So at this point Republicans have no other personality than “say, do and believe the opposite of liberals”

So at this point Republicans have no other personality than “say, do and believe the opposite of liberals”.

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Didnt you guys spend 5 years banning every and anything that disagreed with you?

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read the book before posting chuddy!

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How do you figure?

I have eyes and ears.

They oppose changes to the status quo. That's the definition of "conservative". So yes.


most retarded take on the term "conservative" that ive ever heard. can confirm that this poster is european.

Typical low T victim mentality faggot. It's like most modern conservatives have chopped off their balls and constantly cry about Facebook memes that paint Dems as Boogeymen.

Cmon, bro. Republicans have been running with the "Make America Great Again" slogan for the past 8 years. Going back to how it was. The literal definition of conservative.

Modern American conservatives are authoritarian regressionists

me amewican me onwy see thing one way, evewy over opinion WONG!!!!!

>authoritarian regressionists

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>authoritarian regressionists, he says

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Liberals have nothing to say other than complete retardation they think women are men and men are women while simultaneously thinking gender isn't real. Liberalism isn't a political ideology its a mental illness

>“say, do and believe the opposite of liberals”.

more like "say and do whatever Fox News tells me to say and do"

Well yeah, that's sort of how conservatism vs. liberalism works, stripped to the bolts.
Liberals want change and progress, or what they perceive to be progress, and conservatives oppose that, preferring to keep with the status quo and tradition. There are nutjobs on both sides.

Absolutely seething libdrool.

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Well, I say unto you, that modern American Liberals are hubristic legalists! Obfuscatory in their conceit! Rahumphaphrumph with their brabrumphaphruph!

Has 5 minutes past without you thinking about Donald Trump yet? Its been two years

Dilate, magatranny.

Attached: magatranny_trumpoid.png (614x503, 488.53K)

I don't watch fox news though

No, kike tranny. Trump was a kike puppet and tranny enabler, just like you. Kill yourself, nigger faggot kike tranny incel cuck loser retard faggoid.

Trump lost to Biden.

this is some top tier college education, who taught you this comrade? English or Math Teacher?

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>implying that's a new thing

Authoritarian Regressionists, he says! What a fucking dork!

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Yes, whatever you want, we want the opposite thing. Why? Because fuck you.

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This bait is really making the dumbass gullible chuds seethe

kys eurotrash ivan wannabe

Fear not, fellow liberals! I have a magic spell that will put an end to those conservatives!

I'll hold the front line, fellow liberals!
Dumbass gullible chuds! Swish and flick!

Attached: harry-potter-casting-spell.png (1000x700, 715.99K)

Every American conservative watches Fox News and claims that they don't...but it just happens that they base their entire worldview around it and Facebook memes. Curious

Holy based quints

Nice get.

Nice digits.

Almost like Fox News reflects common and mainstream conservative views and opinions or something idk.

He lost
Get over it, snowflake

starve your self harder comrade.

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lmfao lost what? youre still a dumb bluecollar idiot obsessed with the very politicians that keep you under their thumb. YOU have lost buddy. just a shame you dont realize it.

kys please?


Attached: harry-potter-yelling-spelling.jpg (640x360, 38.18K)

You dare challenge me?
Low test fragile authoritarian regressionists!

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You seem upset
He lost
You're still not over it
Cry more faggot

>everyone that doesn't agree with me is a republican

Avada Kadavra!

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>Dude I'm seething over this, but I'm totally not a Republican, that'll show him that I'm RIGHT...

your fave politicians invest in big pharma and laugh when you and your oversized family have to pay 50x what it's actually worth for your insulin. but its alright bc THAT user LOST!!!!1

It's funny because liberals simultaneously love and hate Harry Potter. They love it because it's fru-fru feel good faggotry that helped them not join the 41% and they hate it because the author doesn't want them to molest kids and assault women in the bathroom.

>Modern American conservatives are authoritarian regressionists
Bruh. That's a redundant tautology.

shouldn't the meme be
>1 / mainstream opinion
as in to signify the inverse of the mainstream opinion.

>claiming that it's Republicans and not Democrats who do this

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you already fell. you all have. thats why you faggots keep bumping seething your impotent eunich cries.

Republicans struck down universal healthcare, yet you blame Dems for the problems created by bloodsucking middlemen (insurance companies).

This is why nobody takes conservatives seriously (they are retards).
This is why you lost (get over it)

user, I.. lurk moar I guess..

>eunich cries.
We aren't trannies, user.

46% of trannies vote R, LMAO
They really are mentally ill, but so are most Republicans so they blend in easily.

I would take that statistic with a grain of salt.

kek, replied to the wrong post. I meant to reply to the eurpoeans posing as republicans in the Yea Forumsread.

we're fighting the same dipshits but replying to each other. kek'd my self out of this thread.

when stickin' it becomes your singular life philosophy

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Well, considering that liberals seem to believe in things like sexual assault, corporate cronyism, curtailing civil liberties, and pedophilia... Yeah, I think I'm more than a little OK with your assessment.
Carry on.

I didn't bump it you fucking retard. What was that word I could write in Options to make this thread not bump again?

that would be sage

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Good job user, you figured it out!

every reply bumps you stupid fucking newfag crybaby faggot