Inspired artist/crafter

Inspired artist/crafter.
I've decided on making some replica dolls of really attractive cosplayers I fap to a lot.
I want to make them out of silicone and this will be my first attempt at making human-like sex toys.
Any thoughts of legal ramifications if they get wind of my ambitions? Think I'll be sued for their likeness?
It probably won't look 100% like them, more like wax museum mannequins. And even those use exact molds of the actors and celebs directly, and those still look uncanny.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Just think, you can own your own purr blind, shirogane, or Jessica nitrile. To abuse or to love, the possibilities limited to your imagination.

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>*Jessica Nigri

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If you don't sell it, and don't try to present it as if it is them directly or as if they approve of it, there's extremely little they could ever do about it.

If you don't mention names at all, and just make a doll that happens to look like them, then that 'extremely little' shrinks to actually nothing.

I'm afraid to end up being sued. But if I can fly under the radar without someone pointing it out to them, then we all can profit from this.

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Hell, I might even make ones that look like youtubers. Just for the memes.

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I mean, just don't be an idiot and directly attach their name, person, or image to your doll. As long as there's plausible deniability you're untouchable.

One of the other models I want to make.

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>my doll's shipping got delayed
Sad times. But, to be fair, expected. Two-day shipping out of china is fairytale shit.

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?Are you going to dress her up in costumes?

Cosplay probably not, but dressup and photography for sure.

Doll threads have really motivated and inspired me to create my own doll line here in America. I just need enough money to get all the materials together.
Just the beauty alone of carefully posed dolls and cosplayers makes me enjoy the aesthetics.

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I'm getting so motivated right now. I want to make the skeleton be able to pose in all sorts of ways and have facial expressions. So I'll make it like how they do it in movies where you can open the mouth, blink, and smile. Although not like a robot, since I can't make animatronics. I'll just stick to moving plastic "muscle" around.

good luck. we really need more doll makers in the US

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Just make sure to have the cheekbones not be attached so they move separately and every time her face brushes against the bed from one side only that side moves directly into a stroke-having facial expression

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Thanks, competition is almost nil in this niche market. Once I'm done, I won't be advertising or marketing my dolls, only work on word of mouth to keep from getting sued.

The idea I have for the cheeks is limited motion in fitted slots with specific movements. The cheeks will only move upward by half an inch, can only move back torwards the ears to make the smile gesture and frowny face. Might just make it move in a small circle for better range. I don't want it to move so far back that it can make a horror smile.
Again, no robotics.

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From gathering information, I notice that current robotic facial design doesn't move the cheeks at all. It focuses on lips movement and eyebrows. So I might go that route to keep things simple. Have my internal silicone attach itself to stiff material that can hold it in place, but move back to its original position over time. I wish there were other designers that would elaborate how they made their designs rather than keep it tight lipped and secretive.

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what doll is this?

woman in picrel wishes she thought of it first.

It's a sinodoll 155cm if I remembered correctly.

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Any improvements I should consider as I'm designing my doll?

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What exactly are you trying to go for? A saleable product? Something for personal use? Something in between?

This is stupid, you either are new to doll threads or you are just posting.
People cosplay their dolls all the time, you don't need to specifically create a doll to look like a specific person.
As long as you're not selling them for profit and spreading them around, you're fine.

Nothing but luck to you.
Making your own doll is insanely difficult to do and most fail in their projects, but I hope you are able to achieve your goals. More power to you for pushing through man.

first show you can do the basics. it's not easy to make a doll. the biggest problem with dolls right now are the fragile fingers.

i would suggest you start with making a small doll first, like barbie small so you can get some experience with making molds while keeping the material costs to a minimum

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There are a lot of dolls out there that I don't find attractive at all. There are also dolls that I do like but their bodies have flaws I don't like. Finger pokes, odd proportions, the list are many. I got a fascination on making my own doll out of inspiration from lurking doll threads. I'm a fan of beauty, but my own personal reasons are pretty cliche. I like pretty things, I have social ineptitude and anxiety that keeps me from making meaningful relationships with others, ect. I could go on and on, but instead of having someone break down every sentence with a psychological review, lets just say, its a artistic hobby. Purely for art reasons to preserve beauty in a different medium other than photos or a 3D model.
I aim to make my own personal art and sell it to those that like my artwork in this medium.
If I make a profit out of my art, that's a plus and incentive to make more.

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Follow ya dreams P

Actual business pitch -- invest in a large, extremely high quality 3d printer, and 3d print custom head molds. They'd be one use only, most likely (unless you could find some black hoodoo material to print with), but offer a "you provide the 3d model and we'll make your doll with it!" sales pitch. Customer does the modeling (or, more likely, lifts it wholesale from a game or whatnot), sends it to you, you do some touchups, print the mold then cast the head. Voila, custom head for not that much effort.

This is a good idea. Thanks for the input. I do need practice first before I use up 100 lbs of clay and a thousand dollars worth of silicone only to fail at it. Very expensive failure.
I do like bjd and saw a Marnie doll that's like 80cm tall. I could start at 2 feet tall and work my way up til I get to full size humans.

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Simply put, likenesses are copyrighted. You can't profit from somebody else's likeness if you haven't made a contract with them and you're paying them.
This is all stupid and the OP is stupid.

I thought this guy stopped his content. This doll looks so good now, fuck.

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

I'm not following the process. Am I 3D printing or am I hiring a 3D printing company?

It might be stupid, but you know what else is stupid? A person wasting $44 billion dollars to buy twitter and plans on going to mars. How dumb does that sound? Pretty dumb to me.
I also find it dumb that someone invented a carriage that doesn't use horses to pull it. What a crazy idea. Horseless carriage, that will never catch on.

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yeah you don't want to start with a costly failure because you might get discouraged and give up. there will inevitably be some failures as you learn how to make them. I would also do a lot of research into how dolls are made

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Is a person's likeness copyrighted?
The short answer is no. Individuals do not have an absolute ownership right in their names or likenesses. But the law does give individuals certain rights of “privacy” and “publicity” which provide limited rights to control how your name, likeness, or other identifying information is used under certain circumstances.

You 3d print a disposable mold from a customer supplied 3d model. Then you pour TPE / silicone into that mold, and pull out a head designed/provided by the customer.

I think I've fucked this girl. Name?

Hey man, If you are building smaller dolls like 1:2 scale or 1:3 scale, i have a 3d print file if you want that will print out a really cute and good looking head. I think it has several versions, you just need to paint/color the printed piece and just screw it onto the doll.

Interested? I'll try to find and link you the file if u want it. I thought about doing the same past year, but now I have bigger things i need to worry about first.

not the same guy, but it is possible to use a big consumer grade 3D printer to print the first part of a doll mold in parts and then sand them and glue them together

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I see. It would be nice to see if chinese manufacturers could do that, but I doubt they would want to do that.
Even though they can make custom faces, not sure if they would make custom heads from a 3D print or file. Who knows, maybe some of them can. Never heard of anyone trying and it would probably cost like $5K.

tenletters on instagram and twitter.

Post a screen shot of the model on here if you got it. No details needed, its all about the shape.

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I can't post screenshots here for reasons I can't explain right now, but I will try to find a link just have to sift thru some files.

That's an interesting idea to try. I can make a small version to see how it would look, then upscale it rather than buying clay and sculpting it. A very messy process.

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He just posts on twitter every now and then it seems.

Depends on who the individual is. Come on, do I have to explain the basics to you? I guess I have to.
Try making something with the image of gerge tekei or William Shatner or Belle Delphine and see how fast you'll get in trouble trying to profit from it.
Sure, Indio guy cosplayed his doll as billie Eilish. But thats allowed cuz he aint profiting from it. But if he tries, Eilish will send 10000 lawyers who will destroy him.
Come on, dont show how stupid you're.

You're really are stupid. You're talking apples and oranges. I'll just sit back and watch you get sued out of existence if you try to sell some cosplaying bitch likeness. And I'll be the first tell tell her, send her copies and everything.
This thread is filled with incredibly stupid people. It's fun how stupid people are.

i personally really like kb and he has never profited off of any of his work, he just shares which is cool of him.

He's also not indian, just so you know. He's a black guy. I hope he makes more content, we really miss him on our discord.

Do you own the copyright to your face?
You have no copyright in your own face. Nor do you own copyright in a photograph of yourself. Such copyright belongs to the photographer, who is the creator of that image.


Can I sell a photo of a celebrity?
You should avoid selling celebrity portraits unless you have permission to do so. In most states, you have a “Right of Publicity” which prohibits anyone from selling or exploiting your name, likeness, or personal features without your consent.

Wait, if you can't profit from images of celebs, what about paparazzi? They take unwanted photos of celebs all the time and sell them to tabloids or get paid by tabloids for the photos. I don't hear them getting sued or getting lawsuits.

He never cosplayed his doll as billy, it just had a pic with a similar wig. You can’t own a hairstyle or color. Many e celebs have had the exact same hair colors.

The dark grey states have the "right to publicity" laws where light grey will not. So if you live in a light grey state, you CAN sell products made in the likeness of others.

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Extreme autism.


What would you even do with it?
Seems like a waste of money.

Practice dentistry, wtf do you think?

Fuck, whore culture got all these girls looking the same now

Sex, what else?

hardcore sex with live ahegao

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this is one weird sex doll man. i pass.

Sounds reasonable, I'll allow it.

This crosses the fucking line. You shoupd be ashamed of yourself.

They actually make sex dolls into dental practice dolls

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