So, I've known about Daisy's Destruction for a while. Its an extreme hurtcore video of a child being raped...

So, I've known about Daisy's Destruction for a while. Its an extreme hurtcore video of a child being raped. When I first heard of it, I pushed it to the back of my mind-thinking that it must have happened 20-30 years ago. Filmed on a heavy camcorder, with the VHS tapes smuggled underneath counters at dockside bars. I learned today that it was recorded in 2011, and that she, "Daisy", is alive.

I learned she wasn't a child, but 18 months old. Tied up by her feet and hung upside down, whipped and beaten by a woman wearing a cat mask and raped by several men. Along side her was a 4 year old boy and an 8 year old girl. the 8 year old was shot in the head afterwards, the 4 year old died shortly after filming due to ruptured organs.

Josh Duggar had it on his computer, republican staffer Ruben Verastigui was searching for it on the deep web it's THAT awful, that sinister.

She is 13 now, and alive. She had to have extensive surgery and a full hysterectomy

I just needed to get this off me, I can't tell my boyfriend about it because I dont want to burden him with awful knowledge. And I can't just dump this on my here you go. I already feel lighter...but I also hate myself for spending this evil unto you

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Other urls found in this thread: Gerard Scully (born 13,sexual assault of underage girls.


Must've been a hard book to watch

tits or gtfo

I hope she can live an at least semi normal life...

Did the sentient shit that made this film ever get arrested?

Where did you find it?

ITT: The Newest of the New.

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I hope whatever she experienced happens to you. I sincerely, genuinely, utterly hope you fucking get raped to death in the most gruesome, painful way possible. Pussy cunt, you haven't even watched the video and you are already pussying out lmao get fucking raped to death nigger kike chink bitch.

Who hurt you weirdo

I don’t understand the point of posting this. Were you involved or something?

Bitch ive been here since before you were born. Thats not much to brag about though...

Peter Scully was the mastermind, and has been sentenced to life with 75 charges in the Philippines.

She went through all that and the video will be forgotten? What a waste! I think I speak for all of us, link, please?

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Thanks for the unnecessary exposition and researched aftermath.

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Its on the dark web retard do I need to hold your hand while you download tor?

Yes pls no one has ever held my hand c:

fake and gay

You literally sent me back in time

Video unavailable:c

I def wanted to not sleep tonight! Thanks dipshit

>tonight on

OP just wants to chat about CP


This is. A.larp and not real nope nope nope

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Dude, I get it. Sometimes you just need to dig into this shit. It’s nice to have a friend to share those types of things with and know you won’t get judged.
I’m glad you feel better.


I’m a wahmen. :3

Thank you friend, here is a pic of my cat in appreciation.

Her name is Spot and she's an idiot

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Good to know that she is alive. But how did you know about her surgery?

Some people like the responsible of the video deserve death. I used to be against death penalty but in some cases, people just need to be killed for the sake of justice. Rare cases like this.

You didn't spread evil with us, because you only talked about the truth, so we can know about it and never let it happen again.

Why did you look this up in the first place? Deep down you know it's the same reason you want to talk about it more with like minded people. Admit it.

This thread is a conversation at a table in a high school cafeteria.

is this your way of asking if there's a part 2? She's still young enough.


Reddit, I saw it in a reddit thread.

I googled it and saw the Duggar man had it, and the trump bro was seeking it. There you go. Boom goes the dynamite



You must have an awfully taboo sexuality that you're keeping from your boyfriend. And the poor cuck is missing out.

So it’s ok for you to watch but not others? Link you attention whore

The pedos ever find ways to promote.
Die slow screaming deaths
Each and every one of you

OP probably went back to playing League of Legends...

>.t Daisy

Tits or gtfo

G____E____T I____N H___E___R___E
(I need that shit right now, fuck the FBI btw, they can't do shit in Europe).

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in confused as to what you think learned means?

>fuck the FBI btw, they can't do shit in Europe
wow you are stupid Interpol trades information across all western nations

> so you think that Europol will go after you for viewing hurtcore on the web
what a retard you must be

oh you poor sweet summer child. some day you will wake up stone cold sober and want to feel like a real decent specimen of humanity, but when you look in the mirror, when you weigh the good and the bad and the edgy and the sad and pathetic, you will remember what a godawful fucking adorable tryhard goober you are and it will stick to you like a prison face tattoo. you will imagine you can slide through society like the protagonist of American psycho and nobody will hold you accountable, but in reality, every employer, every neighbor, every random human will see right through to your wretched tryhard existence to see the vicious pitiful little bitch that you are in this moment.

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>I learned she wasn't a child, but 18 months old.

What the fuck do you think a child is, you fucking troglodyte?

no i think Europol will go after you for viewing cp you dumbass

ask your doctor if hormone therapy is right for you- maybe you will never be a lot of people's concept of a woman, but you might find some peace embracing the sad little bitch inside of you that is so obviously coming out

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Not a real thing. There was an Aussie that went to Thailand or the Philippines that got in trouble for filming hurtcore a while back. Those pics ended up on Yea Forums every once in a while. The guy had 2 girls helping him and sold each tape for thousands of dollars a piece. Gerard Scully (born 13,sexual assault of underage girls.

I hate co and every edgelord who watches it. what a whiny little bitch you are to think that everybody around you wants to see cp... leaving it with one guy who thinks it's probably normal to do so: (You)

co = cp

being an angry retard isn't more 'real' a life than being a decent human being.
you just end up forced to be an angry retard since the normal decent human beings will shun you, and the angry retards will eat you alive if they sense you being anything but.
you've made your angry retard bed, and now you're claiming nice beds don't exist because you're butthurt you have to sleep in it
I'd heard of this via Yea Forums allusions, but didn't need those details.
hope they killed the folks that did that shit

its what the thread is about dumbfuck

how can you've heard of it without knowing that the Peter guy still lives. retard

People name drop it to be edgy when posting.
I don't go looking up info about cp.

this user knows

there are 909542 documentaries on YouTube retard

I remember it being hyped but it was actually pretty boring.