God-tier metal album LA metal edition

God-tier metal album LA metal edition

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happy 15th birthday faggot.

>God tier
>post a trash meme band
YWNBAW faggot.

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what a surprise, the tranny obsessed neckbeards are slayer fans. i never would have guessed that!

This is like the most hardcore brutal death slam metal out there dude, so hardcore.

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go listen weebshit twink

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better than some fags from the 80s doing cringy screams over the same riff for 12 albums straight

>called Slayer trasher
>also called (You) a tranny
>HuRr DuRr ThE tRaNnY oBsEsSeD nEcKbEaRdS aRe sLaYeR fAnS
Reading comprehension you fucking retard.

Then get out immediately you faggot.

try and keep up kid. first days here can be hard.

Very nice.

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Says the retard who can’t read properly.
Just stop posting and lurk moar, faggot.

>listens to japfag moans
kys faggot

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Any slam fans here?

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chin chang nii ching chong chonoing ohhhhhhh akirawasatabi

>delusional rambling

hey let me predict the next slayer song... how about 180 bpm hardcore punk beat and the lyrics go "jesus is a fag... burn the priest, and the cross! aaaaaahhhhhhh!!"

kys retard

its ok pal, youll get it eventually

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more like happy 61st birthday, faggot

Ever think to yourself: "man I wish there was such a thing as a cappella metal"?

Well now you have.
You're welcome.

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I just love slam.

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its ok

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Archspire is fucking great. Just saw them in Seattle at el corazon

Any meshuggah fans here?

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Meshuggah is the greatest metal band

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The first one is way better.

That fucking Metallica cover...

Ringdidalinglinglingling BATARI BATARI

Any black metal fans here? Dark throne, mayhem, etc


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Slayer will always be my favorite band.

Yea. I was 15 too once upon a time.

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What metal is more adult than black metal?

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Nu metal

Fuck man I dunno. Let’s be honest. All metal is sort of immature.

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I don't believe that fantasy is inherently immature.

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For someone who's not familiar with Meshuhhah, which album would you say is the best to start off listening to?

Destroy Erase Improve if you wanna go way back. Nothing and The Violent Sleep of Reason are contenders.

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Appreciate it user

I agree with that, Satan. I’m just saying that the exaggerated pageantry gets harder to appreciate as I grow older. I guess that’s a “me” problem though.

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LA = Louisianna

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Swamp metal

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I love exaggeration and pageantry. Fuck growing boring as you age.

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I do too. To a degree. Smoke some dope and listen to pic related. I think it’s the gore and stuff that I’m not so fond of anymore. I am definitely getting boring and soft as I age.

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This is pretty trippy and hypnotic but actually has an edge to it. I love gore and torture thematically. Suffering is so cool.

Yea. That’s definitely metal. But violence that is satirical in nature is easier for me to swallow now.

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Just gonna drop some bands that I love that I rarely or never see get mentioned.

Hypocrisy - death metal
Zeal & Ardor - fuck knows what you'd call these guys but I love it
Be'lakor - melodeath
Licho - experimental with black metal
Turmion Katilot - industrial
Tribulation - heavy metal/black metal-mix
Cvlt Ov the Svn - Rock/Post-black
Harakiri for the Sky - post-black metal (the vocals you'll definitely either love or hate)