I have covid. The vaxx didnt keep me safe from it

I have covid. The vaxx didnt keep me safe from it

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Do a flip

bringing the common cold to show and tell again? smh
how bad is it this time?

That "vaccine" is a de-population tool.

is it the new Super Scary Deadly variant?

Its weak. I’ve had tonsillitis that hit me harder than this

So the vax worked

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>vax worked
no faggot this shit is fake as fuck how can you conclude anything from this

See vaxes arent magical shields that prevent viral entry. It's supposed to reduced severity, which is exactly what you said, "it was weak"


because you hung out with someone not vaccinated - wore down the vaccine

.. ok midwit

Not an argument

>It's supposed to reduced severity, which is exactly what you said, "it was weak"
What about the people who had it without being "vaxxed" and it was so weak they didn't even know until they got tested?

so youre saying that a vax is like a mixxed drink while unvaxed is like taking shots straight. fine, fuck you pussy, ill have it raw nigga fuck you fuck your media propaganda bullshit, fuck your 2 year old "pandemic:" fuck ur pussy ass masks nigga bitch ass fuck you

>It's supposed to reduced severity,
Yeah, right. The only advantage in the world that is impossible to prove or even document.

>what aboutism
Nice goal post shift, What about sasquatch? What about moon cheese?

>What about the people who had it without being "vaxxed" and it was so weak they didn't even know until they got tested?
this is why you acknowledge that they are fucking room temp iq midwit retards that lack any sense of reason in their cognitive comprehension

Since when

Ok, I dont care

ever heard of genetic variation, and chance numbskull? not everyone reacts the same way, and unless you have your whole fucking genome sequenced its safer to get vaxxed than not.

Covid is weird man. It's like only vaccinated people get it. Well that's how it's been going at workplace anyway.

I see you have no idea how vaxes work

>Nice goal post shift
How the fuck is that a goal post shift? You don't actually know what that means, do you?

Nice way to avoid the question

Since the existence of vaxes

>Have the vaccine
Not sure I want it

>Have it or I’m taking away everything and violating your human rights
Sounds tyrannical

>It’s a deadly virus
What percentage of people does it kill
How effective are these injections ?
>We don’t know, but we’d rather not tell you it’s around 40% after 5 months
Are you saying these injections don’t stop transmission ?
>They don’t, but we’re going to tell you they do for a year and half

What a fucking meme covid was. Never forget who kneeled and who fought back. I didn’t have any injections ! Now it’s all over ! Lol !

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>how is that a goal post shift
Well see op is vaxed and got covid. That's how. Tell me, what about sasquatch?

Right, the 99% chance you're not gonna die without the "vaccine". By that logic it's also "safer" to walk around with a helmet on in case you happen to fall down the fucking stairs. Interesting that Lord Fauci isn't telling his retarded followers, like you, to do this.

Yeah but this vax seems to do opposite. The only people getting Covid are vaxxed to the gills.

>Nice way to avoid the question
ur too stupid. how can you prove that the vaccine helped in any way. you cant. you can only imagine with your stupid little brain that it worked.

Except, no. Nice try tho.

Depending on when exactly OP got "vaxxed", the anti-bodies have likely expired by now. It's funny how you're not following the science on that or how millions of people had it without being "vaxxed" and they're still walking around perfectly fine to this day.

No really look around you. Pure bloods seem to be immune.

So like, Salk’s polio vaccine? Because I’m pretty certain the point of that was to introduce a weakened strain of the virus into the body to prime the immune system to fight the subsequent infection. This is usually done through live attenuation.

I had covid and I'm unvaxxed, sore throat for 5 days.
>heres your deadly virus bro

>antibodies expired
>you dont follow the science
Pick one

It's pretty easy to prove.
Look at the ratio of hospitalization/number of cases before and after the vaccination.
Countries with high vaccination rates had much fewer hospitalizations per cases.

I see you are adicted to pure propaganda even with no basis in fact. s-t-u-p-i-d.

>hurr durr I'm immune
Kek, or maybe because you're less likely to get tested

Are you assuming all viruses are the same, same mutation rate and everything? How come we havent cured Ebola?

That’s actually the vanguard on MRNA technology, that the immune-boosting benefit isn’t “learned” as traditional live attenuation provides, and thus, any protection from MRNA wanes quickly

It has been known for more than a year that these "vaccines" don't last forever, which means they aren't real vaccines by the way, and you will need endless "boosters" in order to be "protected". So either you're being ignorant on purpose or your retarded ass really didn't know this, but either way you should neck yourself.

I would get tested if I was sick but I never get sick while my vaxxed up coworkers keep getting Covid.

Cool story Yea Forumsro, I'm vaxed and haven't had it

Show us how vaxes prevent viral entry, I'll wait

Antibodies dont "expire"
Levels of plasma cells which produce covid specific antibodies will decrease overtime.
But soon as there exposure to a covid antigen those cells quickly proliferate.
That's how adaptive immunity works for all antibodies.

That's not how it works, try again

Why are you running away from talking about vaccines themselves? It’s not like the mechanisms of arresting viral replication are wildly different - arrest RNA synthase on a wide scale to arrest reproduction and let the WBC and phagocytosis clean up

Are flu and tetanus vaccines also not real vaccines?

Oh you mean immunity wanes over time? Just like "natural" immunity? Weird

You're right that's why we need Polio boosters every 6 months.

But I'm talking about Shaft.

I havent got sick and am vaxed. Did the vax work?...yes I go outside

It's because AIDS has weakened your immune system

>Antibodies dont "expire"
Then why do you need a booster every 3-6 months?

The flu SHOT was never considered a vaccine until Crazy Joe forced the CDC to change the definition of it. Let me guess you have bullshit excuses for that as well.

The waning antibody levels of covid vaccines isnt unique to mRNA vaccines, it happens with even the more traditional covid vaccines.

The only non braindead person in this thread right there.

What do you people want?
>The vaccine is optional.
>The vaccine will become less effective over time as the virus mutates, but the virus will be less deadly over time because that’s how they work
>Its optional
>It reduces chances of catching it
>It reduces severity and chances of long term/permanent damage to your body
>Its optional

I’m sorry we couldn’t invent a vaccine in under two years that has 100% efficacy against all strains and mutations of a newer virus just so that you could not take it anyway because your tinfoil hat is on too tight.

Is your refrigerator running?


Oh right, then we def have a vax for all viruses? Even ebola?

>Oh you mean immunity wanes over time?
And yet the CDC isn't telling people to get regular polio boosters

Maybe you have a really good immune system.

Mmmmm, kool-aid.

Are you assuming all viruses are the same? Same mutation rate?

Say the guy who thinks vaxes prevent viral entry

Most viruses that require a legitimate vaccine are actually dangerous.

Yes that happens with every virus silly. The reason it seemed to happen more with Covid is because people are getting tested more due to the worst cases of it being really bad.

For example, lots of people have undiagnosed cancer. That doesn’t mean that cancer is no big deal and we should just chalk serious cases up to someone having a weak body.

Influenza vaccine is the scientific name, "flu shot" is slang just like "jab"
Also why didn't you address the fact that the tetanus vaccine requires boosters every few years to stay effective?

Except it was not optional and a lot of people were unjustly fired for refusing to get the jab, even if they already had natural immunity. Plus they're getting ready to start telling everybody to get a 4th fucking booster.