Why do conservatives hate free speech?

Why do conservatives hate free speech?

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Very fragile. Can't handle people having opposing views without going for some fallacy

What a terrible beard that coke fiend has.

Cancel culture is primarily a leftist operation.

Starts a thread using CNN piece ..ywnbaw

Conservatism is about maintaining social hierarchies. Free speech is antithetical to that. Simple as.

You dumb fucks are standing on the tracks and there is a freight train coming.

DeSantis 2024

fake news


>muh buzzwords
Like clockwork. Beautiful.

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DeSantis is the freight train we need to avoid? OK, gotcha.

>Shilling for any politicians on Yea Forums
I love how you authoritarian fags are so easily baited and the best part is that it's by an actual liberal so you can't say 'buh buh buh libewal hate fwee speech mummay!'

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>this new guy his hitting the same dogwhistle issues as the last guy, but with much less baggage
because losing elections never taught republicans anything but how to lie and cheat more than last time.

You sound like a child

My man generational inflation, record high gas prices and attempting social engineering through massive spending that even Obamas advisors said was lunacy are not dog whistle. Keep lying to yourself

How did that Steele Dossier work out for you snowflake?

>zoomer forgetting about all the right-wing mothers groups in the 90s trying to censor videogames and films

Look up the Phillips curve. Aldo look up price fixing and tacit collusion in the pil industry. Become Informed, be less stupid.

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There was 1 group, the PMRC and you would think with the lefty outrage back then the Democrats would be against censorship but theyre not showing how hypocritical they are.

It's so you'd understand me, kiddo.

Oh are you that storm trooper fag from the 80s here to tell us how you cracked skulls whilst listen to white wedding?

Go look up our inflation timeline.
1.4 When Biden took office
7.5 Immediately after he signed the infrastructure bill but before Ukraine/Russia
8.5 After the invasion

Gas prices have steadily increased since 2 days after Biden cancelled our energy independence. All the info is there but you refuse to research it.

Hillary paid a fine and your guys are still guilty of collusion, lying to the FBI, and failing to inform the FBI that members of Trump's campaign staff were assets of other nations.

Do you have some grey poupon to go with your nothingburger?

Yea because illegally canceling rent and preventing landlords from evictions while simultaneously giving out 3k stimmy checks had absolutely no affect. You're right it's just the evil corporations and has nothing to do with exploding demand.

>more bullshit

This was disproven LAST FUCKING YEAR


Why is MINDGEEK.com such a nasty bunch of America hating kikes?

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It's a lib thing. Get your shit right faggot

They hate a guy who's connected to the guy I like! Therefore they must hate AMERICA! Even if they've LIVED THERE for THREE GENERATIONS.

But the President who did nothing while his supporters tried to lynch their fellow Americans is fine!


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Define cancel culture for me.

>by an actual liberal
These threads are paid propaganda. It's blatantly obvious. We've been seeing examples of the same exact format for over five years now.

Those figures are from a month ago dumbfuck. Putin didnt invade last year. Stop lying to cover for politicians. Show me where they debunked it snowflake.

>They hate
Admitting you know it's them to...

You can’t end a sentence with as.

This is some serious cope failure here.


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"Can't" is the improper contraction in this instance.

What am sarcasm?!?

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I was talking about Based Cleese.

That's not a conservative. That's just a garden-variety grifter.

Love his tennis balls!

2022 and republicans still haven't figured out what free speech is. Maybe by 2122. Hopefully they'll be extinct by then though. That'd be better.

Anyone who thinks the free speech debate is a left/right issue is an NPC

It's free thinkers vs oligarchs. And if you're on the side of censorship you are a useful idiot for the oligarchs

Funny way to spell exclusively.

Off to /pol/ you go.

Eternal Quads.
Very nice.

It got trump's lawyers, campaign manager and many otherd close to him thrown in jail

No one thinks being able to shout "fire!" In a crowded theater is a good idea except edgy thirteen year olds who just read Ayn Rand. That's essentially what it comes down to. Right wingers want to be able to shout as much bullshit as possible without any consequences.

shouting fire and shouting bullshit are not the same thing. why do you even use Yea Forums?

Any time Democrats claim something is a threat to our democracy my first instinct is that the opposite must be true.

Posting that vaccines are Jewish mind control serum is the same shit. Intentionally spreading disinfo in order to hurt people.

That has nothing to do with "cancel culture" at all. Directing "cancel culture" at american democracy would be vilifying the american democratic system for having allowed slavery and jim crow laws, for taking so long to give women the right to vote, the institutionalized racism of the 1994 crime bill, that sort of thing.



Cancel culture is perpetuated by liberals and conservatives towards different things depending on their cultural agendas. Anyone decently farther right wing or left from the very milquetoast center lib/con American political mainstream couldn't care less about this nonsense.

I'll be you op: Bohohoh elon musk waaaaah waaashhh waaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Pic is you.

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Every time when liberals claim there's a threat to democracy(that had never existed), it's always either Trump or white people. Liberals could mind their own business instead of whining and moaning about everything that doesn't concern them. Imagine being afraid of free speech. When their world is getting destroyed, they always play the victim to cope with this.

>calling for censorship = canceling people
Acting or real retardation?

make sure to get your 9th booster or else the vaccine stops working!

conservatives are fucking idiots by definition

you get an education, you abandon conservatism

it's for hicks and losers who failed to start their lives

oh are you talking about those stats that show more blue states have higher IQs on average? Because those states all had the least blacks if this is the territory you want to veer into

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i made a statement about intelligence based on ideology and this was your reply, a race-based one

your brain is poisoned and it might be too late

liberals rely largely on wordplay to make their case seem good. That's why it's so popular with insecure, pseudo intellectual teenager/college kids. They feel smart just by muddying the waters.

ok im a democrat but i had to laugh at this...why do conservatives hate free speech...bro you do realize its only the conservatives that get banned and shushed every time they speak out. Like you have to be kidding me lol. Reason i didn't vote for biden is how i saw the left start censoring free speech. Why do you think elon musk bought twitter. Hes sick of Free speech being censored or banned. Liberals are the only ones trying to censor speech and freedom. Fuck trannies censor that bitch.

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>you get an education, you abandon conservatism
that sounds more like reeducation to me.

>white people
Nah just RACIST white people like you. All those years getting away with your bigotry are finally catching up, aren't they? How does it feel? Feel those walls closing in? Get ready.

I was failing in several college courses until I started turning in papers that were more and more left leaning.
They were all to happy to flunk me when I was a republican so it was not to hard to have them make me "see the light". On face value I turned into a dumbshit libtard. At least until I got my degree.
But hay go figure, then people telling you what to think also control your education and if you dont get on the group think buss you fail. WHAT A TWIST!

its not " reeducation" if one never had an education to begin with

>this was your reply, a race-based one
you're appealing to your own purity/virtue to avoid his point. You win, you are the liberalest.

as you learned about yourself, some people are beyond help

>liberals rely largely on wordplay
>its not " reeducation" if one never had an education to begin with
lmao. Pottery.

>Nah just RACIST white people
You mean like the current sitting president? The guy who did not want black people going to school with white people because he did not want his kid growing up in a racial jungle?

His words BTW not mine.

this makes no sense to anyone but yourself lmao. i'm under no obligation to entertain his racism

The left has taken the baton but it’s always been a right wing thing. Republicans have been clutching their pearls for decades. Satanic panic, d&d, fantasy stuff, metal/punk/rock/rap, homosexuality, sweating, marijuana, etc. the right has always been fragile little faggots. The left is just starting to catch up to them


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I Will never blow a weener. I wear it as a badge of honor.