Why were the full passenger list from 9/11 flights never released?

why were the full passenger list from 9/11 flights never released?

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bcoz why would they

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Because unlike your middle school the airplane staff doesn't take attendance

i just wanna know the name of an old childhood friend, who was on flight 11...

because there were no planes you fucking moron stop watching tv and your iq will rise

Attached: fake planes.webm (1280x720, 1.82M)

Yes they were, and it clearly shows the planes at almost half capacity for a commercial flight.
The passanger lists were faked. Filled with fake names BUT real bank accounts. So most people got victim compensation money. The flight lists were also used to cover up people disappearing after 9/11, (either killed, or paid off and put into hiding).
Fake planes, fake passangers. And the towers were 90% empty the day if the attack.

Did you know that out if the 360+ firefighters that dies, HALF of them were ranked captain or above? What a coincidence.

Letsroll911.org has more

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So your saying some of the claims from the firemen were fake?

>no passenger list
>reading the names of the people who died on 9/11 in a 4 hour ceremony for the past 20 years
Yeah must be hard to figure it out, but really it's none of your fucking business because you were probably born after 9/11 anyway

>because there were no planes
Nigger, I watched the second plane hit live with my own eyes from a rooftop 16 blocks away.

Because security was so lax, nobody fucking knows who was on board.

What's wrong with america?
I'll show you.
Some claim was made, maybe its a troll maybe not, "why weren't the passenger lists released".
Now both people on the side of and against conspiracies are all experts. Comments like "why would they?" Vs "because the planes didn't exist"

I found them in like 3 seconds. Come the fuck on people learn to read.

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It is a matter of national security. This eyes-only list could compromise the country affairs and be exploited by the enemies.

To protect relatives of the victims from assholes like you

stfu idiots. they have videos of loved ones for every person who died in the towers & planes. you can select a name at ground zero & video will appear with kids of a victim or parentsd of a victim or spouse of a victim...& they talk about the person etc etc. each vid is like 5 min long.

geez you plebs. take off your aluminum hats

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Actually they do dipshit

Because they literally were.

Who paid you to say that?

tell me about it. thats why theyre called deplorables. its about 27%-33% of usa right now. trumptards

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Yeah right loser. I was actually there and as soon as the first tower had the explosion I looked up and watched and the other tower randomly exploded and there were no planes in sight anywhere. I understand what happened was very traumatizing but you clearly had a bit of a disassociation from reality and just tried to cope with what the media told you.

I hope you don’t actually believe this.

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It's not about what one believes or doesn't believe. It's a fact that there were no planes. Have fun believing CGI.

Everyone talks about the buildings, and the planes.

But no one talks about Brian Sweeney making a phone call from a plane at 35,000 feet for several minutes in 2001 when cell phone coverage was barely good enough to even stay connected in a city. At the time, using a cell phone from a plane was impossible.

And the fact that his call logs also indicate that HOURS after the plane crashed, his phone made several more calls throughout the day.

Thank god someone actually pays attention.

I'll have two of whatever user is taking/drinking/smoking

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Youre so dumb it isnt even funny. Why would the airplane take attendnace? Only schools do that. You mean to tell me you consider the inside of a plane a classroom? Youre so stupid that I am laughing at you and woke up my family

You're the dumb one, they are literally required by law to have a list of who flies on every plane for liability reasons. If you think otherwise then you quite literally have no idea what you're talking about.

Yeah right, planes go at 500 mph, they cant take attendance and hear everyone when those speeds make it impossible to hear anyone. Ever heard of the doppler effect? How does paper not fly out of your hands at 500mph? Youre so stupid.

They already know who's flying before they get on, have you ever been in an airport? They literally run your ID to make sure you're who bought the ticket. I worked in the TSA for four years. Just admit you're fucking wrong and move on.


Odd that everyone who died there has loved ones. No last of kin or complete loner was killed that day? Something doesn't add up.

>user gets caught in a lie and pretends to be someone else saying he's trolling.

>take attendance
Jimmy Joe Ray Bob has never made it out of the hills to a real airport, have you JJRB?

It's almost as if it takes families to create people. You do realize that 99% of the people in the world have family members right?

Youre larping, the TSA is a hoax.
Tsa is three letters. Rearrange them and they spell sat. 3 letter, god made the earth in 7 days and sat is the 6th day. 3 and 6? 666? T s a stands for "travel security agency" for what? National security.
Rearrange those letters.
Coincidence? They are trying to indoctrinate you for the new world order

Why fly when you got a truck? Makes no sense. Just take the highway across the ocean

Why are you trying so hard to troll? Your post isn't even funny.

What do you think is funny about the new world order? Sheeple. I pity you who think the earth is a globe

No tourist family being completely wiped out by debris? This is NYC we're talking about. "Rook a prane!"

Are you kidding? When there's a possibility of cashing in on dead relatives AND getting noticed by the media. I'm sure 3rd cousins twice removed were claiming close relationships with the dead.

Even tourist families have loved ones you fucking retard.

>No last of kin or complete loner was killed that day?
probably hundreds, but nobody is around to talk about them so you never hear about them. sorta what'll be like when you die, user.

No they don't. The rest of their family was killed by "Godzirra!"


You sound like you were 5 when it happened kid.

Because nothing of relevance would have been learned if they were. And corporate data is not subject to freedom of information claims.

I'm 37, but nice try.

Saw the pentagon plane, these idiots argue with actual eyewitnesses to marry themselves to some cause.

Faggot thinks planes are real

>actual eyewitnesses
Oh you mean people that were paid off? You were not there, you did not see a plane. You saw CGI.

Saw and heard it you mount. So did a whole warehouse of people unloading trucks. You guys are the true sheep believing all this conspiracy shit. God you’re all so fucking stupid

Because there was only 1 passenger

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Despite your need to troll, the fact remains that it happened. It's easy for you to play this game though, because to you, it's just some event in history with conspiracies attached to it. The truth is so much more simple. I pray you never have to be in such a situation where you witness such destruction firsthand, but you're probably a sociopath anyway, so feelings are foreign to you.

False. I wonder how much you're being paid to post this.

Wow, such projection.

the second plane, the one in OP's pic, is focused on in a video that shows that it was not a commercial plane but more like a military plane, and there appears to be a missile or something canoe shaped--i don't know my military plane ordnance--hanging on the bottom. also, it goes frame by frame and shows that it appears that the building is "hit" by something the plane FIRED right before it actually struck it. that's what OP's pic is a frame from.


Have you ever seen an airline? Those are the jet engines you absolute fucking retard.

Have you ever seen an airplane? No because they don't exist.





It’s just the shape of that model jet you absolute moron.

I guess I never visited my sister in Alaska several times throughout my life then.

Alaska isn't real. Your "sister" is a paid actress for the government.

Way to talk shit about a cancer patient, I hope your parents are proud of the failure you've become.

>it appears that the building is "hit" by something the plane FIRED right before it actually struck it
Okay, so say it was ordinance, you re implying it fired at the building prior to the planes impact? What about arming? A missile doesn't arm itself until it's a safe distance away from what's firing it. Also, the timing required to fire while heading 500 mph at an incoming object so that you conceal the firing of said missile within the impact strike seems even more ridiculous than anything else.

Also, why post a youtube video since there were no planes or videos can be altered digitally?

>I was actually there and as soon as the first tower had the explosion
at 8:46:40 a.m
>I looked up and watched
For seventeen minutes
>and the other tower randomly exploded
at 9:03:11 a.m
Maybe the pain of holding your neck up that long caused you memory problems?
Or maybe you were north of the tower when the second plane struck (from the south!)

Wow, such deflection. Must have hit really close to the mark

The controlled explosions were two minutes apart, stop believing everything the mainstream media tells you. Didn't you pay attention to 45 whatsoever? The media lies.

She doesn't actually have cancer. It's part of her performing. Once she "dies" of cancer she'll be moving on the the next role as someone else family member in "Alaska".

You're lucky you're not in person with me right now or else you'd be in a fucking wheelchair. Stop talking shit about people with medical conditions because you think it makes you look cool on the Internet.