Trips decides if i take them or not

Trips decides if i take them or not

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Implying i give a fuck what a nobody online does

Take them to Burger King and buy them some fries.

vitamin c, fucking do it

what kind?

Takevrhrm as suppositories.



No don't remember the endless hell

be an herro ine

never had it.
do it though



Don't do it


Shit tier

cheap + no prescription


Do it that looks like a good time


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boof em

Damn, 1 off!
anyway, reroooooooolllll

With a bottle of vodka.

Kek. Tramadol's iight. That wont kill you though. What mg? I used to do like 8x 50mg like it won't nothing. Depends on how high your tolerance is. It isn't as shit if you take enough of it. I hear it also raises serotonin.

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Where u getting tramadol without a prescription? I love the stuff but I haven't been able to get it outside of surgery

Take. One. And. Have a good 2 hour wank I live in pa and can't get them anymore thay. Helped my back pain a lot. With out getting me fucked up so I cud do shit anyway I don't remember the pills looking like that

100mg per pill 600 mg total, detoxed for 1 month for this

its pills not capsules

local drug store

I'm not OP but my doc was pretty chill about prescribing it for TMJ (kind of like jaw pain). This was RIGHT before they scheduled it though. After they did she forced me to sign one of those ridiculous agreements that they can take it away if I piss tested dirty. My insurance changed and i was unable to continue going to her so I lost it. It isn't total shit. It's better than nothing. It seemed to have less of a tolerance ceiling than vicodin. I could take a liver destroying amount of vicodin and not feel a thing. Tramadol ALWAYS worked for me.

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dont do it

Rolling to keep this thread interesting

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flush them down the toilet.

Put them into pooper.

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do it

Up the shitter

do the world a favor and just fucking take them.

Flush them down the toilet and go read a book

I told u I was hardcore

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put them down your dick, faggit

Insert into anus

LOL Tramadol fuckin faggot take 'em worst thing that happens is you puke your guys up and have a little brain damage

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take like 75 mg. be safe OP

what third world shithole do you live in?

you won't OD if you take a bunch of tramadol it will be unpleasant though

Throw them out.

Not worth doing recreationally. Wait until you or a pet is in some pain and take if for that.

no - don't be a faggot

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He may live in a third world shithole, but at least he can get very nice meds without the alphabet niggers coming after him.

crush them and rail it the whole thing, i used to have access to this before and every time i got it i preferred the intranasal method

shove them up your ass.

Mommy not around to make decision for Didums?

user someone's going to get trips in the end no matter what just pop them if your not a pussy and stop delaying the inevitable

No, don't

do it, stream it to YouTube

facts to be honest, I almost want to go to mexico just to get xanax and percs every day, my friend sent me a pic when he went to mexico, pharmacies there have signs advertising that they sell prescription drugs over the counter lol

some do, but you need to order it as if u knew, if you look nervous or insecure they prob will ask for a prescription

Single stacks of MDMA, whatever, better take them all.

Dont dew it touch grass

drink orange juice and tap a nsp instead