What is the funniest thing that has ever happened in the history of the internet?

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened in the history of the internet?

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whore is who?

Andy Sixx's logs of shit

I remember this one. twas a good one

Lurk longer

Destiny destroying Hassans dog

Chris Chan's dad walking in and yelling at him while he's filming

The consequences were never the same after that.

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probably the hal turner raids. they seem to be forgotten by time but i still get a chuckle when i think about 'em every once in a blue moon

Pop a glock in your mouth and make a brain slushie.

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wasn't that stuff mostly gays?

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Aka priests

I'm cutting it down!

Shut that goddamn thing off

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Serenity now!

Look it up, kiddo


Elon buying twitter and making the libshits seethe already surpassed it

>both are lolcows that trooned up after intense internet harassment

why didn't they became a couple?

public school teachers are way more likely to be pedos than priests, just saying

Because they dun goof'd.

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100%, it was that one video with the cat in it. Fuck I still laugh when I see it.

You loaded, you unload it!

The AOC must be lowered then, because if teachers is violating it, then it must be true

Easily the Jessi Slaughter shit.

Or H3H3 exposing Joey Salad’s

you feel, you lose

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pools closed was lulzworthy

Jessi turned out nice.

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the black lumberjack

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The time a few /k/ommandos went to a BLM rally to troll people, ended up shooting several protesters. They couldnt use self defense because they recorded themselves saying racists shit, how they're gonna go cause trouble. Oh SaigaMarine and Blackpowderranger, I miss those two retards.

she got so fat she doesn't have a roastbeef sandwhich between her legs anymore

No she didnt, her tits so damn saggy you can tie them into a knot.

Close tie with Jessi and Battletoads

That one episode of pawn stars when they had a copy of BT just sitting there after years of prank calls. They knew what was up.

The meltdown with her dad's involvement was fucking hilarious, but sad too in retrospect. He could've avoided all that embarrassment, but shitty parents create shitty children. Who would have thunk it?

Funniest thing that happened. When Iceland had a event which let you broadcast a voice clip to the people in the city. And the other stuff I forgot since I don't care anymore about Yea Forums.

anything related to this fatass, too bad the language barrier makes most of his antics unavailable for non german speakers

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Isn't he in jail? And did he seriously burn his home down?

he got arrested and his neighbours bought his house to stop the pilgrimage for good

There have been so many hilarious moments in the CWC saga over the years. Then we had videos of Chris and Barb begging for cash and trying to pawn off old stamp collections and it just stopped being funny for me. Then that ill fated summer happened and I can't even find it in my heart to see Chris as the endearing faggot sperg I had followed for years. He deserves to be sent straight to the fucking gas chamber.

Ethan Ralph uploading a video of him eating shit

dude - even with makeup your still ugly

when barbgate happened what surprised me the most is that I always expected his saga to end with a wimper but it instead he got the loudest bang imaginable

>What is the funniest thing that has ever happened in the history of the internet?
Give me 5 minutes and I'll knock that card stand over!

That fat fuck is always shitting himself.

bluespike did nothing wrong

It's important to get kids in sports man. keep em busy. It's so easy to stir up some shit at a young age with embarrassment of internet exposure.

Like that 9+10 chimp ran away from home because of that video kek

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oh man, you done goofed

we backtraced it!

the saddest part is that she really got diddled by this faggot right here at that time

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Bluespike's sadism was off the chain, but Chris eventually got over it. It was the Idea Guys that really fucked with his head permanently. The whole reason Chris started espousing shit about the dimensional merge was because of them.
>But if I had to pick a lesser discussed funny moment of Christory, it would have to be Billy Mays.

I only have some sympathy for bluespike because he was a middle schooler at that time and I know pretty damn well from personal experience they are the devil incarnated

Fucking teenage nigger faggot from redshit get the fuck out

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I never doubted it for a second. Around that time, Myspace was still the dominant social network and it was all I kept seeing on my updates. That and Tila Tequila's constant fucking attention seeking.

Go suck BLM's dick you gay little faggot. Might as well donate some of your money for them to buy fucking mansions with it too.

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Source? Seems like that would've been a bigger deal

The internet isn't a truck you load things on.
The internet is a series of tubes.

Oh man that takes me back. Thems some good memberberries.

Fuckin' magnets. How do they work?

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Wow mad much retard lol

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Honestly for me the funniest thing that ever happened is when the hacktivists first came to Yea Forums and Yea Forumstards posted EFG saying "This is a good thred" and the idiots thought that the Guy Fawkes mask was the face of "the hacker group Anonymous". The fact that they still, to this day, use Epic Fail Guy as their symbol is a source of endless amusement to me.

(yeah, I know...it's not a .gif...that HDD died a long time ago)

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Techno Viking was cool


God i miss those days

I still can't believe the son of a bitch actually did it, so many threads about watch this stream in 5 minutes and never following through. Based OP was based.

Getting reality TV star and real estate conman Donald J Trump elected to President of the United States of America.
Still cracks me up.

I was watching it LIVE at work when it happened!!!FACT!!!

What was even funnier was that the pigs were monitoring this site afterwards and when someone posted that he was going to do it again they had police surrounding the stand. It was surreal.

god for golden balls
on this day OPs dick got sucked

Seethe & cope harder libtard.