What the fuck? No YLYL?? Don't be lazy Yea Forums

What the fuck? No YLYL?? Don't be lazy Yea Forums


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Why are chinks so servile?

south west?

I dunno. It doesn't work really well for politics but on the other hand their women are the best sex slaves you can get. The most obstinant chink wife is 10x more obedient in bed than the most submissive American whore.

"How to fuck a fat girl"
A: Don't (OR let her suck your cock because they are good at that usually, then nut in their mouth and tell them you are spent and send them home.)

Because there’s always been way too fucking many of them to effectively control in any other way than absolute rule, along with there being so many of them and them being so easily replaceable that there’s very little individualism and collectivism is enforced to make them easier to control and coordinate as a unit.

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>Kikes and Niggers are sacred cows

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OK Groomer!

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>open Yea Forums
>enter thread
>exit Yea Forums

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Staring Tiger Woods?

Why would you even say something so ridiculous. Talk about hyperbole man. Worse yet is that it is not even accurate. They can be much more prude than the average American college girl.
They serve their parents, not random cocks.
What kind of stereotypes are you on?

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Got me but only because the previous unfunny posts made me forget what thread this was

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full autist

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obv vlad here cause this dont make any sense

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Wtf. Story?

Even newfags know this, you are probably too young for Yea Forums. Go study your homework

>destroys a city because too barbaric and stupid for urban warfare
>90 civilian population already escaped to the west or are already dead
>continues with bombing the last 10% for weeks

yOU HaVe BeEn LibEraTEd
Do russkies even try? Their homeland has legit the biggest landmass. Giant natural reserves, but most of the peasants(the 99.9%) live in dirt poor conditions. Education is shit. Economy a joke. Klepocracy-present. Whole regions not even slightly developed, shit in the streets.

Ohh boy I think more space will improve the situation.

Tldr: Stay poor Ivan

Nice wishful thinking, vodka nigger. Nobody backs you, you army is shit, you are under 6000 sanctions, your prestige is negative.


Because even newfags have the right to know.

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>I am retarded


>9 doesn't equal 11

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as he points out, so are whites, just to black people and jews instead of the president.

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you can also make very very good imitation bacon with banana peels

Can confirm

You just have to replace Ukrainians with russians and Hungarians with Ukrainians

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Sister and I did sexual things some time ago.
She still lives with parents and I moved out.
We keep in contact but only through text messaging and don't see each other too often.
Every time she texts me something serious, like she needs to see me because something *big* happened I have the primal horrible fear that she told our parents and my life is effectively over.
No matter how far I make it, I could be the freaking president of our country, she just has to say it and it's over.
She never did it and I trust she never will, but I still will have to live with this fear for the rest of my life.
Don't do it for real guys.

google "sexual contact between siblings", pretty common

Why would she tell now? How old are you?

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Did you force it or was it consensual? If it was consensual then by the time you're in your thirties even if it did come out you can just say, "Yea, it was fucked up. It was consensual, but obviously weird and I wish we hadn't done that." Then if she tries any bullshit like claiming you raped her you can just deny it and ask why she didn't come forward sooner?

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i agree most of those things aren't right but how do you know things like compliments are unwanted or offensive?

>be user
>be president
>label sis terrorist

Yep or telling a joke or asking for number wtf

Didn't laugh but I actually thought the chicken joke and the last potato joke were funny.

It wasn't just contact.
I don't know, but it's the only big secret in my life, she doesn't even need to tell directly, she can imply it or just slip it by accident, I fear that. I'm in my thirties.
It was consensual but still a big secret we kept from everyone. I don't want to antagonize her, if she does it I'll man up and take the fall, is still fucking scary.

This happened 8 years ago. user could be 18 now, 10 then. Of course he or anyone who was 10-14 in 2014 wouldn't know this story.

i mean i have complimented women many times with no underlying purpose. i've never been looked at like i was offending them, guess i've just been lucky.
pic very cool but unrelated

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Top is cum bottom.is ginger beer that looks like cum

Contact means everything, even sex. You're thirty, she's a similar age, right? I doubt she would tell now, even slip about it, why would she?

The tactic is to remove the civilian population for loyal Russian businessmen to set up shop and take the natural resources. For such an operation, residential zones are not required. Soldiers get to have fun blowing shit up. Any potentially hostile local population is removed from the area.

>be russian leader
>country in shit condition
>shit inner economy
>depressed population
>designated shitting streets (slav edition)
>see neighbour doing well
>got all the shiny stuff
>"blyat my people might want this too"
>people get increasingly envious about shiny western stuff in neighbourhood
>people begin demanding shiny stuff too
>shiny stuff is expensive
>can't afford a billion dollar mansion each year when paying for all the shiny stuff
>destroy shiny stuff so neighbour is as dirtpoor as we are
>start military "operation"
>actually invasion
>promise people a quick victory
>get fucked by neighbours military
>thousands dead
>bomb everything to shit in retaliation
>nobody likes me anymore
>who would've guessed
>at least neighbour is now as miserable as we are

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