>500 word essay due this Monday
>still haven't started
Music for this situation?
500 word essay due this Monday
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500 words is nothing do your fucking homework
What's the topic OP?
In real life I have a stupid five page final paper that was due a week ago and just had a mental breakdown over how incompetent I am and how everything’s due because I fucking loathe the class it’s for. Music for this feel?
500 words is easy
>1000 word lexicon due in 6 months
>can only think of 12 words to put in it
I know these are joke threads but
I got a 10,000 word essay about about noise music due in 2 weeks, what specific things would be good to talk about in it?
You should talk about quads
Abstract modern art and quads
Tons of stuff to write about beethoven. Get it out of the way and listen to music stress-free
>500 words
isn't high school over?
start with garage, shoegaze, and finish with merzbow by the end
>gets to write about music
why the fuck dont you just do it?
i would fucking love to research and write about beethoven instead the typical school shit
500 words is way harder than 1000 which is harder than 2000. If you research anything properly you'l be spending hours working out structure and how to halve your word count.
whats the question?
>Barta'azog, Lord of darkness, requires a 50000 word scroll about his greatness
>Must be done by seven moon turns or I won't get my family back
>Still can't stop shitposting on Yea Forums
What should I do???????
>had to write a 1000 word dissertation on african-egyptian influence in greek philosophy
>write instead about how the egyptians and greeks were actually white and cultural marxists are trying to blackwash history to genocide caucasoids
>get an F even though i had citations
really sick of this postmodern neomarxist indoctrination
postmodernism and neomarxism are contradictory with respect to one another.
If you have a problem with Marxist (which, incidentally, mostly means economic/class centred) critiques, then explaining how such ideologies have resulted in a racial historical bias should be executed on that basis. Sounds as though you've just been on the internet too much desu.
how about you stop getting your "information" from /pol/ infographics/buzzwords and read an actual fucking book
>le read a le book
im probably more well read than 99% of the libtards on this board
you can bang out that shit in under an hour m8
>have to write a 100 word essay on how much I love my mom and I haven't even started the fucking rough draft yet
FUCK I'm fucking FUCKED.
lofi hip hop radio - beats to study/relax to
Lmao you didn’t have a mental breakdown you just wanted a reason not to do it lmao
contrary to popular conceptions, reading aut-right """"literature"""""" tends to make you less well read rather than more
death grips
Please be b8
K E K fucking saved
nice fucking digits
you should talk about the jews
its pretty solid album like 7/10
dont get the hate