Stupid niggers

Stupid niggers.

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they want you to give em all cheeky butt pinch, go ahead, they wont bite

Nigger monkeys.

At least they are finally wearing the pants in the correct side unlike 25 years ago

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White people hate low jeans so much they strapped them over their shoulders.

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They really do this. I wonder if these niggers know that in prison culture, sagging means you're a punk aka a buttboy who takes it in the ass for protection or cigarettes.

Fukken lol

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You learned that on the internet. Straight men don't get raped in prison for protection. Its 2022 and gay people are gay in prison.

Nigger: Many people from the U.S. use the word "nigger" to describe anyone (regardless of skin color) who is an ignorant

Stupid Nigger

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Nigger I grew up on the East side of San Antonio.Nigger country. Believe me I didn't need the net, I had old cons to talk to.


>old cons
>old information
They got cellphones with 4k cameras. I saw a prison cooking show on YouTube. Keep up with the times grandpa.

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nigger apes

88 checked

Foul nigger apes.

Those are the kind of pants you wear if you intend to do some work... probably dirty farm work that helps to benefit society.

...said the nigger who has been in prison

I hate niggers.

I'm Mexican and my dad would beat my ass if i ever sagged

it almost sounds as if there are smart ones.

Why not move to a white state like Maine and ignore black people. Complaining and generic insults make you look weak. Are you scared of them?

Shiiiiiit, get a load of that 10 gallon Cum Dumpster he call a hat HeH

Yep, in prison it means you take it in the ass. Niggers see it in prison and think it is cool. They are too stupid to understand that it means you are just a Butt Bitch.

Most sag due to growing up receiving hand me down clothes that "You'll grow into it"... You say it like prison rules apply to the outside world? Ever been? Highly don't recommend it!

Right! Dead ass Cali Muscle hosted a weekly cooking show for cost effective bulk up meals with commissary items

Only white people say stuff like cum dumpster. Acting gay for jokes is a known stereotype.

>nut checking
>drawing dicks on each other
>acting ironically gay
>pulling pants down pranks
>mooning each other

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Prison is pretty chill

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shitskin niggers want to get fucked by White men
They look good for workers

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>draw 4
>Uno out

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They show off their underwear shamelessly but they're just like other Anglos when it comes to body modesty otherwise

I'm still at a loss at how this trend didn't die off in the 90s.
Niggers...that was 30 years ago. Pull up your pants

You know half these honkies are... chest gets tight, flop sweat as they cross the street outta fear LoL most just mad cause the girl they liked in school wouldn't give em the time of day but blew a bottom tier nigga with a whack ass mix tape LoL or got power clowned in class by Jamal... Shiiiiiit show of hands, how many of you crackers in here over weight hiding your adult acne in a dark basement right now?

You king nigga or something? You're setting the rules? Did Al Sharpton ordain you? STFU

You know good and hell well it's location location location, my stretch was a breeze. Shit if you been then you know only two days matter


Didn't deny it but gets mad. How many dicks you draw on your "best friend"? ha

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Sorry, but I wore hand-me-down's growing up, and goodwill always had belts for like 25 cents, or you could punch a hole in your older brother's belt.

They are gay, look at their belt. It’s normal for faggots to get butt fucked
But look at 99% of shitskin niggers pulling pants down for BWC

BWC sounds like a local wrestling group. White people always copy stuff and make it uncool. 99% of cringe compilations are white people trying "trends".

You must be white. In a nigger household, that 25 cents would go towards a pack of menthols..

Gotta love white boys' asses, seriously

Yep pretty funny.

Too late user. The liberals shipped thousands and thousands of nigger asylum seekers here. And they're all reproducing like rabbits.

Bull Shit

So now that the dust has settled this was definitely a gay thing right?

jesus christ were these child prostitutes?

Lmfao nigger cope knowing they'll always be inferior

Niggers have the highest rate of child prostitution, 14 year old girls soliciting in the hood is common. If you decide to include Africa no one can compete with nigger depravity. They'll fuck babies to try and cure their aids. Ritual homosexuality is a staple of many African tribes

ahhh the nostalgia.. prolly still know all the words to that album

>this thread

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it's just a style, it will go away in around 10-20 years, chill

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Too be fair niggers are too dumb to use a PC that's why BBC tranny spam slides and nigger hate threads die. If if low iq chimps could use the internet those threads would blow up as drooling niggers would come in to scream.

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they said that 10 or twenty years ago neck yourself faggot

I remember the book of mormon and africans fucking babies but completely forgot about it. Funny that no one mentions it at all anymore.

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But liberals think it's all bc of white racism not understanding white racism exists bc of how they behave. They have it backwards. If blacks acted like whites then nobody would care. Hell white people barely notice Asians bc they behave themselves. Hispanics are in the middle. Worse then whites but much better then blacks but that's not saying much.

there are some really good black people collaterally damaged by this.. 3 of my best friends that are black have had my back and been there for me more than any white friend of mine. i hate piece of shit people too, hope get that its not truly a race problem

> Round circle

nice! saving your pic.