The circumcision went well guys

music to celebrate?

Attached: 26b.png (720x644, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Tim Heidecker - I Am a Cuck

Why the FUCK would you willingly get circumcised

OP is a jew

Nothing wrong with that you could always buy fleshlight

Should we already give you music about how you regret doing this?

Could someone please explain to me why circumcision is considered a bad thing?

Its unnecessary = dumb

congratulations on your birth


>could someone please explain to me why genital mutilation is considered a bad thing
Gee I dunno

the dick looks much better, is tastier, fresher and all together finer than an uncircumcised mess

I bet you werent there to decide muzzie

op is troll but imagine being so cucked by society that you think that its normal to cut the skin off your penis.


so the reason why american parents circumcise their sons is because they want their dicks to look better?
cosmetic surgery at birth, what kind of dystopian nightmare is even the US?
oy vey

oh shit im sorry

there's nothing wrong with cosmetic surgery

but there is definitely something wrong with involuntary cosmetic surgery at birth

hell yeah let's bring back eugenics too

Attached: jaw-bone-shavings-world-of-buzz.jpg (800x420, 30K)

I got circumcised too due to phimosis. Feels great man, honestly. It helps with hygiene, makes you last longer during sex, I don't regret it one bit.