. but i really hate pigs.

>pigs are unclean
nigga just wash them problem solved

sandniggers are unclean too

The pig is a magical creature: it transforms grass into bacon.


Erm delicious pork.nuff said

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taste good

how can you complain about what others eat. you stink of curry all the time its offensive to my nose

>implyng i read books

I don't need to justify myself. To whom? A fairytale God? Lmao

Like many of the rules set forth in Abrahamic texts, refraining from pork was just a good practice due to technological constraints at the time.

Similar to the matrilineal descent of Judaism, where religiosity was passed from mother to child, as the genetic link was indisputable. Unlike the father, also due to technological constraints of the time.

>How do you justify this to yourself?
We wash away our sins with alcohol!

Gb/2 reddit with that super hot take

Look, it's quite simple. If God didn't want us to eat pigs, he wouldn't have made pork THAT tasty

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i don't believe in fairy tails written by people that did not have enough clean water to raise pigs


>How do you justify this to yourself?
By not being fucking religious. I've eaten pork, beef, fish, chicken, alligator, otter, and bugs. Everything that walks, flies, or swims is food

How do you justify this ?


>TSSSSSSS *searing noises from meat hitting grill*

That's right. Checkmate atheists.
Go back to chess club nerds.

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the fuck does this mean? we didn't have the technology to kill pigs? obviously that's not the case so what is is actually? also what does religion being passed down matrilineally have to do with anything? are you saying distaste for pork is in people's mitochondrial dna? I honest to god have no idea what any of this means

im bouta make some rn and make a blt with wheat bread... im not understanding how thats not balanced and healthy but these religious retards can do them

i am irreligious and eat whatever i want :D

i don't eat animals, eggs, nor dairy. too bad i'm not dumb enough to need religion.

he's a got a lumpy club jesus lol

Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.

Dunecoons btfo

Because that is complete garbage. Fuck your religion and fuck you

Heh, I was just reading Leviticus yesterday and thinking about how it's funny Bible thumpers use it to decry homosexuality, but are okay eating pork and fabric woven from two fibers and ignoring the part about not collecting the grain from the perimeter of their fields. Oh, and next time you get your period, make sure to burn a sheep.

How do I justify some words in a dusty old book? Simple. I don't read that book.

>How do you justify this to yourself
refrigeration, maybe you've heard of it

hahaha i love how food is the universally accepted vice. no one will make any comments until you turn into a ham planet and maybe even not then.

>universally accepted vice

Why do christfags constantly tell people they need to feel guilty about anything that gives them pleasure? Are we all just supposed to suffer and deprive ourselves and eat nothing but bland food?

And a homeless bum don't wash his dick that often but that don't stop you from tickling you tonsils with it... To each their own

Fear the worm.

They didn't eat pork because it killed them. People like their meat rare. Can't do that with pork.

These rules were made at a time when most people didn't know how to cook their fucking food.
If you eat pork raw, you will likely get sick. If you cook pork properly, you will not.
That said, these are also belief systems that I don't subscribe to. I ain't gotta justify shit.

How do you justify not speaking in your own threads faggot?

Desert cults don't like pigs because the meat spoils and they feed them shit.
dark northern wooded areas teaming with boar are quite different

isn't this only a problem if the meat is undercooked?

Yes and not as much anymore but they didn't cook their porl properly it's been stated in the thread like 3 times already

May the Lord have mercy on your violent soul, for thou art not ready for salvation

I think it's unhelpful to eat animals who have suffered in life. Especially animals as intelligent and emotionally capable as pigs.

those other responses were posted as I was typing so I can understand why I look foolish there.
Even so though, how hard is it to cook meat? we've been doing it since before homo sapiens. is it really that complicated to figure out "hey you need to leave the pig on the heat a little longer" it doesn't seem like technology was the limiting factor here

1. Food-borne disease (more so than with other meats). Nowadays no longer a problem. Pig waste is still pretty nasty though.

2. The wild boar was a sacred and sacrificial animal for "pagans" in the region where both Judiasm and Islam developed. So Abrahamic religion basically said boars/pigs are bad.

It’s not just Christian’s every mother fucker that has a view different from someone else has the same issue people need to leave each other alone. If it brings you pleasure and it’s not hurting anyone else but your self then fuck off.

Meat is not very good for the human body
We gained the ability to digest it out of necessity but we do a very poor job at it
It's quite clear that our digestive system is designer for fruits and vegetables and some other plants
In some places eating meat is the only way you can survive but it doesn't change the fact that it's a pretty poor diet

I'm not Jewish

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This is pure trash humans are walking garbage disposals we can eat pretty much anything.

You shouldn't be spending your money on pork. When you feel like eating meat just eat an apple

That is your belief. That is your line of thinking. Why are you forcing me to believe in what you believe? You don't see me marching out in front of your home with a dead pig carcass telling you you're beliefs are wrong.

prove it
down some bleach right now, pussy

Religion trying to protect the masses from food poisoning via fear

you can actually drink bleach. once

>make sure to burn a sheep.

Book of Deuteronomy,
If you own more then 3 sheep you are a sinner!!!!
If your cloths are made of more than one material combined, you have sinned!!! Hahahhahahahha that fucking book has an author and it’s clearly written on the cover. King James Version and all the other bullshit.
I always tell people if they want to see how much of a lie that book is just read thru the book of Deuteronomy.
Sin is not real
Hell is not real
GOD is the ONLY thing that is “real”
That book is just a small group of retards ideology to try and control the masses.
And I have to give it to them, they are highly intelligent and they think in terms of decades and centuries.
But our brothers and sisters are waking up in the masses and throwing this garbage in the trash where it belongs.

Want to find out the real truth and who you really are? Science has long said we only have about 3 percent of our DNA activated ( these are the people who believe that bullshit book) and others who work on finding the truth without seeking direction or reading books to find answers have MUCH MUCH more of their DNA activated.

There are things we can not eat bleach is one of them meat is not is it healthy to eat a diet of just red meat fuck no but if you pair it with veggies and are at least active At least a little meat will not hurt you. So suck my dick

Our digestive system is not "designed" to do anything. It evolved for an omnivorous diet. Keep in mind that chimps/gorillas and the like all eat insects (at a minimum). That's animal protein, too. Eventually we figured out that cooking let's us eat true muscle tissue (the heat effectively acts as a form of pre-digestion, breaking apart chemical bonds in the meat). Once humans started eating meat semi-regularly, our brains grew to their present size.

Let's keep in mind that "healthy" in an evolutionary sense (being able to pass on your genes) and "healthy" in the modern-day sense of living a long time are two very different things.

How do you justify living to the words of a book. Live for yourself instead of living in fear and isolation a82hk

Because making people feel guilty is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. You need to make the congregation feel guilty about little inconsequential things because you need the guilt to turn into shame. Once the worshipers feel shame they're ready to open their wallets and give to the church. The best thing is to use subtlety to gently suggest you need to donate money to get into heaven - this sort of thing works especially well on the older generations.

Logic of moozlims:

> no eat pig, pig unclean
> rape goats, goats butt clean