Late nite drunk grilling?

Late nite drunk grilling?

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u ain't gonna eat all those burgers, hombre.

Watch me

it's not that late especially on Chicago time. cheers regardless you old fuck

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only if you wrap it in plastic first

Hiding your time zone tonight I see.
Wise move for a central faggot

Is that a stack of Pringles? Seriously.. Is the burgers behind the Pringles?

Your ass better be cooking those in cast iron, nigger

Wrong drunk poster. Sorry

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You just wait till you see my cast iron

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Hell yeah

you have no life

Hell yeah brother grill in peace homie

Oh no shit?? What is a life tho?

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!. Ur about to see my lettuce wrap inside a bun

nice horsie

I was raised on Bud Lite, but after switching to Miller, I couldn't go back. There's some off taste - an almost minty flavor that I can't stomach.
But otherwise the pic is damn cozy

Coors light is my choice for piss beer


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Certainly not bad. I'd put that above Bud. Rolling Rock is a close competitor - zero smell on the breath.
Ehh. When you drink a dozen a day, calories matter.

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Never tried rolling rock before. I should grab some this weekend to try

Boulevard is best beer

pretty flavorless and tasteless, but cheap and the wife and cops won't give you too much shit for a booze smell.
Oof. I was an award winning homebrewer.
I can't do that anymore with kids. I prefer the very light, lawnmower style beer and also crushing them from 5pm to midnight

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>outdoor grilling over fire
Hell, yeah!

cute, wouldeat/10

Everybody with a job knows you're a fucking loser. This is precisely why you can't get meaningful companions and are here every single buttfuck day, drinking. Why don't you go to college and at least try to better yourself for you as well as the rest of society.

>I was an award winning homebrewer.
>I can't do that anymore with kids.
I know a homebrewer with two kids;
what's the problem?

found the newfag


Dope thread user. Cheers

You crazy mother fucker.

You're not gonna make it to next year

Fucking Fries and Beer breakfast.

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Is that a bad thing?

Brainwashed dipshit. I'm gonna be a roofing contractor

Lawnmower beer?

Op here. Haven't had a rolling rock since 1999.

Lettuce wrap on a bun is the boss move. My wife said it was crazy the other night when I showed her. “The whole point of the lettuce wrap is that you don’t want the bun!”, she yelled. She is wrong. So very wrong.

Asl bro

LOL @ the thought of me making food at 10:27 when I've been drinking since 3:00.

Good. That's even better than college in my opinion.

I just want you to know deep down, that if you don't have a driver's license or a job, you're literally a fucking loser with nothing.

18 m Germany

>what's the problem?
A 6 month old, a 2 year old, a 4 year old, grass that needs to get cut, a house that needs cleaning, a 40 hour work week, law school, a wife that needs to unload, and the soffits need painting.
I remember a time in my life when I could brew 200 gallons a year in my spare time.
Those were the best times of my life. But life changes - sometimes for the better and in other areas for not.


aka session beer.

Drunk cooking is the best cooking
I have a dl. I may also have a job. I am a loser.
Sprechen se duetch. Idk any german but thanks for the yous


Holy shit!
The homebrewer I know has two little kids -- I don't know/care their age, old enough to walk --
graduated Law School, passed the Bar, with a hot wife who teaches yoga, and has the world by its tail.
Me, I work part-time, live alone in a cheap studio apartment downtown, and wouldn't have it any other way.

Dude, conversation over late night beer and burgers. This IS how you make a better society.

No one needs to agree with anyone else, but everyone gets to say their mind.

Why not just push your wife and kids down the stairs and go back to home brewing?

This is every single day for him. He has nobody in his life and no social life. He gets drunk by himself literally every single day and writes to anonymous pen pals.

Based reply

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this, make it look like an accident

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Hi bud light user.
Show wife's tits!

>He has nobody in his life and no social life
What's wrong with being a sigma loner?


Underrated post

Put some plastic wrap on a cookie sheet OP and cook some fries with those burgers

I don't have a wife. Here's my ex tho. I just googled her name and apparently she's getting married on almost the same day of the year that we broke up

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>she's getting married on almost the same day of the year that we broke up
irony, or design?

Do the bots even know there's two diff bud light posters here?

Kek. I started brewing in college 15+ year ago when I realized it only cost $0.25 per beer.
Went down the rabbithole reading some crazy water chemistry books trying to be a brewmaster instead of going to law school.
Now I'm in law school with 3 kids and a cozy full time job and paying $0.90 per beer instead of spending 4 hours making $0.25 beer Fwiw, I welded my own Brutus (semi pic related).
Fast forward 5 years and I hope to be back in the saddle. I had a 15 gallon still operation, 20 gallon wine carboys, and 5 gallon kegs out the ass.
I love beer. I love my beer more. I love my family most. Just trying to set some goals to move me ahead in life.

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Design. A couple years ago she finally posted her new guy to her Facebook on my bday.


It's a jalapeno

Nice tits, but it’s the smirk that works for me.

No it means cool bro


Why are you still so much in her head though?

She can't smile becuz meth

Good question. Maybe I should ask her

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Ah, make sense. Crazy was she? Still crazy, or is the new guy getting a reformed wife?

These ppl don't change. We would hook up and as soon as I rolled off of her she was facebook messaging this new guy. Her excuse was they're co-worker friend's.