Trannies are mentally ill and have very high suicide rates...

Trannies are mentally ill and have very high suicide rates. What we need to do is create an image explaining - in clearly understood scientific terms - why they are mentally ill and why they will never truly be their desired gender.We need to make this image as brutal and hurtful as possible and we need to make sure that it encourages trannies to commit suicide. Then we need to spread this image to as many trannies as possible in the hopes that many of them will take the advice and hero.

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high suicide rate among trans people is largely due to their inability to be allowed to transition. Suicide rate among transitioned trans people is low.

actually laughed out loud

O user.
You're in for a rude awakening once elon destroys your echochambrr

hillary clinton.

update your references. holy fuck.

"lord elon please save us"

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just help them suicide
they're already hooked on the psyop that turned them transfaggots
trust me they're relatively easier to manipulate than other groups

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you've been manipulated 10x the average person

Uh oh..chudbros.. I thought they aren't supposed to pass..
But they're so beautiful. Why do I have a boner? Maybe, we should just stfu and let people be themselves.

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dumping some ugly trans who passed away
the negative energy and entities will help drag more to death

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Trans is beautiful

Fr. I encourage people to kill themselves themselves because I am a morally just and caring person who believes in mental health

too soon

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I wish I could fuck her :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

>What we need to do
That's cute that you think you are apart of any type of society or community.

Take your meds.

finding pictures of ugly people isn't an argument
i can find equally repulsing images of no chin havers like yourself

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no where near passing

is speedrunning death good for (You)?

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i thought chris farley was dead

Seethe, chud.

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Beaners are from Mexico. AOC is a neorican.

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is not having mirrors or taking pictures of yourself good for you?

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mald harder

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Isn't that Maddy Cawthorn?
Such a dream-boat!

Is not using pictures of yourself good for you?

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I don't think AOC is a beaner. She's a saltwater nigger

The fuck is a saltwater Nigger?

You have a boner because you are gay

too soon

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chud is stumbling over his own words after talking to a woman over the internet

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A Cuban

poor troon

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Men have penises women have vaginas

Holy retarded subhuman /pol/cels, Batman!

This nigger is MAD!

Malfunctioning Sergeibot detected.

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Yeah, there are pictures of pretty trannies. Plenty of porn too. Because sometimes men like to get freaky. There is beastiality too, you know.

With hours of makeup, hairwork and above all carefully posed to hide their manish traits a few trannies can pass as female. Cant do that in real life though. In real life, trannies look like fucking monsters and they know it.

Let people be themselves? Sure! But the problem with trannies is that they are constantly recruiting to the lifestyle in the guise of "support". In their autism they even try to get kids to "come out" as trans. And why not? They were told by their peers that being trans is a good thing. A necessary thing even. A prerequisite of happiness!

We need to be honest with them. Being trans means you're never going to be anything. No longer a man, never a woman. Never respected, never loved. No real friends. No real worth. Never happy.
Always with the Damocles sword of suicide hanging above your head, waiting for that moment of weakness.
Its the endstate of a terrible mental illness. Sad, ugly and twisted. A horrible fate to wish upon a child.

"You will never be a woman" isnt cruel. Its the truth. That first twinge of desire to crossdress is the same as seeing that first spot of malignant melanoma. It needs to be removed, QUICKLY! Not nurtured.
Trannies need to seek help - not validation.

Do you know what SRY and FOXL2 are? if you don't, you can see your simpleton ass out of the conversation.


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Funny. It's actually Trumpanzee /pol/cel shitbags like you who need professional help for your obsession and irrational anger.

these aren't even trans people at this point these are just people with down syndrome and makeup

Probably one of your faggot ass made up pronouns

Guess again you retarded faggot.

> I am obsessed. I haven’t decided when I’m gonna come out but I think I’m gonna come out pretty soon in the meantime I’m going to push my insecurities upon everybody else especially transgenders warning: everyone is a tranny except me everyone mommy Trannies everywhere mommy mommy where’s the pills mommy where is the pills I need to come out mommy come on let me come out mommy

Kill all trannies

Holy shit! Get a load of THIS retard!!

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>In their autism they even try to get kids to "come out" as trans. And why not? They were told by their peers that being trans is a good thing. A necessary thing even. A prerequisite of happiness!
propaganda hit you like a truck

nobody is hearing you sobbing or crying
is be an abomination good for you?

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lmao dont pretend to believe in or understand science now, faggot. its not christianity, you cant just pretend to believe it when it suits your argument. you wouldnt know "clearly understood scientific terms" if it took a buzzsaw to your balls you flaming faggot.

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And yet all you'll ever have the balls to do is sit in your mommy's basement eating tendies and cry about trannies.



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>is be an abomination good for you?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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this is psuedo schizo posting at this point LMFAO

I can hear you venting
is the accelerated heartbeats good for you?

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Its true tho.

Explain the extreme suicide rate of transgender youth, please. And then explain why you would wish that on a child.

At least I still have my balls you faggot

And with that, we've officially hit peak /pol/cel autism.


What time are Princess Diana, Michael Jackson and JFK due back to anoint Trump as the supreme commander of America again?

If I pay a group of scientists enough money I can make psudo science fact just like the trannies

is samefagging good for you?

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English is your....what? fourth language? Fifth?
Fuck off and die, Ivan.

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Why does every thread turn into being about Trannies when butthurt faggots like you lose

I think you're talking to the wrong person. I'm making fun of these sub human freaks

stay in school and don't do drugs, kid.

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I didn't lose anything. Go cry in a corner because you'll never be able to change your gender.

lolololololololol lmao oh no no no no no no rofl

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the high suicide rate is due to trans children's INABILITY TO TRANSITION. Gender dysmorphia ruins their mental and being unable to do anything about it brings them to suicide.

what about all the straight cis people that commit suicide? id say there are a lot more of those than trannies. does that make straight cis people mentally ill? yes it does.

You rightshits sure think about rape a lot

Ouch. That hurt.

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