Why do Republicans defend Putin?

Why do Republicans defend Putin?

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He pays them and they aspire to be h

Smart people want to avoid WW3, kike.

They drank the Kool-Aid.

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Man I can’t wait until the old fucks die off. Gop will die with the old fucks

>cucking to the commie soviet faggots

i remember when conservatives used to be real men who kept other countries in check. not a bunch of sellout traitor pussies.

>to avoid WW3

that's weird tho
back in the day, the Republicans were the 'defenders of freedom' and now they'll suck Putin's cock if it will keep the peace.

Putin represents everything that the repubs admire

They are literally gay for him

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Fuck off, asshole. Die yourself. Now.

WTF are you talking about, Jew troll?

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dubs of truth

republicans r gay

Goldwater was a Jew. None of them can be trusted.

why do trannies and leftards cope and seeth a lot?
Is the potato good for you?

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Rand Paul argues US should not have backed Ukraine's NATO aspirations, citing Russia's stated reasoning behind invasion



The Ukraine actually reneged on a previous under-the-table "deal" gone bad between Putin and Zelensky. Ukraine pissed Russia off and Putin decided to take what he felt was his. This war doesn't involve us. We have no business "rooting for Ukraine". Ukraine are no saints and neither is Russia. And fuck "CNN".

He's a Jew, dummy.

Far more dire, why to Trannycrats defend China?!

China produces 2/3rds of global pollution. Stuff made for the 5 bn Chinese super-consumers in Asia and West Africa combine to 90% of global air pollution and 99% of ocean pollution. 90% of global warming is generated by China. The famines and energy shortages are due largely to Chinese buying up food so that prices rise and poorer countries like Sri Lanka can't afford to eat. Trannycrats just go on defending China, arguing we all need to buy Chinese made masks, and repay blacks for slavery yet again for the 100th time. When do trannycrats wake up about China and get their heads out of 1973?!

>Why do Republicans

Putin is the wealthiest man in the world
So using Republican logic: Putin is the shot caller
I guarantee every Repub has received money from Putin is some way or form

That's called remaining neutral, it understands both sides' ambitions. Not everything is seen through the lens of good and bad. Both sides are bad for their own reasons, even Ukraine's government is fucking corrupt. The only "good" people are the poor ukrainian citizens trying to defend themselves from both spheres of influence and their bullshit.

The goddamned state of the Left. Fuck are they insufferable cunts of hell. lol

You only say that because every Trannycrat in office has received money from China. You're projecting.

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>We have no business "rooting for Ukraine"


Ukraine did one of the most noble things a country could do.

They literally gave up their nukes in 1994.

They only wanted one thing in return, a peace guarantee from Russia and USA.

Everyone agreed.

USA is living up to it's promise.
Russia invaded.

I'm just glad Biden is in office to keep our oath to Ukraine and support their independence.

You're "glad Biden is in office"?

Holy fuck. This is why some people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>Not everything is seen through the lens of good and bad


Yeah, the rapes, torture, and mass graves can safely defined as BAD.

Where did Republican's backbones go?

Nice cherrypicking, finish reading.

>from China

but we're discussing russia's, republican bitches in this thread

this subject must be sensitive to you
why so afraid of Putin tho?

Republicans haven't had a backbone since the voting rights act of 1965.

Trump would be taking Putin's Russian cock in his loose asshole right now.

Biden is a real President.
He's not the best, but he's not Trump.
And thank God for that.

The scuttle butt is that the general consensus to bring Ukraine into NATO now was due to Jewish backing. Russia has shit military equipment except for submarines and missiles. If Ukrainian sub bases are moved and yet another NATO country, with potential missiles pointed at Moscow, then Russia has no choice but to defend itself. This could be due to his defense of Assad in Syria or a belief that Russia can threaten Israel. Either way, you have the tail wagging the dog. We moved our chess pieces first, Russia responded.

>mass executions

Are you posting from GOP Headquarters or Moscow?
So hard to tell nowadays...

What does dog taste like, Chang?

He’s a conservative.
And all Americans are supposed to be against naziism, so they’re willing to play that role a bit.

>with potential missiles pointed at Moscow,

you can put the koolaid down now
there are russian subs parked off the east coast
this is nothing new
russia wants the oil fields and ports
then they use the oil to blackmail their customers

funny how you blame jews for joining nato and putin blames the nazis for joining nato

but if you had a backbone and weren't morally bankrupt, you would see nothing wrong with helping a country defend itself against an aggressor
you wouldn't care if it was on russia's borders

seriously, the republicans are estrogen infused bitches
when did this happen?

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>What does dog taste like, Chang?

Shill thought that shit would work.

Some serious mental midgets.

Republicans have just given up on being anything but shitpiles. They don't police their own. That's why most of the pedo politicians are republican. This list goes to 800 republican politicians.


Says the leftie whos government is supporting nazis in ukraine.

>russia wants the oil fields and ports

Just the ports (Sevastopol Crimea, Nikolaev and Odessa), the oil is mostly in Russia, with pipelines crossing Ukraine. Ukraine has all of Russia's warm water submarine ports. Outside of submarines and missiles, he (clearly) can't face off against Sri Lanka. The soviet unions spent the bulk of its military spending on submarines, which Putin is now stuck with, which is why he's taking just the port cities now.

His submarines aren't new news, but having hypersonic missiles on them is, and his defiance of Israel's take over of Syria is.

>funny how you blame jews for joining nato and putin blames the nazis for joining nato
As near as I can tell, when he says 'nazis' are taking over Ukraine, dumb as that sounds, he means the EU, which is largely under the control of it's largest GDP, Germany. I don't know enough to blame jews myself, I've just been hearing that a lot. Israel feels like Russia is a bigger threat now even than Syria, so Israel moved to force him into a war, and threw Ukraine under the bus.

>so Israel moved to force him into a war,

So once again, Israel using their super powers to control planetary geopolitics.
Is their anything they can't do?

But no. Putin doesn't give a shit about subs.
He secured the water for Crimea so his buddies can develop the properties. Big resort planned btw.
He wants the oil patches in the south including the offshore natural gas deposits.
The ports are for russian exports and nothing for ukraine.

This is all about money, power, and control.
It's imperialism that the Repubs dream about.

He's a good looking man to be fair. No Homo

>So once again, Israel using their super powers to control planetary geopolitics.
>Is their anything they can't do?
I'm astonished to find anyone who doesn't know that there are rich jewish individuals who control countries. Have you ever heard the terms 'bildeburgs', 'illuminati', 'Rothchild's', etc? This is not a new development. More than half of US cities have DAs who refuse to charge black criminals because George Soros bought them off (which also means they, or Soros, is creating US laws outside of the legeslature).

>But no. Putin doesn't give a shit about subs.
>He secured the water for Crimea so his buddies can develop the properties. Big resort planned btw.
Jesus, his main military defense is submarines that can park miles offshore and deliver nukes. You think some resorts are his actual goal?! You understand now why people always call you stupid.

>He wants the oil patches in the south including the offshore natural gas deposits.
Russia has more oil reserves than any other country on Earth. They wouldn't be concerned about a few more barrels in Ukraine.

>The ports are for russian exports and nothing for ukraine.
>This is all about money, power, and control.
>It's imperialism that the Repubs dream about.
See? This is why you flunked out of High School. Stop watching MSNBC and the Daily Show for all of your news, would ya.

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What time is it in Russia, Ivan?

I don't know. What time is it in Tel Aviv?

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Didn't you call us nazis last week?

>Why do Republicans defend Putin?
Because Putin is fucking awesome.

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Would you please ask your shill supervisor if you are supposed to be against nazis or jews for Yea Forums, plz?


Nah the youth lean right. People of all ages are Republican. More joining the ranks every day thanks to the insanity of the woke.

>- t-they are commies! i swear!
Russia is a capitalist country, you know?

I would say ultra-capitalist national state

>100% communist countries do not exist and have never existed, only socialist countries
>socialism is in "theory", the road to communism, a nation in which its food and energy needs do not depend on foreign trade; while they produce goods that they manage to export without compromising their financial stability in times of crisis.
>not like what is happening now with the capitalist countries in which their objectives are to make other countries dependent and make the production chain more expensive for the benefits of transnational companies, not governments.

I'm glad Margaret Thatcher is burning in hell

Retrieve all United States aid and comfort from Ukraine. Stop your war at Russia. If you are a regime, and if you supply aid and comfort in Ukraine then you war Russia. If you are a regime, and if you war Russia then you are not justice warriors. If you retrieve all United States aid, and comfort, from Ukraine then you forfeit war at Russia. You are a regime. Forfeit war at Russia. Retrieve all United States aid, and comfort, from Ukraine. If you are not a regime then publicly declare free for all in both law and also order. If you do not publicly declare free for all in both law, and also order, then expect commensurate justice application within the United States. Rebellion.
I may even rebel against United States regime. United States time slip years off committments. Government employees see masses using wrong dates, and government employees cooperate the wrong date. In time slips, jailed, imprisoned, and probationed endure extra punishment and correction. Punished and corrected are not brought back to court for resentencing nor time served reassement. Release jailed, imprisoned, and probationed at America. I am on probation. Respect me. In time slips, millions dollars disappear out of bank deposits and charity donations. United States enforces equality laws requiring private commercial, and industry, to ensure rights for all people, but United States requires state legislatures allow abortions on babies in womb. Terrors, tragedies, and failures entail United States is regime or else United States lacks credibility in justice. United States is a regime, and United States lacks just war at Russia.
If you continue assuming United States is not a regime then United States must publicly declare both law, and also order, impossible in our too chaotic world. If both law, and also order, are impossible in our too chaotic world then justice requires strength. Russia is obviously, logically, absolved in exclusive question to Eastern Ukraine for joining Russian Federation.

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That is actually a reasonable stance, it has nothing to do with supporting putin.

Because they are traitors.

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The word you are reaching for is plutocracy.

user we've had 80 years of peace in Europe before Russia screwed it all up. Fuck them.
Fuck them hard.

The Soviet Union was never Communist. Stalin's first act was to appoint an OLIGARCHY of industrial CEO's and military leaders, none of which represented the working class.

Russia is no different today than it was then. In fact, Putin himself has said there is no such thing as ex-KGB.