Why are right wing comics so cringey and unfunny
Why are right wing comics so cringey and unfunny
I enjoy it.
It's good shit.
Stay mad, troon.
>imagine defending child murderers
Comics that are just meant to signal you hold a belief or political stance are pretty much always cringe. See: lunarboom. This guy's art is good, though, and he occasionally makes actually good comics. Most are cringe, though, I agree.
it's called projection
political comics are shit in general but at least that one has an interesting art style
so if he's able to see them and even know their names, WHY IN THE HELL IS HE ASKING WHERE THEY ARE???
yikes, this faggot is so fucking retard...
I don't think you know what that means....
But leave it to a dumb faggot to be too stupid to grasp simple concepts. Porn has rotted their brains.
>Bitcoin isn't the future
>Elon is a snake oil merchant who will destroy twitter
>putin will lose
>Jordan peterson is a fraud
>Joe rogaine will die in a few years due to keto and roids
>technological utopianism is naomi wus 3d printed plastic boobs
>Mars will never be colonized
>the multiverse is qanon bullshit
>vaccines work
>noone is trying to turn your brat into a Troon
Enjoy your stay in the real world my dear magatard dork. Maybe you can act out your fascist fantasies on some kiddie figure board game like warhammer or paradox games
>Why is literally every political comic unfunny?
>It's almost as though it's not supposed to be funny at all, and is just there to project a wacky message that doesn't need to be there, but the writer decided it should be there anyways.