Why are right wing comics so cringey and unfunny

Why are right wing comics so cringey and unfunny


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I enjoy it.
It's good shit.
Stay mad, troon.

>imagine defending child murderers

Comics that are just meant to signal you hold a belief or political stance are pretty much always cringe. See: lunarboom. This guy's art is good, though, and he occasionally makes actually good comics. Most are cringe, though, I agree.

it's called projection

political comics are shit in general but at least that one has an interesting art style

so if he's able to see them and even know their names, WHY IN THE HELL IS HE ASKING WHERE THEY ARE???

yikes, this faggot is so fucking retard...

I don't think you know what that means....
But leave it to a dumb faggot to be too stupid to grasp simple concepts. Porn has rotted their brains.

>Bitcoin isn't the future
>Elon is a snake oil merchant who will destroy twitter
>putin will lose
>Jordan peterson is a fraud
>Joe rogaine will die in a few years due to keto and roids
>technological utopianism is naomi wus 3d printed plastic boobs
>Mars will never be colonized
>the multiverse is qanon bullshit
>vaccines work
>noone is trying to turn your brat into a Troon

Enjoy your stay in the real world my dear magatard dork. Maybe you can act out your fascist fantasies on some kiddie figure board game like warhammer or paradox games

>Why is literally every political comic unfunny?

>It's almost as though it's not supposed to be funny at all, and is just there to project a wacky message that doesn't need to be there, but the writer decided it should be there anyways.

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>the multiverse is qanon bullshit
boomer detected

Metaverse is Wii Sports packaged differently. Kys normie fuck

He's toddler, brainlet. Is it bed time? He specifies WHEN he sees them, does he not? Doesn't that imply he's curious where they are otherwise?

Abstract thought is lost on you HRT rotted fucking retards. You dumb faggots are so desperate to pick shit apart that you say the dumbest fucking things. It's amazing that helmets are fucking mandatory for you fucking clowns.

Post some more.

At least with most leftoids you can tell there is some sort of honesty involved, the comics reflect their actual views, this wog gyro faggot was drawing nfsw smut until 2 years ago

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Were you chainsmoking while writing your Yea Forums manifesto

You really do have brain rot, don't you?
Is it a prerequisite that you tranny faggots have to create bizarre imaginary versions of people inside your dumb fucking heads in order to respond?
Do you seriously not see how fucking embarrassing that is? You think you're really "nailing it" but you're just arguing with figments inside your consumer cucked brained.

No wonder you fucking idiots try to kill yourselves so often.
Best of luck LARPing bogeymen are everywhere, you fucking dork. "Muh fascists!" LOL what a fucking fag.

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Yeah, ok. hahahaha. What a fucking mindless NPC.
Their own views? They don't have those. Their views revolve around fitting in with whatever is trendy and helps them fit in with the social majority. Stop lying to yourself, retard. It's flat out pathetic.

Right wing comics project their hate for their subject for a purpose. Left wingers are just looking to exploit the most fun out of it.

Right wing comics almost always lose. Not talking about you, Ron White.

OK magatard here is another take on the comic.

>Judging by the moms appearance she is probably a demorat, she is drinking wine at night like the average white libtard women who rejected traditional gender roles and opted for a careers.

Since these conditions hold true it would be safe to assume that this here libtard woman would only get inseminated by BBC. The aborted children were all mixed race and looked like the abominations that are posted on this board. Was that really that much of a sin?

Wtf, making a comment against abortion isn't funny???

>bizarre imaginary versions of people inside your dumb fucking heads in order to respond?

You mean like the wine mom who had 6 abortions?

Fucking owned lmao. I guess the cuck in christcuck is literal they just crave bbc

Actually adding a bunch of black ghost children would've made this infinitely more hilarious. Add a white gloomy father entering the home on the last panel that shows all the niglettes

Yeah, juxtaposing the comic to your made up comments. Brilliant.
You really are a fucking idiot. lol
What a pathetic strawman and deflection. Yoou fucking idiots really do have a bag of squashed monkey assholes for brains.
Trying to compare you're actual potato-brain retard view to storytelling and not seeing why it's retarded. Only the braincucked consumer faggots.

Samefagging to this level is just fucking sad lol

Again, you're just living in a literal retard fantasy where you create fucking dumb as rocks scenarios that match the argument you want to make.
It's called a strawman.
The only thing you're doing is further proving my point. You're a fucking moron who lives inside his own world of make-believe, unable to distinguish that from reality.
You only had to write an entire side-story to make your point. Well done, you goofy nigger.

Wouldn't it be better if it said something like:
>They want you to tell them their names

Why would god torment a kid for the sins of his mom when his mom is still. Alive?

Someone needs to read the exodus again it seems

The speech bubbles should have consistent colouring for the characters. Also the aborted kids should want their mum to tell them their names that way it works better.

I had a chuckle. Post more.

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That's nice that you have an opinion about things. Go make your own comic.

Shut the fuck up Nigro pseud the only strawman here is the retarded Christian comic you fucking faggot. The only people living in a fantasy world of troons and and imagined average is your lot you subhuman magatard

Your suicidal denialist belief system makes me smile smugly
Enjoy your future haha

Accusing others of samefagging while he has inundated the thread with the same slightly changed fedora tier comment about strawmanning fallacies sophistries red herrings and what not. Kys seethe dilate you will never be a CS LEWIS

Mom had been sleeping with tons of black people while pregnant at the boy. The kid I suffering from a typical case of michrochimerism listening to the voices of the would be children of BBC cummis in his head.

That kid doesn't look tormented. It could be a new Calvin and Hobbes, but with aborted baby friends instead of a philosophical tiger.
Also, does anyone have that video of pigs eating aborted babies from dumps in India? I can't find it anymore.

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Stop samefagging and writing the same comment again and again while typing like a retard you aren't Joseph conrand no matter how much you try to Compensate with academic sounding words everyone can tell you aren't a natural speaker of enlglish

Finally, a scientific explanation.

Do you think this fucking alexopopolos retards has ever read the Bible?

>Imagine being a zombie breeder

Wait, are you a natural speaker? You sound like a fag and your shits all retarded.

>Why are right wing comics so cringey and unfunny

Because you have to be dumb to be right wing.

Kinda hard to make good anything when you're dumb.

So you d have no problem with 6 mixed race children right? No problem at all?

That's the magatard litmus test whenever they go off like the retard above about npcs strawman and what not ask them a question related to this and watch the mental gymnastics happen in real time

>daddy elon
>spacex is doing nasas work
>colonising mars
>pale blue dot
>i fucking love awesome fucking science fuuuck
>based Steven the wheelchair dude
>white dwarves and red giants
>Black holes
>string theory
>the univere
>star trek
>battlestar galactica
>dysons sphere
>Robert heinlein
>Joe rogan is a thinker
>Jordan peterson
>state mandated cat girls
>Le funnies in babylon bee
>A24 films
>naomi wu
>mature anime
>discord trans
>mecha kits
>she is actually 1000 years old
>culture wars
>Andy ngo Ian Miles cheong.
>Sam harris
>quilette mag
>call of cthulu
>weed bro lmao
>420 blaze it
>super straight
>3d printing guns to defeat government and fema
>ban crt

why are liberal comics so cringy?

its allmost like making a comic and maybe taking politics in collage dosnt mean youre not a brain dead idiot that talks on a intellectual level and isnt just a virtue signaling retard

you faggots are just anti social neurotic retards

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Link to his smut? What name did he post under?

More lulz for this ylyl thread.
Libs can post their super funny comics too.

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I think shit like this a lot
My white friends will listen to rap and I'll ask them when they became a criminal

Libtards are so easily triggered.

Yeah sure your "friends" you mean the people that tolerate your existence. Yeah those people hate you.
Source: I've had "friends" like you.

Actually that's pretty good.
Artistic style is good too. See, she conveys emotion. Whereas lefty ones attempt to demean physical features in lieu of a legitimate argument.

That's probably why the left seethes at those comics. It does what they cannot.

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Though there's always our boy that doesn't miss

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bitcoin might be the future, or not, who knows
censorship sucks, stay mad
fuck the russian troglodytes
then don't listen to JP
don't listen to JR then
technology makes your life easier
don't complain about science you don't understand authleft retard

Dude, I am not an apologist for political comics because they are generally cringe but this is quite good, it is a return of terror to a moral argument that at least is not a paragraph of moral reading and intellectual exposition (which are practices quite cringe), if I consider some things that I have read on the left, it is even readable and can be followed until the end, which is saying a lot .-.


giorgios tsoukapoulos

This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow

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