Assuming he actually does what he says he’s going to do, what is anyone’s problem with this...

Assuming he actually does what he says he’s going to do, what is anyone’s problem with this? Isn’t the left supposed to believe in and champion free speech? Isn’t this a good thing? Why the meltdown?

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People only fight for free speech when they are the ones being oppressed.
It's human nature.

The left are a bunch of cry baby retards.

Where's the meltdown?

Im not even sure what you ppl call the left anyways. Im a european socialist and the american left seems to consist of libtards that are hypocrites and dumbasses.

I dont go on twitter, I dont care about twitter. I dont put elon musk on a pedestal however because even though he might be cool personally, he's just a capitalist in every other way.
That being said I think Elon will do more for actual free speech on Twitter than its previous owners.

The only leftists to be fucked up by this are fucking morons that pro-worker lefties like this dont give a fucking shit about.
Stop making a fucking fuzz over nothing bro

The left only believes in free speech when it benefits them specifically. When someone says something that hurts thier fee-fees, then it's hate speech. I love living in a country where you can't be arrested or fined for your speech. Sure there are some things that can be improved but an unalienable right like the right to free speech makes it a little better

>Isn’t the left supposed to believe in and champion free speech?

They're called liberals but they're anything but liberal now. That's the problem they have with this freedom thing

> The left only like free speech when it benefits them
Oh please. You keep hearing this bullshit about the left and free speech, but the right absolutely hates it when you dont agree with them either. The hypocrisy is fucking insane.

Historically leftism has never existed In human society without the forced suppression of free thought and speech by leftist governments.
That is a true fact


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> Leftism has never existed
This is because you dont understand what the fuck it is.
I take it that the whole skit on Monty Python and the Holy Grail is entirely lost on you.

Its the concept that the right are on the right side of the king, being the noblemen and businessowners, and the left were everyone else.
Leftism has existed since the start, its just that it was called entirely different. And I kind of agree with the fact that right vs left today is stupid, but oh well.

If you think the serfs from the medieval age never plotted revolutions and uprisings of themselves, youre wrong.

Who is ready to fuck shit up


Who cares what happens with twitter literally who tf even uses it

I think literally nothing will change about Twitter.

he wants to de anonymize the platform


We already have Yea Forums why do we need another?

>Isn’t this a good thing?
Google the word "demagogue".

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i work in Twitter user and theres a lot of propaganda and censorship behind the scenes

we even have ad-hoc departments that have specific individuals protected.

There are state affiliated accounts in twitter that push propaganda

There are a lot of prositution and cp bots and twitter cant seem to solve em

I believe in Elon.

I don't use Twitter so I don't really have a horse in this race but if he does do what he keeps saying he's gonna do then cool ya I am for that. free speech in general is good and as much as I hate trump I don't think it matters that much if he's allowed to post on some overhyped internet forum. but my problem is I don't have a lot of faith in our billionaire overlords and don't believe Musk is gonna do what he says unless it makes him a lot of money in the long run. which it might. so whatever.

When has the right shut down free speech in recent history?

>i work in Twitter
Thank you for your contribution, tovarishch.

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The left are mentally fucking insane. They are against freedom of speech and basically throw temper tantrums when things don't go their way. That's why they've all had a nuclear meltdown over Elon buying Twitter. Seriously.. fuck every last leftist retard. I'm TIRED of them all. They've been shitting all over America ever since that dipshit Biden took over. He's done a terrible fucking job and all the left does is drag everyone down. I for one am thankful to Elon for buying Twitter and bringing freedom of speech back! I wish he'd buy ALL the social media platforms and do the same fucking thing. The world would be better off. Elon is great. He's one of the few people on this planet that actually want to help humanity and what does the left do? They shit all over him. FUCK THE LEFT!!!!!!!!!

Who's having meltdowns? Post your source. And don't post a tweet from some rando retard, they don't represent any majority.

Do you not watch CNN?

Exactly this. Real leftist support free speech, CNN and some Twitter screenshots do not accurately represent the left.

The irony is the Republicans are increasingly the party of liberals, which is just plain confusing for outsiders.

Who specifically is having a nuclear meltdown?

>Who's having meltdowns?
Woke lefties, democrats, and rediitors

he just wanted to drive rogozin mad

>I say it so it's true

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Free speech he says?
If one of the first things he does is tank the kid's account, the one that posts Elon's private airplane locations, you can bet free speech is the last thing he's up to.

I don't give a shit about twitter but good luck anyways


wow, what a meltdown

The only thing the left cares about is being able to abuse children, encourage mentally ill (trans) men to cause grievous bodily harm to themselves, and praising dead junkie niggers. Oh and also getting money from the government for being retarded

Aren't redditors like the biggest musk shills

Your side thinks both JFK's are alive and helping Trump.

we aint talking about the medieval days my nigga

sounds about right. almost kind of makes me want to get twatter now that musk is at the helm, since he pisses off retards

Its as easy as checking out pol, where uttering a word about Marx' book Capital makes them throw you out of a plane.

If you think the right cares about free speech, you've probably been lovebombed by them.
Both extremes have their own tricks, and somehow both extremes tend to regress into the exact same; opression and repression.

Come on rightanon. You keep thinking people like me are so much fucking different from you, when the extremists on both sides do the exact same thing just under different pretenses.
What do you want to bicker with me for? Instead look at shit we could actually agree about. Stop thinking every leftist is either a crazy SJW or a Stalinist and start including the socio-economic leftists would ya.

As a "leftist I guess" my colleagues and I are laughing our asses off at Ol' Musky gettin' so butt-hurt about people being mean to him on the internet that he intends to spend the GDP of most small countries to buy a social media platform.

While we're at it, we're constantly posting about how much of a retard Elon is, how crappy his cars are, how shortsighted lithium batteries are and pointing out his tacit support for third-world child slavery in the mines that produce the raw materials for his stupid, overpiced, shittily built faggot-mobiles.

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The left never cared about free speech at all

I know, but that movie had a scene referencing modernist society. It was the french revolution that created the idea of right and left.
Google has so much stuff to read. I love that youre willing to argue with me but you can teach yourself about most stuff by googling one site and using wikipedia as a second. Multiple sources ya know.

You just seem like a mental handicapped person

Thats not true. Its probably to do with what you see as leftism and what I see as rightism.
Tribal contlict just to divide.
Im oretty sure we can agree with many things, but exactly those that we may hold for granted.

>Isn’t the left supposed to believe in and champion free speech?
Yes, but only if they agree with you. If anyone is offended by your beliefs it's okay to silence you for life.

Most activists are lying cunts and they will say whatever to make you vote for them, until they don't need votes and become the oppressors.

That's how it always has been, humans are pieces of shit and if you combine them into a collective you get a big pile of worthless and smelly turd.

Fuck off leftists, fuck off conservatives, wanna cut your cock go ahead but don't come yelling at me because I don't think you are a woman. And you fucking church count let bitches abort their fucking fetuses all they want, you are not going to take care of kids after they cum out of a twat so why are you whining about them before that?

Fuck everybody
retards these days

Lefties can’t have free speech because it exposes the for the frauds they are and that niggers spics chinks and red necks all hate trannies. Great political hill to die on fucking retards.

"assuming" lol spoken like a true pubsy boi who knows nothing of business and life in general lol

>Some random internet person
Exactly, you have none.

Those people are not the left. The left is completely barred from meaningful media access, just like the right.

DNC vs RNC is just a puppet show. They are both oil and blood worshipers. Neolibs and neocons both work for the same billionaires.

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>user thinks he's a Lit teacher grading essays
You don't get to make rules here, user. The fact that people scoff at your demands doesn't automatically make you right, either.

I am a far leftist and I don't give a fuck about twitter or that little bitch elon buying it
the thing I do give a fuck about is how coddled the wealthy are, he'll probably be able to write off capital losses against his taxes

Your side thinks it's okay for grown men to be in the changing rooms with little girls. I'll take the rights retardation over the left's disgusting debauchery.

listen nigger facebook is over there for your faggotry

I'm not on a side you stupid idiot. Fick Trump fuck biden. Bunch of fuvkin asshole retards

>why the meltdown

because its one guy with billions of dollars and nobody likes that unless theyre one of those people. The way it's always been and always will be. Most of the time, people with any sort of power and/or wealth abuse it... its too tempting. So people will always have an issue, and the more pathetic people with no life just like to have a "team" to root for and humans like change, so this is just a new "team" to bandwagon for. There's always a chance he ends up being "not as bad" as most in his position, which is what society is used to hoping for... someone who is "not as bad as the guy before" rather than someone good. Unless someone lives in squalor, fixes homelessness, gives away all their money and basically refuses to enjoy their life at all people will hate them. And even if someone did that, there'll always be someone who still doesnt like him.