We deserve $15 an hour

We deserve $15 an hour

Attached: 1624586478299.jpg (250x250, 15.71K)

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fucking stupid faggot workers should be unemployed, i hate fast food workers

NOBODY should make less than $15 an hour, period. Every company can raise prices on products, every restaurant can raise prices, every property manager can raise rents, but somehow wages never go up? FUCK THAT BULLSHIT.

>expects high quality food from specialists in their field at Taco Bell
>orders some stupid bullshit so they can take a picture of what they ordered and pretend it was a poverty-wage slave's fault
>unironically believes minimum wage is at all related to what a person deserves for their work instead of representing the cost of living just above poverty level
>cries on the internet about wage slaves instead of growing the fuck up and spending their money somewhere else

You lose this one, OP.

"the amount of effort required to do this job, to the standards presented, demands a $15/hr wage"
"hahah fuck you, here's $7/hr"
"ok, you're gonna get your money's worth outta me"
>conservatard orders taco
>gets $7/hr taco
>heads straight to Yea Forums to bitch about people wanting to get paid more
you're the reason we can't have nice things

Welcome to the beautiful irony of socialism, user. As technologies simplify labor and standards of education are raised the value added to society of low skill work is decreased due to an overabundance of qualified individuals for the position. Learn2code or start bombing schools, because the value of your labor is never coming back unless the capabilities of the mean individual are suppressed.

Why? Why should someone be forced to pay anything to someone who isn't forced to work for them?

Actually adjusting for inflation, they deserve more :^)

If they where unemployed who would make your food

You're describing an irony of capitalism, fren.

You get what you pay for, I guess. Short people on their pay, you shouldn't be surprised if they fuck you over

Some teenager who lives at home with their parents. Adults aren't supposed to make careers out of fast food work

The irony of socialism is that there wouldn't be anywhere for you to work anyway

I understand what you mean it should be for teenagers and not a job for adults

Sexy, flirty robots.

While I understand your intent, pure capitalism has no incentive to educate the masses, and benefits from keeping them retarded. Socialism and capitalism are not mutually exclusive. Most implementations of socialism are capitalist by nature

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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If the masses were retarded then there wouldn't be any innovation. Which would be terrible for capitalism

Because that's how employment works. Read a book.

$16.04 adjusted for inflation

The lack of innovation means less competition from the established capitalist class. In other words, it's good for capitalism.

That's management bruh. The sagecucks you're mad at probably got yelled at for putting TOO much shit in the tacos so management reeled them in.

I make 100 an hour and think everyone should get 20 an hour. Its not my money and people need to live. You have retards at every level of pay.

Y'all hollering about a living wage from fast food or other unskilled labor is total bullshit.

If you're working in fast food in anything less than management as an adult, that means you must not have any marketable skills. Get a fucking skill and gtfo of fast food.

Fast food is an entry level job. Entry level jobs deserve entry level wages. It should make you uncomfortable. It should make you want more. So you'll move out or up.

No reasonable, functional person should want to make an entry level position a practical job. Unless you're a total fucking loser.

This man gets it
Even in the current implementation, innovations are largely made at the hands of massive institutions with the funding and resources to selectively educate and support promising individuals. Mass education only serves humanitarian good or political indoctrination, and is in no way necessary for innovation.

I think that conservatives fail to understand how much a $15/hr minimum wage would SAVE the country in the long run.

People would be able to afford healthcare. They could afford to invest, to buy fancier products, to get an education, and to pay for their own retirements.

30 years from now, hundreds of thousands of people with no life savings are going to get too old to work. That is the nightmare scenario for a country. Over half of the country is living paycheck to paycheck, and they aren’t just going to quietly die when they can’t work anymore.

Did your book say thats how business works? Because that couldn't be any further from the truth. Business is people agreeing to do business together. If taco bell says theyll pay x and you agree to work for x, thats business. No one was forced to do anything

freemasons rageposting on Yea Forums never gets old. i'm sure you don't tip your server either.

I'm sorry, are you under the impression the ramifications of poverty wages begins and ends with "I want nice things but can't afford them, so I'll 'get skills' so I can make more money to afford nice things"?

Attached: quattro.jpg (258x322, 20.93K)

they probably know you post these gay ass threads on Yea Forums
you're lucky, I don't see any cum or shid in there you fuckin fruit

B-but the rat race is wacist, user. I shouldn't have to work my way up in the world. I should be able to support all of my addictions on minimum wage working 15hrs a week

Im sure we can agree automation is innovation. Automation has been great for capitalists. Imagine if everyone was retarded but the factory owner and his plant was operating as it was 100 years ago with 300 extra workers compared to now.

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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Even better

It all evens out brah. Raise the minimum wage and everything goes up. Minimum wage is minimum wage whatever the rate is. Minimum wage will always mean youll get the minimum of everything

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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Oh look another automated industry pr bot thread.

These are shill threads.

Attached: 1633390988525.png (325x325, 11.88K)

And as you can see, innovation was not essential for those factory owners to amass obscene amounts of wealth for their time.
That aside, we're speaking about two different kinds of innovation. Automation is an innovation that could increase the wealth of the already wealthy. Innovation from an upstart venture could disrupt the wealth of the old guard entirely. Can you guess which one the capitalist class cares more about? Ironically, industry giants spend so much money suppressing innovations that could affect their bottom line, it's a wonder they even bother with R&D to improve themselves.

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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Except it doesn’t even out. Raising the minimum wage doesn’t really raise prices. External factors, such as the housing and gas markets, have a much higher impact than the minimum wage.

This article has a lot of links to economic articles showing that:

Additionally, there has not been a rise in prices at any time in history after a minimum wage increase. I understand the logic that led you there, but it’s an empirically baseless position.

Then why are most millionaires self made?

>Then why are most millionaires self made?

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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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Yes. That's exactly how it works.

The only people comfortable wallowing in shit are lazy pigs, happily munching on the slop that's tossed to them while they wait to be killed.

I worked fast food. It sucked. I got another job. 2 jobs sucked. I saved up money to put myself through school. I got a degree and a marketable trade. I now live in a $400k house in Alaska and will be retiring with a pension in 4 years.

Fuck fast food. I'm glad it sucked. If it had paid more I'd probably be stuck making ends meet just above poverty level in a flyover state. Telling myself iM GEtInG A LIviNg WaGE aFTer aLL while putting on my clown shoes and driving my 92 Geo Metro blasting Skynard all the way to Little Caesars to do my food prep every morning.

Because education and the will to innovate exist in spite of its suppression. That said, something can be innovative without being profitable and vice versa.

Increasing the cost of labor increases prices. Where do you think your extra money is coming from?

And this is still besides the point. The minimum wage doesn't need increasing because no one works minimum wage jobs. Not only that, people with real jobs get raises every year anyway

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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go back

Attached: 1650920215784.jpg (534x323, 19.74K)

>I now live in a $400k house in Alaska and will be retiring with a pension in 4 years.
Holy shit you're retiring with full pension in your 30s? What did you study and what industry are you in?

Thats why capitalist societies always prosper. As long as theres a reward people will work hard to innovate and make things

He studied lies at the university of his asshole.

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
Every other day to bait guaranteed replies?
04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
Every other day to bait guaranteed replies?

He's right, actually. And the answer to that is that in the grand scheme, a million is no longer a lot of money. A million dollars opens a new McDonald's franchise. Actual, gainful, generational wealth is nigh impossible to aquire off innovation alone. If you stand to gain real wealth from innovation, you stand to cause significant market distruption, and existing players will not allow this. You will be bought out or maliciously sued into submission.

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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No, the grand scheme of things is that hard work and innovation lead to success

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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If that was true jeff benzos would be working some office job in jew york rather than being one of the richest people in the world

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
Every other day to bait guaranteed replies?

Jeff Bezos didn't become one of the richest people in the world by his own effort.

He single singlehandly changed the world and caused significant disruption. If what you said was true would have been ran out or suicided before his business even launched

>We deserve $15 an hour

Attached: 1640627744930b4f3f948655eee6a2a5531639285a0d7.jpg (716x808, 91.35K)

This is why we should stop re-classifying "shitter cleaner" to "Janitorial Engineering Service Technician PLUS"

>He single singlehandly changed the world

Attached: 1527054180311.jpg (320x320, 18.01K)

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
Every other day to bait guaranteed replies?

That's where you're wrong. He's just the only one that became a mega billionaire.

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
Every other day to bait guaranteed replies?

Ok then bill gates. Theres tons of examples to prove you wrong

04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
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>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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04/26/22(Tue)14:29:30 No.877008450

So wait whats to stop me from going to cinnabon from the mall right now.
Lick off all the icing and like maul the bun to make it look plausible it was baked in an oblong way, then post the pic of my doctored aftermath with the OP as.
>wE dEsErVe $15 An HoUr
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