We win

We win.

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Nope, she's tatted so she was thrown out to the monkeys...

rise up my fellow people of color

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We already are hung

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those people of color are already dead nignog

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you win at fucking a pussy lubricated with some rich white guys cum. you go back to your dindu life stealing and shiet right after the white people get off to their sick fantasies.

Don't you have Palestinians to fuck with?

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I mean I don't blame you. White women are light-years ahead in beauty compared to the disgusting sheboons you call women.


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frenchan range banned israel

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It's telling that some of these chicks in IR porn feel they have to fake exaggerated facial expressions and even say things during it that they usually don't say in regular porn. They're either told/paid to do it, which means the director/producer has an agenda beyond simply filming sex scenes, or feel they'll be threatened in some way if they don't seem enthusiastic enough.

Oh... Wow this original Thread again! What would we ever do with out op's reposting the same shit day in, and out.. I guess we'll never Know...

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Is this true?

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Moar like deported

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So original, So funny! what would we ever do without your talented mind op?

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I cannot wait for Elon Musk to buy Yea Forums and ban every nigger lover.


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LOL ya.. like that's gonna happen.. He loose 90% of his web traffic..


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By the end of this year when the deal is finalizing, I guarantee that Trump will be back on Twitter and most conservatives that were banned or shadowbanned will be back to Twitter.

yes the mods are supper based

My question for the mods and Jans is why is this shit even allowed on Yea Forums ? Its obviously belongs on /pool/ so again why ?

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ESL nigger

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and a good possible amount of truth behind that statement as well lol..

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>By the end of this year when the deal is finalizing, I guarantee that Trump will be back on Twitter and most conservatives that were banned or shadowbanned will be back to Twitter.

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You doubt it? Okay, screencap what I said and if I'm right, you have to kill yourself on camera.

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What'd you win aids nigger?

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What the heck is your obsession with this crack whore?

>You doubt it? Okay, screencap what I said and if I'm right, you have to kill yourself on camera.

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It's always amuses me to watch the first couple of racial toll posts.As you know its the same fucking op using 3 or more accounts and when no one else replies back or they start trolling they stop and the thread 404's lol can't weight till tomorrow night when op tries again with this same post

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Keep seething white boy. lmao
Your face, almost as red as your elephant cap.

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Not even the same guy, I know you whiteys have autism and shit but thats really bad u cant see the difference

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and get a job

its over for us white boys

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Nice more