Incel / dating thread

Incel / dating thread.

I've been trying dating apps for several months now. Been lifting for a while before that. Not a bad looking guy. Hired a professional photographer and bought clothes and all that. Rated 7 or 8 out of 10 on Photofeeler. Been on a small handful of dates with mostly very fat women.

A little while ago, I match with a girl, we message a bit, and she invites me over to her dorm room to Netflix and chill. I go over, we make out, and I finger her. She calls me daddy. Never done anything like that before. It's kinda fun, but rather gross. But she's really quite fat and unattractive, and she smells bad, so I just can't muster up the will to actually stick it in.

Am I technically volcel now?

I keep thinking about going back and actually fucking her, but idk if I would actually enjoy it, or if I would just end up hating myself.

I know plenty of guys have it way worse than I do, and I don't mean to brag or anything, but it still is pretty messed up that even an okay looking guy like me has to settle for absolute bottom of the barrel, literal 1/10.

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I don't recommend you to go and fck her, if you don't even like her smell it would surely traumatize you for the rest of your life.
Keep searching, gaining experience, and one day you'll fck a nice girl... or just try to get a decent whore to practice.

Oldfag here, divorce raped, child taken from me despite being a successful, well-educated man.

FORGET love. It died with the iPhone 3GS. She doesn't love you, it's just your turn.

Work on yourself. When you want to fuck, take some time off, and go to a place where prostitution is legal or widely available and tolerated (Nevada, Tijuana, pretty much all of Asia and most third-world countries).

Do your research before you go, have a great time, never not wear a condom, and DO NOT fall for the girl(s).

No such thing as a nice girl unless you're still in high school in a deeply religious rural town.

Once fucked a fat bitch who's house was so filthy I didn't take my boots off the whole time
Don't do the internet son

More common than not these days. Mattress on the floor, bars on the windows, neglected cat litter box in the bathroom.

Mcdonald's bags far as the eye can see used ear buds in the hundreds in the bathroom sink
3 year old daughter running around naked and dirty
Absolute shit show

And where are those nice 8/10's? Rarely seen and well taken care of by a harem of 50yo sugar daddies. Even the 6/10's have dozens of chads on speed dial. It's gotten to the point where it's just not worth it. Better to focus on your business, make that cash, and rent them for a bit.

Happily engaged to another man. We’re gay as fuck, have a house together. He’s a paramedic and respiratory therapist and I’m a pharmacist. We go to church every Sunday. After we get married, we want to adopt and raise kids together. If you fags hate women so much, just get yourself a man.

Pic unrelated.

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Your gold start won't help if your partner decides they want out with the house, the kids, and the fortune, they'll know to just label you as abusive (you only have to *tell* the sheriff the partner makes you *feel* unsafe and falsely accuse them of being a raging alcoholic) and before you know it your'e living with roommates again.

I haven't completely lost hope. I did get a date with an attractive girl once. And I can still lift more, get better clothes, and get better photos.

Hope is not a strategy. This is war, soldier.

>lift more, get better clothes, and get better photos

You are looking in the wrong places. Women feel attraction from connection. This is why affairs happen at work, get a man and a woman in the same place and eventually a bond can form and lead to a sexual connection. Go take a fucking pottery class at the community College. Go interact with people at the bar, just as friends. Eventually the women you see will want to talk to you more, if you are interesting enough, only then will they start to feel attracted specifically to you.

He’s six foot two and over 250lb and has burn scars on his face from when he was a firefighter. I’m five inches shorter and under half his weight. I think I’m fine as far as being cheated on and being accused of being abusive goes.
And here’s the best part user: he’s a man, not a woman. The shit you’re talking about is things only people with crazy female syndrome do.

Replied before reading the second sentence. Dude, yes you can and absolutely should lift more and get more and more fit. But don't forget to focus on your money-making skills, those are even more important. Go into business for yourself if at all possible, otherwise try to find a trade (most degrees aren't worth their cost.). Or do both. But focus on your money and yourself, NOT fucking clothes or photos. Once you have a decent body AND WAY MORE IMPORTANT a FAT ASS bank account, guess what? Suddenly you'll find yourself BEING APPROACHED. First by ugly married women, but the point is that women are a PRODUCT of a BLUE CHIP LIFESTYLE. Success produces women.

Get off the dating apps & go outside. That simple. The majority on there are only there for the validation of having 100s of guys chase them. That's all.

You know how many fucking losers out there have relationships but we don't?

Of course it's good to improve in life in general, but getting better photos is probably the highest return investment you can make for dating apps, just in terms of improvement per amount of time, effort, and money.

Well, being in a relationship is by definition being a loser. Why the fuck would you want to put up with being monogamous? What's in it for YOU?

Have any of you ever stopped to consider that your personalities might be the biggest things holding you back?

An entire lifetime of companionship and love.

>voluntarily go on date with fat bitches
>voluntarily go make out with fat and ugly bitches
>"why do I have to settle for absolute bottom of the barrel?"
you know you can just, not do that right?

Holding me back from what? I don't date. I rent.

Well that explains a lot.

You sound like a massive faggot. Reddit spacing confirms that.

HAHAHA yea sorry bud those died with the iPhone 3GS. Used to be that you could meet a girl from a small town who had no easy way to talk to other guys...those days don't exist and women value attention more than we value sex.

Another glaring example of the self being the problem and not others.

Poor jaded faggot, it's your fault you chose poorly. Don't drag the rest of us down with your pathetic ass.

user, this image is laughable.
even in the roman era they knew that 'Mater semper certa est'
the mother is certain, the father not as much.
you're an idiot.
you want some pussy, spend a year ordering smaller portions and working out
be hungry sometimes
even if you're pug ugly, if you put on some muscle and don't get mad at every little thing, you'll find some woman that will latch onto your dick
stop being retarded, please
make yourself wantable rather than crying about people not wanting garbage

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Get off the internet and casual dating. If you aren't a 95th percentile dude, you are going to have a bad time with casual sex. But here's the thing: these 95th percentile guys aren't going to actually date the 5-8s they bring home from the bar. If you are a normal looking guy and take care of yourself you can totally find decent looking girls to date, just probably not on fucking tinder.

Negative she was a 2/3 at best almost got her pregnant

Yeah never mind me, I'm only a dude who has been sexually active since 1984 and had literally hundreds of female and male and trans partners, had children, did the family thing, work for a world-class university, and am just trying to help my fellow man, but, hey, go right ahead and keep taking that copium.

If I complained about being an incel, you would say "Just lower your standards, bro!"

guys that bang often also tend to lack the hangups virgins bring to bear.
they'll fuck a 3/10 every day for a week and find a 5-6/10 on the weekend
they aren't out for a trophy, they're out to split legs.
figure out what you want from life and make a plan to achieve it.
stop working from dumbass memes virgins make online

Doesn't keep you from being a self centered fuck head and a degenerate.

>hundreds of partners
>all of which failed
>uses words like copium
And you keep giving us more examples

smelly pug ugly fatties that pine over people that actually take care of themselves need to either up their quality of life or look for other bottom feeders. it's not bad advice.

You're absolutely right, I did choose wrong. I wanted a child and decided to marry the first 9/10 single mom I'd ever dated, who also talked me into my first elite swinger party where I had sex with four 9/10's within two hours. So, yea, I made the mistake of playing Captain Save a Hoe, and paid dearly for it, but that was kind of the fucking point.

I'm not fat, and I already lift, lol. Like I said, I'm not bad looking. I don't know where you get this idea that dating is easy for guys. It's not.

LARP harder.

Cool story, is it what you tell yourself to feel better about your sad little life?

Yeah but not everyone is gay though, I don't want a man for practical reasons, but simply because I am not gay. Unfortunately I like women so I unfortuantely have to put up with their bullshit.

>I don't know where you get this idea that dating is easy for guys. It's not.
The last time I bothered, I just started whispering dirty shit to a girl I knew. Called her up and talked dirty for a couple weeks. Met up and dumped buckets in her.
It was surprisingly simple, and I'm a pinch-faced computer nerd with no real muscle to speak of.

Yup that's a LARP.

Please stop labeling me, it hurts my precious feels.

A girl you knew? Not the same. Also, reads like pretty pathetic larp.

Love youself bro, dont put your dick inside a fat and ugly gobbling

>ITT storkfag claims all stories of sexual congress are LARPs since the existence of sex is illogical in the face of stork delivery mechanisms

Big reason I rarely date, I'm in the top 20% income and looks wise.

I encounter that kind of no effort shit from woman also.

You're missing the point. I've got a constant source of trauma as a father who misses his kid. Trying to prevent you fucks from making the same stupid mistakes.

It's pretty much how it went down.
Fair enough on it not being the same.
I'm one of those fags that doesn't want to bone someone if I don't have some strings attached, so random holes don't do it for me.

I have no idea what the fuck a stork fag is.
I've been married for over 10 years happily. Too fucking bad you picked a crazy bitch, that's on you.

You didn’t say the first thing women actully care about.
What is your job?
>your greentxt
Yeah, that’s how it is, it takes like 1000s of swipes to get 5 dates and only 50 out of 5 dates will be
Also don’t get weird about the daddy thing, in the current sexual meta it’s just a less cringey way to say “master”.

Bro you’ll find someone attractive, I’m a solid 5.5 to 6 and I’m with an 8.5 for 6 months now. Don’t rush it. Work on improving yourself and the women will see and follow.

White people are so miserable lmao

>in the face of stork delivery mechanisms
it is a level of knowledge beyond your capacity, plebe

cool. a race baiter.

Was married for 13 when wife decided to become a cumdumpster for an afternoon. At least she was honest about it after it happened. 10 years in, guessing you're getting it once a month at best? Kids getting in the way? Who's getting it on the side already?

What race are you?

LMAO the term is wypipo

We do it 4-5 times a week. We both work from home. Keep seething and projecting, it's funny.

I'm a NASCAR. Go eat shit you F1 wannabe

>single mother
Its all on you bro, the red flags were flying but you ignored them

you do it 4-5 times. she gets twice that.

Cool bro, sounds like a good thing you got there. Wish you all the best. Does it make you angry that I'm not hiding fabricating anything? Are you jelly or something? Well don't be.

Lol, when? She doesn't drive, we both work at home and spend all of our time together. You just can't imagine a good relationship because you married a dumb cunt. Deal with it user.

That's. The. Point. I've made several "Cap'n save a hoe" posts.

Why would I be angry about your failed marriage? Damn dude you sound like a solipsist.

Lucky man. You are the one married 13 years? I know it exisits, it’s just rare.

Cry harder you white piece of bread

>She doesn't drive
are you a saudi or did you marry a girl with downs? or both. I know its hard to tell under the sheets.

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Like it or not, online dating is increasingly how couples meet nowadays.

says the guy that won't admit what race they are.

mmm. bait me daddy

She has a license, she doesn't like to drive. You need help user.